PNC 6/20/12
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- 06/20/2012 18:00h PST
- IRC:
- Room: #pnc
- Wiki: []
Members of the PNC
- Zacqary Adam Green, NY
- Bradley Hall, Florida
- Jeff Talada, Washington
- Jarod, GA
- Erik Zoltan Massachusetts
- Jake Ziering, CA
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
At Large Members of the PNC
- Sacha, Michigan
- Meeting opened at: 9:08pm EST by Travis McCrea
- Meeting closed at: 10:49pm EST by Travis McCrea
- Meeting chaired by Travis McCrea
- Secretary for this meeting is QuazarGuy
- Quorum is established. 6 Members out of 8 present
- Logging Enabled: Yes
Review of previous minutes
Short report of the board members
- has a consensus to offer a VPN service to its members
- absent
- have an ideal place to recruit from
- also good for holding meetings and conventions
- absent
- nothing to report
- nothing to report
New York
- postponed the rehearsal for the Pirate Choir protest
- recruiting participants from Anon and Reddit
- also Occupy
- Josh Lafazan (18 year old school board member) isn't going to be available till August but is still interested in talking with us
- getting our delegate in order for the convention in San Diego
- there's a convention on the free trade agreement that Mr. Simon flew from Australia asked us to be a part of
- trying to find an event planner in the Bay Area that can help us with a few ideas for this summer
- were part of an interview a few days ago with the Huffington Post
- The Daily Dot article is also going to be coming out shortly
- they're going to do a follow up at the convention in San Diego
- first week of July
- they're going to do a follow up at the convention in San Diego
- radio interview with KFBK in Sacramento
- trying to get host some public debates, and perhaps a anti-copyright concert
Short Report From Committees
IT Committee
- LiquidFeedback not implemented
- ConsiderIt not implemented, maybe not possible to implement
- State sign up progress ( )
- Colorado hit threshold for sign-ups and we should expect their presence
Progress on Temporary PNC Objectives
- motion to extend deadline by one week
- 3 for, at-large (.5) for
Speaker and Promotions
- Travis is moving back to Idaho and plans on helping out the US
Jeff Replacement Secretary
- Lindsay will stand in next week
- Wiki
- Promotions committee
- Policy committee
- What to do with newbies
- Pirate Party Picnic
- Considering July 21
Next meeting: 6/27/12 at 9:00pm EST
Meeting closed: at 10:49 pm EST
- <@teamcoltra> I officially call this meeting to order, at 6:08PM (18:08) PST
- <@teamcoltra> Can I get a roll call please
- <@teamcoltra> (name, state)
- <Zacqary> Zacqary Adam Green, NY
- <Rush> Bradley Hall, Florida
- <QuazarGuy> Jeff Talada, Washington
- <@teamcoltra> We don't actually have quorum
- <@kusanagi> Liz Brunner, NY
- <@teamcoltra> kusanagi who is representing NY
- <QuazarGuy> teamcoltra, can you unlock the pad?
>>> erixoltan has joined #pnc
- <@teamcoltra> Done
- <@kusanagi> Zac is the rep now
- <erixoltan> sorry to be late
- <@teamcoltra> It's alright
- <@kusanagi> !deop
>>> ChanServ sets mode -o kusanagi
- <@teamcoltra> !voice Zacqary
>>> ChanServ sets mode +v Zacqary
- <@teamcoltra> !voice Rush
>>> ChanServ sets mode +v Rush
- <@teamcoltra> !voice QuazarGuy
>>> ChanServ sets mode +v QuazarGuy
- <@teamcoltra> !voice erixoltan
>>> ChanServ sets mode +v erixoltan
- <Sacha> Sacha, Michigan, observer?
- <kusanagi> Actual name, no?
- <@teamcoltra> the PNC didn't actually agree to that
- <@teamcoltra> I just made a suggestion
- <@teamcoltra> no one adopted it as a motion
- <jarod_> Jarod GA
- <@teamcoltra> There that gives us actual quorum
- <@teamcoltra> !voice jarod_
>>> ChanServ sets mode +v jarod_ >>> Axeman has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving.
- <+erixoltan> Erik Zoltan Massachusetts
>>> Jarod has joined #pnc
- <@teamcoltra> JakeZ you are representing California tonight?
- <JakeZ> yes I am
- <@teamcoltra> You need to tell us your name (and reaffirm you represent california)
- <JakeZ> Jake Ziering
- <@teamcoltra> :) Thanks
- <JakeZ> President California Pirate Party
- <@teamcoltra> !voice JakeZ
>>> ChanServ sets mode +v JakeZ
- <@teamcoltra> And welcome to our meeting :)
- <+JakeZ> thankyou
- <Sacha> No, using real names goes against the pirate party. If you are suggesting that.
