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[9:11pm] Yari: calling this meeting to order at 9:11pm est
[9:01pm] yari: And with that, let's dive in to tonight's meeting I suppose!
[9:11pm] Yari: IDs please
[9:01pm] yari: Calling this meeting to order at 9:01 pm EST
[9:11pm] pmchi: Mitch Davilo, Chicagoland/ILPP, Swarmcare Manager
[9:01pm] yari: IDs please!
[9:11pm] Wodensday: Anthony Jay, IN
[9:01pm] jokeefe: meeting page https://wiki.uspirates.org/w/index.php?title=PNC_08/01/21
[9:11pm] Radiojoe: William Dappen, California
[9:01pm] Wodensday: Anthony Jay, IN
[9:11pm] Yari: Rose Klein, CA, USPP chair
[9:01pm] papegaai`: Title: PNC 08/01/21 - United States Pirate Party (at wiki.uspirates.org)
[9:12pm] jokeefe: James O’Keefe, Secretary, Massachusetts (fallback)
[9:01pm] jokeefe: James O’Keefe, MA, Secretary
[9:12pm] Joe: Joseph Onoroski, Treasurer, Massachusetts
[9:02pm] yari: Rose Klein, CA, USPP chair
[9:12pm] Yari: okay let's start with a quick round of reports.
[9:02pm] Bosun: Joseph Klein, USPP vice chair.
[9:13pm] jokeefe: Page: https://wiki.uspirates.org/w/index.php?title=PNC_07/25/21
[9:02pm] pmchi: Mitchel Davilo, Chicagoland/ILPP, Swarmcare Manager
[9:13pm] papegaai: Title: PNC 07/25/21 - United States Pirate Party (at wiki.uspirates.org)
[9:02pm] jokeefe: Joe will not be able to attend, but I can reach him by txt
[9:13pm] Yari: IT, you have a meeting on thursday. anything else? jokeefe?
[9:02pm] yari: Sounds good, let him know he will be missed
[9:13pm] jokeefe: IT meeting Thursday, 9pm Eastern. IRC seems to be working.
[9:02pm] jokeefe: will do
[9:14pm] Yari: awesome. Outreach - wodensday.
[9:03pm] yari: First off, a rousing round of reports! Let's start with IT, jokeefe!
[9:14pm] Wodensday: Outreach determined last meeting that we will develop a method of both recruiting blog writers and editing the content.
[9:04pm] jokeefe: We had a meeting, but unfortunately I was the only one who attended. Will schedule a new one.
[9:15pm] Yari: cool. keep us posted on progress.
[9:05pm] Bosun: Thursday?
[9:15pm] Yari: and last but not least, platform - I know you've been out for a while - Joe, any updates? future meetings?
[9:05pm] yari: Shoot, I'm sorry to hear that! Perhaps I can set up an automatic ping of the role on discord for an hour or two before any scheduled meeting.
[9:16pm] Joe: I plan to start next week on the platform discussions. Anyone wishing to attend please let me know via Discord.
[9:05pm] jokeefe: One of them. Will send out an email asking if that works.
[9:17pm] Yari: Let's talk to the officers! swarmcare. pmchi - any updates on contacts? future plans?
[9:06pm] jokeefe: I pinged the room before. Will try a wider audience next time.
[9:17pm] Yari: and thanks for the update, Joe! I'll try to be there!
[9:07pm] yari: Sounds good. Thank you. Any updates from you as secretary?
[9:18pm] Joe left the chat room. (Quit: Connection closed)
[9:07pm] jokeefe: Keeping notes.
[9:18pm] Joe joined the chat room.
[9:07pm] yari: Awesome. Next up then, Wodensday, with outreach!
[9:18pm] pmchi: I got permission from the Pirate Party of Argentina to use their pamphlet and make it more US centric. I think it’ll help having something to handout to the interested
[9:07pm] Wodensday: During our last meeting, we explored our options regarding website content. I expect us to have something to report by the end of the next meeting.
[9:18pm] pmchi: Will present once that’s ready, first to Outreach
[9:08pm] yari: Wonderful! Can't wait to hear about it!
[9:19pm] Yari: awesome, sounds good! Excited to see it! We can post to website as well as socials.
[9:08pm] yari: Next up would be Joe, but with platform but he is not present.
[9:19pm] Wodensday: pmchi, if you have any desire to make new material in the same vein, we can talk about that too
[9:09pm] yari: So moving on to officer reports
[9:19pm] Yari: Joe, let's talk treasury - any updates? current status? do we need to file for anything?
[9:09pm] yari: Bosun - anything to report as vice-chair?