- <kusanagi> No, it does not.
- <+Zacqary> How about we discuss that during the designated part of the meeting where we discuss things like that?
- <@teamcoltra> There is no pirate party in the world that uses screennames in their meeting
- <+Zacqary> So as not to derail the meeting.
- <@teamcoltra> (on a national level at least)
- <@teamcoltra> Zacqary fair enough, right now there has been no motion against it anyway
- <@teamcoltra> Let's start with minutes of last week
- <@teamcoltra> (Link:
- <@teamcoltra> if everyone can read and agree that they are accurate
- <+QuazarGuy> it's the wrong week
- <Sacha> Yes, it does Kusanagi. Should we add it to the AOB for everyone to discuss it
- <+erixoltan> lmao QuazarGuy is right
- <+QuazarGuy> (Link:
- <@teamcoltra> :) Thanks QuazarGuy
- <@teamcoltra> Time flys when you are having fun
- <+QuazarGuy> I need a replacement
- <+QuazarGuy> this meeting is preventing me from recruiting
- <@teamcoltra> QuazarGuy right now? or in general?
- <+QuazarGuy> in general
- <+QuazarGuy> can discuss at the end
- <@teamcoltra> Has everyone read last weeks minutes?
- <Sacha> QuazarGuy you are one of the officers though. Can y ou really like quit.
- <+QuazarGuy> I said I would need to be replaced soon
- <+QuazarGuy> when we voted on it
- <kusanagi> Sacha: knock it off.
- <@teamcoltra> Okay order guys. The topic is last weeks agenda
- <+QuazarGuy> I looks fine to me
- <+erixoltan> agenda looks good to me.
- <+Zacqary> I wasn't there. kusanagi, this one's on you.
- <kusanagi> Looks good to me
- <+erixoltan> sorry I meant to say "minutes" not agenda.
- <@teamcoltra> Okay we will go onto reports, if anyone has an objection to it later just say something
- <@teamcoltra> erixoltan you are up first
- <+erixoltan> I may have to leave early for personal reasons.
- <+erixoltan> Massachusetts voted last week to move our weekly IRC meeting from Tuesday to Thursday.
- <+erixoltan> For that reason we haven't met since the last PNC meeting. So this will be a short report.
- <+erixoltan> On the agenda for Thursday is how to offer VPN to our members. We have a consensus to offer it, but we have to work out the details.
- <+erixoltan> That's really all I have for Mass.
- <@teamcoltra> Thank you erixoltan
- <@teamcoltra> Oklahoma isn't here
- <@teamcoltra> Washington, QuazarGuy
- <+QuazarGuy> everyone in Washington is busy with work or life, I have an ideal place to recruit from but they meet on Wednesdays during this time and I'm the only free enough person to do it
- <+QuazarGuy> we're also considering that same place to hold physical meetings and conventions
- <+QuazarGuy> so not that much
- <+QuazarGuy> done
- <@teamcoltra> THanks, that's cool that you guys are looking into that
- <@teamcoltra> Oregon is not here correct?
- <+QuazarGuy> correct
- <@teamcoltra> Okay next then
- <@teamcoltra> Georgia from jarod_ / Jarod
- <+jarod_> no changes
- <@teamcoltra> Florida / Rush ? He may not be here
- <@teamcoltra> Okay next
- <@teamcoltra> New York from Zacqary
- <+Zacqary> We postponed the rehearsal for the Pirate Choir protest to this Saturday. That's when we'll decide which day to do the action itself.
- <+Zacqary> We're recruiting participants from Anon and Reddit.
- <+Zacqary> Maybe some from Occupy.
- <+Zacqary> Ideally they'd all want to get involved with the party afterwards.
- <+Zacqary> Josh Lafazan isn't going to be available till August but is still interested in talking with us.
- <+Zacqary> Otherwise, I don't think there's anything else to report. kusanagi, am I missing anything?
- <@teamcoltra> (Josh is the 18 year old School Board member)
- <kusanagi> That's everything I knew of
- <+Zacqary> Okay. So that's it, then.
- <+Rush> I can give Florida's report when ready
- <@teamcoltra> Rush go ahead
- <+Rush> Florida has nothing to report.
- <kusanagi> LOL
- <@teamcoltra> :) Glad we didn't miss that
- <+Rush> lol
- <@teamcoltra> Presenting for the first time (I believe) to the PNC as a member: California
- <@teamcoltra> JakeZ please tell us what you guys have been up to for hte past couple of weeks
- <@teamcoltra> (or last one week really)
- <+QuazarGuy> we already have their past couple weeks before this week
- <@teamcoltra> Yeah that's why I corrected myself :P
- <@teamcoltra> buuuuuuuut JakeZ doesn't seem to be around... or he is writing a text wall
- <grabby> (I am also here from California, I was late so I missed the initial Rollcall, JakeZ might be writing a textwall though)
- <+JakeZ> sorry was in bathroom!