[9:20pm] Joe: I have no updates since the only activity has been inkind via Bosun. Our account is still in good standing. We
[9:10pm] Bosun: Not tonight other than ssome minor upgrades on crew performed last week.
[9:21pm] Joe: We have a few ideas for raising funds via a webstore but not sure how to capture information required for reporting.
[9:10pm] Wodensday: (I will have to step out. Good luck everyone! I will be reading the logs.)
[9:21pm] Joe: I need to dive in to the site a bit more before I can be sure.
[9:10pm] yari: Cool! Minor upgrades are progress! Pmchi! - anything to report as swarmcare manager?
[9:21pm] Yari: yes, I have an item of new business about that, if we get to it! cool, glad we're on the same page.
[9:10pm] Wodensday left the chat room. (Quit: Connection closed)
[9:22pm] Yari: jokeefe - secretary! I haven't checked in with your role yet! what updates would you like to give?
[9:10pm] yari: Wodensday - thanks for stopping in!
[9:23pm] jokeefe: I have not updates to give at the moment.
[9:11pm] pmchi: Currently working on a handout pamphlet, English and Spanish versions. Will present to Outreach, then PNC once the English version is finished
[9:23pm] Yari: sounds good, feel free to make an agenda item as always if you do!
[9:12pm] jokeefe: nice!
[9:23pm] Yari: (note to anyone - agenda items can always be suggested to jokeefe or myself, and we can add them!)
[9:12pm] yari: Awesome, excited to see it! Feel free to coordinate with wodensday about that if you need outreach support!
[9:23pm] jokeefe: will do
[9:13pm] yari: Moving on then to old business:
[9:24pm] Yari: Bosun, any updates from the vice-chair?
[9:13pm] yari: First on the docket: Updating the by-laws to implement a term limit system for both the office of the chair as well as the rest of the officers.
[9:24pm] jokeefe: BTW: PPUK is shutting down and it looks like their campaign materials page is gone, but I found an archive at https://web.archive.org/web/20190414155154/https://www.pirateparty.org.uk/campaigns/activists/all-materials if anyone wants to copy their materials
[9:14pm] yari: Bosun, do you have a proposal for the committee ready this week?
[9:24pm] papegaai: Title: Materials | Pirate Party UK (at web.archive.org)
[9:14pm] Bosun: No, not yet.
[9:25pm] Yari: jokeefe that's really good to know, thank you. Glad you found that!
[9:15pm] yari: Would you like any additional help with formulating that proposal? Would it be possible to have that done by next week?
[9:26pm] Yari: hearing no updates, Bosun, I'm going to move on.
[9:16pm] Bosun: Yes yari. How about we talk Monday night?
[9:26pm] Yari: On to old business - last time we discussed creating some sort of term limit system for both the office of the chair as well as the rest of the officers.
[9:18pm] Bosun: Or / and I can pass something around on e-meil.
[9:27pm] Yari: we tabled that discussion, and asked Bosun to create a full proposition
[9:19pm] yariValtean joined the chat room.
[9:29pm] Yari: Bosun has just called me to say that he currently cannot send anything in the chat because of some tech issue
[9:19pm] jokeefe: could post on uspp-sab
[9:29pm] Yari: I do not feel comfortable speaking for him, so I will simply request that we table this discussion and have the full proposal be submitted next week.
[9:19pm] yariValtean: Sorry, internet blip
[9:30pm] jokeefe: 2nd
[9:20pm] yariValtean: For the record, this is the second username of Rose Klein, CA, USPP Chair
[9:30pm] Yari: motion is on the table then, are there any objections to tabling discussion?
[9:20pm] yariValtean: Did I miss anything?
[9:31pm] Yari: hearing none, the discussion is tabled.
[9:21pm] yariValtean: Re: the business at hand, Since the proposal is not yet created, I would ask that a motion be submitted to table this item of business until next week.
[9:32pm] Yari: I have Bosun on the phone right now, which I realize is the opposite of the transparency we wish to achieve.
[9:21pm] jokeefe: no
[9:32pm] Yari: So, let's just delegate some things for next time.
[9:21pm] yari left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[9:32pm] pmchi: You telling us is pretty transparent, to be fair
[9:21pm] yariValtean: Thanks jokeefe
[9:32pm] Joe: 2 minutes over time, motion to extend
[9:21pm] jokeefe: no, you did not miss anything
[9:33pm] Yari: motion on the table, Bosun 2nds
[9:22pm] jokeefe: I am fine with tabling it
[9:33pm] Yari: Any objections to extention?
[9:22pm] yariValtean: Taking that as a motion, Bosun - 2nd?
[9:34pm] Yari: hearing none, I would like to discuss an item of new business which Joe brought up during updates - donations.
[9:22pm] Bosun: Roadrunner/TW is not being kind to you Yari.
[9:34pm] Yari: we do not currently have a method of accepting them on our website.
[9:23pm] Bosun: 2nd
[9:35pm] Yari: Is there a way this could be changed, and what steps would have to be taken?
[9:23pm] yariValtean: Any objections to tabling this item of business?
[9:35pm] Joe: I can reach out to jokeefe to work out a solution though I am wary of making it an automatic process.
[9:23pm] Bosun: none here
[9:36pm] Wodensday: Whatever the back end looks like, we’re all clear that the front end is along the lines of a massive DONATE button, correct?
[9:24pm] yariValtean: Hearing none, we move on to the next item of old business: Implement a system for accepting donations and distributing the donations to further the party's goals.
[9:36pm] Yari: could I ask for clarification on what you mean by 'automatic process'?
[9:25pm] jokeefe: Talked with Joe about it. He would like us to have a plan as to how we will use the money raised before we start raising it.
[9:37pm] Yari: anything besides a person handing you cash involves some automation at this point (to be entirely pedantic)
[9:26pm] Bosun: It would be pretty easy to put up a donate button with a paypal backend.
[9:37pm] Yari: I'm curious which part you're concerned about
[9:27pm] jokeefe: Yes, but that isn’t his concern.
[9:37pm] Yari: wodenday I would hope so!
[9:27pm] yariValtean: Give my thanks to Joe for that entirely salient point.
[9:37pm] Radiojoe: to wodensday- that is probably the best method, I see no issue with that
[9:28pm] pmchi: ie a plan for what the purpose of what said raised money will be spent on
[9:38pm] Joe: A click and submit process usually has fees where as checks and cash do not. It would be better to donate to the individual states and have the states donate to the national party.
[9:29pm] jokeefe: will do yariValtean:
[9:38pm] Joe: Ie. Through yearly dues.
[9:29pm] yariValtean: Last week there was some discussion of creating the donate button presently, and then forming a finance committee to discuss matters of where money should go.
[9:39pm] Yari: Joe while I agree that such a method is the ideal, we have to recognize that we only have two states at present, and a lot of members who could be interested in helping out despite that.
[9:31pm] pmchi: Should the formation of a finance committee take shape before a donation system is established?
[9:39pm] Joe: That said, there is many options so it will require some research for the best course of action.
[9:31pm] yariValtean: I guess that's what I'm wondering
[9:39pm] Wodensday: It’s semi-standard to make the payer pay for the fees of an online transaction, but I understand if we either don’t want to or cannot do that
[9:32pm] Bosun: The raised money is held by the treasurer until such time as the SAB passes a spending resolution or budget.
[9:39pm] jokeefe: PPI uses that method and they don’t take much in and local party donations are a contentious issue
[9:33pm] yariValtean: Or if the immediacy of having a finance committee after creating the donate button, and implementing their suggestions, would mitigate fears
[9:40pm] Joe: I think we are required to "eat it" as the saying goes.
[9:33pm] yariValtean: Bosun you mean PNC?
[9:40pm] Yari: getting states up and running takes funds. If the USPP had funds to give to states to start up, it would be easier to jumpstart them
[9:34pm] Bosun: Yeah us.
[9:40pm] jokeefe: I suggest that USPP has its own method of taking donations. Fees are just a code of getting the money quickly.
[9:35pm] Mu left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[9:41pm] jokeefe: Also, there is no way MAPP can give to USPP FEC committee without our own committee and then we are limited as to how much we can give.
[9:35pm] yariValtean: I wonder if this discussion might be better held when more are present?
[9:41pm] Joe: If the USPP gives out money to the states then the possibility of misuse is greatly increased.
[9:36pm] yariValtean: Would be fine with continuing discussion or with tabling
[9:41pm] Yari: jokeefe that's a really good point
[9:37pm] jokeefe: I suggest tabling. I can write up a proposal and send to uspp-sab
[9:41pm] Yari: Joe how so
[9:37pm] Bosun: We are moving slow tonight. I move we table the current resolution and then adjourn.
[9:41pm] Yari: misuse by who
[9:38pm] Bosun: Yes we should be discussing this on the SAB list.
[9:42pm] Wodensday: For the record, I’m fully supportive of the PNC funneling money to the state parties, not the other way around. It’s technically better, but we’re too small
[9:38pm] yariValtean: I will take that as a tabling and 2nd, since both of you asked for tabling
[9:43pm] jokeefe: USPP can give money with conditions: Really party, defined use for funds, independent accounting, etc.