- <+JakeZ> California has been getting our delegate in order for the convention in San Diego
- <+JakeZ> there's a convention on the free trade agreement that Mr. Simon Frew from Australia asked us to be a part of
- <+JakeZ> Beyond that we're trying to find an event planner in the Bay Area that can help us with a few ideas for this summer
- <+JakeZ> we're trying to get host some public debates, and perhaps a anti-copyright concert
- <@teamcoltra> (psst mention your interviews)
- <+JakeZ> hah, that's right. We were part of an interview a few days ago with the Huffington Post
- <+JakeZ> The Daily Dot article is also going to be coming out shortly
- <+JakeZ> or rather, that one is out
- <+JakeZ> they're going to do a follow up at the convention in San Diego
- <+JakeZ> which is the firts week in July
- <@teamcoltra> (psst and the radio interview ;) )
- <+JakeZ> I think we might have mentioned that last week
- <+JakeZ> but it was with KFBK in Sacramento
- <+JakeZ> I think that covers it :-)
- @teamcoltra looks at the rest of the pirate parties in shame
- <+Zacqary> Hey, we've been getting interviewed. D:
- <@teamcoltra> I am just teasing. You are all special
- <+Zacqary> *<4
- <+Zacqary> **<3
- <@teamcoltra> Speaking of special - matuck are you around?
- <kusanagi> Hahaah
- <@teamcoltra> IT Committee
- <matuck> barely
- <@teamcoltra> What kind of awesome things have you done?
- <matuck> ummmm... slept... changed baby... handed to wife to feed and repeat again...
- <kusanagi> Awww
- <@teamcoltra> Ummm so no IT Committee stuff then :P
- <matuck> no
- <+QuazarGuy> what's the current state of the site?
- <+QuazarGuy> what's implemented? what's not?
- <matuck> the only thing i know thats not implemented is LF
- <@teamcoltra> I would suggest covering topics 6 and 7 and AOB before 5 if you guys don't mind... because 5 usually drowns out the rest of the meeting
- <+QuazarGuy> you have considerit working?
- <@teamcoltra> (whoops sorry, I pressed enter while pre-typing)
- <+erixoltan> I forgot to mention that Massachusetts Pirate Party is having a hackathon July 1 to get liquid feedback implemented on our site.
- <matuck> and considerit... i probably won't get considerit working we have been unable to get a ruby app working after trying multiple different apps
- <@teamcoltra> too late erixoltan , now you have to say it next week
- <@teamcoltra> ;)
- <+erixoltan> matuck jogged my memory
- <kusanagi> erixoltan: that is awesome
- <+QuazarGuy> cool
- <+QuazarGuy> can't think of anything else
- <+QuazarGuy> next week could we have an estimate of how many people have signed up in different states?
- <@teamcoltra> also matuck can you update California to be a full member state
- <matuck> sure
- <+JakeZ> thankyou
- <@teamcoltra> Okay so thats all for IT Committee... Actually this is where we should insert our new committee --
- <@teamcoltra> The PNC 2.0 committee
- <Sacha> Okay, I need to go now. Sorry to interrupt. Would it be okay if I sent my AOB stuff to the SAB list
- <@teamcoltra> Sacha yes
- <Sacha> wait, nvm I want to stay for this. After that I need to go though. Please continue. Sorry.
- <@teamcoltra> Zacqary
- <@teamcoltra> Have you guys accomplished anything as of the last week?
- <+Zacqary> I was on vacation when the committee was formed so I haven't been in touch with anyone yet.
- <@teamcoltra> So are you guys going to need to extend your deadline, which I believe is next week
- <+Zacqary> I think we COULD do it by then, but it might be a good idea to push it forward.
- <@teamcoltra> How much time would you request?
>>> erixoltan has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving
- <+Zacqary> One more week?
- <+QuazarGuy> I motion to extend the deadline for the PNC proposal by one week
- <@teamcoltra> There is a motion on the floor:
- <@teamcoltra> I motion to extend the deadline for the PNC proposal by one week = Seconds?
>>> erixoltan has joined #pnc
- <erixoltan> whoops
- <@teamcoltra> erixoltan would you second: motion to extend the deadline for the PNC proposal by one week
- <+QuazarGuy> JakeZ, jarod_, Rush, Zacqary
- <@teamcoltra> (not putting you on the spot, just you didn't see it)
- <+Zacqary> I can second it, right?
>>> BradyMobile has joined #pnc
- <@teamcoltra> Yes
- <+jarod_> 2nd it
- <+Rush> What
- <+Zacqary> Okay. So I do.
- <@teamcoltra> okay so do we need to debate or just vote?