[9:38pm] yariValtean: Are there any objections to tabling this?
[9:43pm] Wodensday: get me?
[9:38pm] Bosun: yes
[9:44pm] jokeefe: I am more concerned about USPP having money to do things for USPP
[9:39pm] Bosun: no objections
[9:44pm] Yari: Wodensday I kind of understand what you're saying yes
[9:39pm] jokeefe: no objections
[9:44pm] Wodensday: “Different colors of money” isn’t a revolutionary concept, we can delegate funds to be used for specific purposes. Misuse risks penalty
[9:39pm] yariValtean: Hearing none and moving on
[9:44pm] Joe: I agree, PNC money should be used for PNC goals
[9:40pm] Radiojoe joined the chat room.
[9:44pm] Yari: jokeefe, yes agreed
[9:40pm] yariValtean: Just a reminder before we move on that next week is the week that we do the meeting on jitsi
[9:45pm] Yari: Joe I don't think that's what jokeefe meant
[9:40pm] yariValtean: Hi RadioJoe, please ID if you want to participate!
[9:45pm] jokeefe: If we had money, we could do a 10,000 piece print run of flyers and be able to ship 500 to a state party to distribute
[9:40pm] Bosun: Fun.
[9:45pm] Wodensday: Which is another fantastic reason to centralize money in the PNC, at least for now
[9:40pm] jokeefe: Thanks for the reminder.
[9:45pm] jokeefe: We don’t have to give money. We could give stuff: flyers, flags, shirts, etc.
[9:41pm] Radiojoe: William Dappen, California
[9:45pm] Yari: jokeefe that's another good point
[9:41pm] yariValtean: Bosun, I heard your motion to adjourn, could I politely ask for a quick rewind of that motion?
[9:45pm] Joe: What I am saying is that I would rather give states materials than a blank check.
[9:41pm] yariValtean: I would like to move forward with CA membership since RadioJoe is here.
[9:45pm] Yari: you're full of them today
[9:42pm] Bosun: I withdraw my motion to adjourn.
[9:46pm] Wodensday: It would be a terrible idea to give a state party a “blank check”, but I’m definitely not opposed to giving them money with a specific purpose in some instances
[9:42pm] yariValtean: Thank you, I appreciate that.
[9:46pm] Joe: Or pay for a rep to go to help a smaller state. #shipjamie4thegreatergood
[9:43pm] yariValtean: I would present to the PNC that, per the bylaws of the PNC of state eligibility, listed at: https://wiki.uspirates.org/w/index.php?title=Pirate_National_Committee_(PNC)/Bylaws#Section_2:_State_Eligibility
[9:46pm] Radiojoe: Yes, Having one location to funnel donation money, then distributing it on a quarterly system in the form of funds or resources (or some other division of the year) to necessary causes is probably the most efficient and simplest method of distribution
[9:44pm] yariValtean: The state of California has both a primary and a secondary representative: RadioJoe and myself
[9:46pm] Yari: Joe agreed.
[9:45pm] yariValtean: We are attempting to grow
[9:47pm] Yari: Oh wow, I think we might all be on the same page here
[9:45pm] yariValtean: And we have a web presence with easy contact: https://www.calpirates.org/
[9:47pm] Wodensday: I’m pretty sure we all have the same general opinion
[9:45pm] papegaai`: Title: California Pirate Party (at www.calpirates.org)
[9:47pm] Yari: "here here!" says Bosun
[9:46pm] yariValtean: Thus, I would ask for the PNC to consider adding the CAPP to their list of member states
[9:47pm] Wodensday: We just have different ideas for the future
[9:47pm] jokeefe: Suggest that CA apply for Representation, as set forth in Art. III §3.
[9:47pm] jokeefe: We could spin up a finance and fundraising committee to talk this out and come up with a proposal.
[9:47pm] Bosun: I think this is being reinstated.
[9:48pm] jokeefe: doesn’t need to be formal. PNC just needs a written proposal to vote on.
[9:49pm] yariValtean: As an applicant state member, I ask that one of the member state representatives become our sponsor, per article 3
[9:48pm] Wodensday: Ah, the buried treasure/dubloons committee becomes a reality! Now outreach finally has someone to take on the burin of pirate shirts
[9:50pm] yariValtean: Bosun I don't know what the procedure would be for reinstatement
[9:48pm] Wodensday: burden*
[9:50pm] jokeefe: MA will do it.
[9:48pm] Yari: jokeefe, that is not a bad idea. I would argue that we could begin the process to making a donate button without the committee
[9:50pm] Bosun: I move that CA be granted active state statuss.
[9:48pm] Wodensday: Jokes aside, perhaps a temporary committee?
[9:50pm] Radiojoe left the chat room. (Quit: Connection closed)
[9:49pm] jokeefe: I don’t disagree with you, Yari.
[9:50pm] jokeefe: I don’t see any reinstatement clause.
[9:49pm] jokeefe: Questions:
[9:50pm] yariValtean: There isn't jokeefe
[9:49pm] Wodensday: To further develop this idea, before its distributed to the PNC and permanent committees
[9:51pm] Radiojoe joined the chat room.
[9:49pm] jokeefe: 1. Should we take money for USPP needs?
[9:51pm] Radiojoe: My apologies, my connection is spotty
[9:49pm] jokeefe: 2. Should we take donations electronically?
[9:52pm] yariValtean: Motion proposed by Bosun
[9:50pm] jokeefe: 3. Should we have a process for giving money/stuff to states?
[9:52pm] jokeefe: How many members does CA pirates have?
[9:50pm] Yari: Bosun: "1: yes 2: yes"
[9:52pm] yariValtean: Currently, 5
[9:50pm] Wodensday: Yes, yes, yes
[9:52pm] yariValtean: That I am in contact with
[9:50pm] Yari: Bosun "3:yes"
[9:53pm] Bosun: It is a start.
[9:50pm] Yari: as for myself, I would say the same.
[9:53pm] jokeefe: I suggest CA be admitted as an observer member and we work on getting CA to full member.
[9:50pm] Joe: Abstain
[9:53pm] yariValtean: Jokeefe, may I ask why?
[9:51pm] Yari: we're not voting, per se, but fair.
[9:55pm] yariValtean: CA has fulfilled all of the requirements per the bylaws
[9:51pm] jokeefe: on all three questions, Joe?
[9:55pm] yariValtean: Apologies, I am mixing my duties as chair with my perspective as a CA rep.
[9:51pm] Joe: Si
[9:56pm] yariValtean: Jokeefe, is that suggestion a motion?
[9:51pm] Wodensday: This is just casual discussion, where those in random Midwestern “I”” states still have power!
[9:57pm] jokeefe: yes, it is a suggested motion
[9:52pm] Radiojoe: hmm, I agree with Wodensday on this, I think the committee should come before the donations, just to handle the site's logistics, especially since it looks like donators will be able to give to individual states, and yes, yes, yes
[9:57pm] yariValtean: ??
[9:52pm] Yari: Okay. Bosun "we should adjourn"
[9:58pm] jokeefe: Section 3: Representation - The Applicant State shall ask a current Representative in the PNC to be a Sponsor for their application.
[9:52pm] Yari: I will take Bosun's comment as a motion, as much as I don't want to.
[9:59pm] jokeefe: Seems we are only at that point.
[9:52pm] Yari: do I hear a second?
[9:59pm] yariValtean: Bosun, we are at an impasse - either we table the issue or one of you rescinds your motion
[9:52pm] Radiojoe: 2nd
[9:59pm] yariValtean: Since your two motions are at odds
[9:53pm] Yari: jokeefe?
[9:59pm] yariValtean: And neither has 2nds
[9:53pm] Yari: Joe?
[10:00pm] yariValtean: So please discuss
[9:53pm] jokeefe: Joe is MA rep, so he has MA’s vote
[10:00pm] jokeefe: I will withdraw my motion and we can vote
[9:53pm] Yari: motion on the table to adjourn.
[10:00pm] yariValtean: clever.
[9:53pm] Joe: 2nd
[10:01pm] yariValtean: You have to 2nd bosun's motion.
[9:53pm] Yari: seconded, all in favor?
[10:01pm] Bosun: be right back
[9:54pm] Joe: Aye
[10:02pm] Bosun: OK
[9:54pm] Yari: Bosun: "aye"
[10:02pm] Bosun: yesz
[9:54pm] Radiojoe: aye
[10:02pm] yariValtean: Jokeefe I need a 2nd on Bosun's motion before we can vote
[9:54pm] Yari: PNC in favor, meeting is adjourned at 9:54pm EST
[10:03pm] jokeefe: 2nd - vote to grant CA active state status
[9:54pm] Yari: thank you everyone.
[10:04pm] yariValtean: All in favor?
[9:55pm] Joe: Good night everyone!
[10:04pm] pmchi: Aye
[10:04pm] Bosun: WI votes to grant CA active status.
[10:07pm] jokeefe: MA votes to grant CA active status, but registers that the process needs to be better organized states go from observer to full representation
[10:08pm] yariValtean: Wholeheartedly agreed.
[10:08pm] jokeefe: I will commit to draft a bylaw change
[10:08pm] Radiojoe left the chat room. (Quit: Connection closed)
[10:09pm] pmchi: May I request a list of approved PNC member and observer states?
[10:09pm] Bosun: move adjourn
[10:09pm] yariValtean: With two votes in favor, the vote passes
[10:09pm] yariValtean: CA becomes a member state
[10:09pm] yariValtean: Thank you jokeefe
[10:09pm] yariValtean: Bosun has moved to adjourn
[10:09pm] jokeefe: 2nd
[10:09pm] yariValtean: Any objections to adjourning?
[10:10pm] Guest97 joined the chat room.
[10:10pm] Bosun: no
[10:10pm] Bosun: none
[10:10pm] yariValtean: Hearing none, this meeting is adjourned at 10:10pm EST. Thank you
[10:10pm] jokeefe: nope
[10:10pm] jokeefe: posting minutes
[10:10pm] yariValtean: Thank you very much, folks.

Latest revision as of 22:11, 1 August 2021






Next tasks:

  1. Meeting status
  2. Report from Bosun on crew.uspirates.org
  3. archive SAB list messages
  4. update old pages in the blog/wiki such as the state contact pages



Old Business

  • Update by-laws to implement a term limit system for both the office of the chair as well as the rest of the officers. Bosun will write a proposal
  • Implement a system for accepting donations and distributing the donations to further the party's goals. Questions to answer:
    • How shall we accept donations? Should we take donations electronically?
    • What process should we have for giving money/stuff to states?

New Business

  • Yari, Discord Server Op, will submit a motion to the PNC to:
    • approve the finalized state groupings;
    • bot to pick server Arbiters, per the Discord Rules.





Record of the meeting


[9:01pm] yari: And with that, let's dive in to tonight's meeting I suppose!
[9:01pm] yari: Calling this meeting to order at 9:01 pm EST
[9:01pm] yari: IDs please!
[9:01pm] jokeefe: meeting page https://wiki.uspirates.org/w/index.php?title=PNC_08/01/21
[9:01pm] Wodensday: Anthony Jay, IN
[9:01pm] papegaai`: Title: PNC 08/01/21 - United States Pirate Party (at wiki.uspirates.org)
[9:01pm] jokeefe: James O’Keefe, MA, Secretary
[9:02pm] yari: Rose Klein, CA, USPP chair
[9:02pm] Bosun: Joseph Klein, USPP vice chair.
[9:02pm] pmchi: Mitchel Davilo, Chicagoland/ILPP, Swarmcare Manager
[9:02pm] jokeefe: Joe will not be able to attend, but I can reach him by txt
[9:02pm] yari: Sounds good, let him know he will be missed
[9:02pm] jokeefe: will do
[9:03pm] yari: First off, a rousing round of reports! Let's start with IT, jokeefe!
[9:04pm] jokeefe: We had a meeting, but unfortunately I was the only one who attended. Will schedule a new one.
[9:05pm] Bosun: Thursday?
[9:05pm] yari: Shoot, I'm sorry to hear that! Perhaps I can set up an automatic ping of the role on discord for an hour or two before any scheduled meeting.
[9:05pm] jokeefe: One of them. Will send out an email asking if that works.
[9:06pm] jokeefe: I pinged the room before. Will try a wider audience next time.
[9:07pm] yari: Sounds good. Thank you. Any updates from you as secretary?
[9:07pm] jokeefe: Keeping notes.
[9:07pm] yari: Awesome. Next up then, Wodensday, with outreach!
[9:07pm] Wodensday: During our last meeting, we explored our options regarding website content. I expect us to have something to report by the end of the next meeting.
[9:08pm] yari: Wonderful! Can't wait to hear about it!
[9:08pm] yari: Next up would be Joe, but with platform but he is not present.
[9:09pm] yari: So moving on to officer reports
[9:09pm] yari: Bosun - anything to report as vice-chair?
[9:10pm] Bosun: Not tonight other than ssome minor upgrades on crew performed last week.
[9:10pm] Wodensday: (I will have to step out. Good luck everyone! I will be reading the logs.)
[9:10pm] yari: Cool! Minor upgrades are progress! Pmchi! - anything to report as swarmcare manager?
[9:10pm] Wodensday left the chat room. (Quit: Connection closed)
[9:10pm] yari: Wodensday - thanks for stopping in!
[9:11pm] pmchi: Currently working on a handout pamphlet, English and Spanish versions. Will present to Outreach, then PNC once the English version is finished
[9:12pm] jokeefe: nice!
[9:12pm] yari: Awesome, excited to see it! Feel free to coordinate with wodensday about that if you need outreach support!
[9:13pm] yari: Moving on then to old business:
[9:13pm] yari: First on the docket: Updating the by-laws to implement a term limit system for both the office of the chair as well as the rest of the officers.
[9:14pm] yari: Bosun, do you have a proposal for the committee ready this week?
[9:14pm] Bosun: No, not yet.
[9:15pm] yari: Would you like any additional help with formulating that proposal? Would it be possible to have that done by next week?
[9:16pm] Bosun: Yes yari. How about we talk Monday night?
[9:18pm] Bosun: Or / and I can pass something around on e-meil.
[9:19pm] yariValtean joined the chat room.
[9:19pm] jokeefe: could post on uspp-sab
[9:19pm] yariValtean: Sorry, internet blip
[9:20pm] yariValtean: For the record, this is the second username of Rose Klein, CA, USPP Chair
[9:20pm] yariValtean: Did I miss anything?
[9:21pm] yariValtean: Re: the business at hand, Since the proposal is not yet created, I would ask that a motion be submitted to table this item of business until next week.
[9:21pm] jokeefe: no
[9:21pm] yari left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[9:21pm] yariValtean: Thanks jokeefe
[9:21pm] jokeefe: no, you did not miss anything
[9:22pm] jokeefe: I am fine with tabling it
[9:22pm] yariValtean: Taking that as a motion, Bosun - 2nd?
[9:22pm] Bosun: Roadrunner/TW is not being kind to you Yari.
[9:23pm] Bosun: 2nd
[9:23pm] yariValtean: Any objections to tabling this item of business?
[9:23pm] Bosun: none here
[9:24pm] yariValtean: Hearing none, we move on to the next item of old business: Implement a system for accepting donations and distributing the donations to further the party's goals.
[9:25pm] jokeefe: Talked with Joe about it. He would like us to have a plan as to how we will use the money raised before we start raising it.
[9:26pm] Bosun: It would be pretty easy to put up a donate button with a paypal backend.
[9:27pm] jokeefe: Yes, but that isn’t his concern.
[9:27pm] yariValtean: Give my thanks to Joe for that entirely salient point.
[9:28pm] pmchi: ie a plan for what the purpose of what said raised money will be spent on
[9:29pm] jokeefe: will do yariValtean:
[9:29pm] yariValtean: Last week there was some discussion of creating the donate button presently, and then forming a finance committee to discuss matters of where money should go.
[9:31pm] pmchi: Should the formation of a finance committee take shape before a donation system is established?
[9:31pm] yariValtean: I guess that's what I'm wondering
[9:32pm] Bosun: The raised money is held by the treasurer until such time as the SAB passes a spending resolution or budget.
[9:33pm] yariValtean: Or if the immediacy of having a finance committee after creating the donate button, and implementing their suggestions, would mitigate fears
[9:33pm] yariValtean: Bosun you mean PNC?
[9:34pm] Bosun: Yeah us.
[9:35pm] Mu left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[9:35pm] yariValtean: I wonder if this discussion might be better held when more are present?
[9:36pm] yariValtean: Would be fine with continuing discussion or with tabling
[9:37pm] jokeefe: I suggest tabling. I can write up a proposal and send to uspp-sab
[9:37pm] Bosun: We are moving slow tonight. I move we table the current resolution and then adjourn.
[9:38pm] Bosun: Yes we should be discussing this on the SAB list.
[9:38pm] yariValtean: I will take that as a tabling and 2nd, since both of you asked for tabling
[9:38pm] yariValtean: Are there any objections to tabling this?
[9:38pm] Bosun: yes
[9:39pm] Bosun: no objections
[9:39pm] jokeefe: no objections
[9:39pm] yariValtean: Hearing none and moving on
[9:40pm] Radiojoe joined the chat room.
[9:40pm] yariValtean: Just a reminder before we move on that next week is the week that we do the meeting on jitsi
[9:40pm] yariValtean: Hi RadioJoe, please ID if you want to participate!
[9:40pm] Bosun: Fun.
[9:40pm] jokeefe: Thanks for the reminder.
[9:41pm] Radiojoe: William Dappen, California
[9:41pm] yariValtean: Bosun, I heard your motion to adjourn, could I politely ask for a quick rewind of that motion?
[9:41pm] yariValtean: I would like to move forward with CA membership since RadioJoe is here.
[9:42pm] Bosun: I withdraw my motion to adjourn.
[9:42pm] yariValtean: Thank you, I appreciate that.
[9:43pm] yariValtean: I would present to the PNC that, per the bylaws of the PNC of state eligibility, listed at: https://wiki.uspirates.org/w/index.php?title=Pirate_National_Committee_(PNC)/Bylaws#Section_2:_State_Eligibility
[9:44pm] yariValtean: The state of California has both a primary and a secondary representative: RadioJoe and myself
[9:45pm] yariValtean: We are attempting to grow
[9:45pm] yariValtean: And we have a web presence with easy contact: https://www.calpirates.org/
[9:45pm] papegaai`: Title: California Pirate Party (at www.calpirates.org)
[9:46pm] yariValtean: Thus, I would ask for the PNC to consider adding the CAPP to their list of member states
[9:47pm] jokeefe: Suggest that CA apply for Representation, as set forth in Art. III §3.
[9:47pm] Bosun: I think this is being reinstated.
[9:49pm] yariValtean: As an applicant state member, I ask that one of the member state representatives become our sponsor, per article 3
[9:50pm] yariValtean: Bosun I don't know what the procedure would be for reinstatement
[9:50pm] jokeefe: MA will do it.
[9:50pm] Bosun: I move that CA be granted active state statuss.
[9:50pm] Radiojoe left the chat room. (Quit: Connection closed)
[9:50pm] jokeefe: I don’t see any reinstatement clause.
[9:50pm] yariValtean: There isn't jokeefe
[9:51pm] Radiojoe joined the chat room.
[9:51pm] Radiojoe: My apologies, my connection is spotty
[9:52pm] yariValtean: Motion proposed by Bosun
[9:52pm] jokeefe: How many members does CA pirates have?
[9:52pm] yariValtean: Currently, 5
[9:52pm] yariValtean: That I am in contact with
[9:53pm] Bosun: It is a start.
[9:53pm] jokeefe: I suggest CA be admitted as an observer member and we work on getting CA to full member.
[9:53pm] yariValtean: Jokeefe, may I ask why?
[9:55pm] yariValtean: CA has fulfilled all of the requirements per the bylaws
[9:55pm] yariValtean: Apologies, I am mixing my duties as chair with my perspective as a CA rep.
[9:56pm] yariValtean: Jokeefe, is that suggestion a motion?
[9:57pm] jokeefe: yes, it is a suggested motion
[9:57pm] yariValtean: ??
[9:58pm] jokeefe: Section 3: Representation - The Applicant State shall ask a current Representative in the PNC to be a Sponsor for their application.
[9:59pm] jokeefe: Seems we are only at that point.
[9:59pm] yariValtean: Bosun, we are at an impasse - either we table the issue or one of you rescinds your motion
[9:59pm] yariValtean: Since your two motions are at odds
[9:59pm] yariValtean: And neither has 2nds
[10:00pm] yariValtean: So please discuss
[10:00pm] jokeefe: I will withdraw my motion and we can vote
[10:00pm] yariValtean: clever.
[10:01pm] yariValtean: You have to 2nd bosun's motion.
[10:01pm] Bosun: be right back
[10:02pm] Bosun: OK
[10:02pm] Bosun: yesz
[10:02pm] yariValtean: Jokeefe I need a 2nd on Bosun's motion before we can vote
[10:03pm] jokeefe: 2nd - vote to grant CA active state status
[10:04pm] yariValtean: All in favor?
[10:04pm] pmchi: Aye
[10:04pm] Bosun: WI votes to grant CA active status.
[10:07pm] jokeefe: MA votes to grant CA active status, but registers that the process needs to be better organized states go from observer to full representation
[10:08pm] yariValtean: Wholeheartedly agreed.
[10:08pm] jokeefe: I will commit to draft a bylaw change
[10:08pm] Radiojoe left the chat room. (Quit: Connection closed)
[10:09pm] pmchi: May I request a list of approved PNC member and observer states?
[10:09pm] Bosun: move adjourn
[10:09pm] yariValtean: With two votes in favor, the vote passes
[10:09pm] yariValtean: CA becomes a member state
[10:09pm] yariValtean: Thank you jokeefe
[10:09pm] yariValtean: Bosun has moved to adjourn
[10:09pm] jokeefe: 2nd
[10:09pm] yariValtean: Any objections to adjourning?
[10:10pm] Guest97 joined the chat room.
[10:10pm] Bosun: no
[10:10pm] Bosun: none
[10:10pm] yariValtean: Hearing none, this meeting is adjourned at 10:10pm EST. Thank you
[10:10pm] jokeefe: nope
[10:10pm] jokeefe: posting minutes
[10:10pm] yariValtean: Thank you very much, folks.