- <+QuazarGuy> there is a motion to extend the PNC deadline by a week
- <+QuazarGuy> two weeks from now
- <+QuazarGuy> jarod 2nded
- <@teamcoltra> Okay well considering no one is discussing I will put it up to vote
- <@teamcoltra> All in favour of motion to extend the deadline for the PNC proposal by one week -- say aye, against say nay
- <+Rush> I second
- <+Rush> aye
- <Sacha> aye
- <+Zacqary> Aye
- <+QuazarGuy> aye
>>> Axeman has joined #pnc
- <@teamcoltra> !voice erixoltan
>>> ChanServ sets mode +v erixoltan
- <@teamcoltra> annd calling the vote
- <+QuazarGuy> 3.5 for
- <@teamcoltra> It passes. So the PNC will now continue to operate for 2 more weeks in it's current form.
- <+erixoltan> aye
- <+erixoltan> sorry
- <@teamcoltra> Did the PNC itself need to discuss anything more on this topic, or are we differing all progress to the committee?
- <+QuazarGuy> they haven't done anything
- <+QuazarGuy> does the committee need anything?
- <@teamcoltra> Exactly, my question is, is there anything that the PNC feels it needs to do on this agenda item before we move on
- <+Zacqary> Well, first of all, I'd like to know who besides me is on it. Sorry that I wasn't in the loop last week.
- <+erixoltan> I am on the committee. Brady is as well and we have one other person who volunteered and whose name escapes me.
- <@teamcoltra> You are co-chaired by brady
- <@teamcoltra> Dan
- <@teamcoltra> or Dave... I think it's Dan
- <+QuazarGuy> Brady
- <+Zacqary> Okay. So Brady, Erik, and Dan?
- <+erixoltan> I have an email from I believe an additional person who wanted to be on - can't remember exactly the name though.
- <+Zacqary> Sacha expressed interest in being involved.
- +QuazarGuy IT committee state sign up progress report ((Link:
- <+Zacqary> And wait, the minutes from last week say Brad was running for chair. Is he on the committee too?
- <+QuazarGuy> Rush, if you're on the PNC committee give your contact info to Zacqary
- <+Rush> I have no idea what committee I'm on
- <+Zacqary> Hooooly clusterfuck, Batman.
- <+Rush> I forgot
- <+QuazarGuy> to make the bylaws and such
>>> Sacha has quit IRC:
- <+erixoltan> Zacqary, the other person is Chris Walsh of Massachusetts.
- <+Zacqary> Okay. So the committee consists of Me, Erik, Chris Walsh, Brady, Dan, and...who else?
- <+QuazarGuy> you can do this outside the meeting I think
- <+Zacqary> Okay.
- <+QuazarGuy> to save us time
- <+Zacqary> I know what I'm doing, you guys, totally. I swear. :D
- <+Zacqary> >.>
- <+erixoltan> If there are other people, and since the existence of the PNC hinges on this, I think it would be relevant.
- <@teamcoltra> So are we moving on or contenuing ?
- <+Zacqary> I think we can move on. I'll duct-tape this committee together.
- <+erixoltan> np
- <@teamcoltra> I added the next topic myself, if a state wouldn't mind giving me the floor I have some good (?) news
>>> jarod_ has quit IRC: Quit: Web client closed
- <+Zacqary> Motion to give teamcoltra the floor
- <+erixoltan> second
- <@teamcoltra> If anyone objects at any point please say so, and I will gladly open up a formal vote
- <@teamcoltra> Okay, so I have decided that I am going to move back to the United States, something I swore I wouldn't do -- due to the legal threat I face by living in teh country. However, the US Pirate Party needs much more help than the Pirate Party of Canada
- <@teamcoltra> and as such I am going to be moving back, and engaging state parties (and assisting in the formation of a Pirate Party of Idaho) and going to be doing speaking events
- <@teamcoltra> That said, I am a great canvasser, I am comfortable with public speaking events, and so if any state would like my presence to help them with getting their state going as a full time dedicated person I just need my travel covered and a couch to sleep on.
- <+erixoltan> wow that is big news!
- <+QuazarGuy> welcome back Travis
- <kusanagi> Wow
- <@teamcoltra> Also if you have any local schools (high school / college) and you would like to have me do a speaking engagement
- <+QuazarGuy> sort of feel sorry for you
- <+Zacqary> That's really brave of you, Trav.
- <@teamcoltra> I can do that
>>> grabby has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 264 seconds
- <+JakeZ> come this fall, I could try to find you a place to stay in San Francisco
- <@teamcoltra> (plus if the highschool / college will pay my trip.. then you are off the hook) I specialize in the importance of civic duties and engaging youth in politics. I also do other speaking events which we can discuss later, but I can basically talk on anything technology / pirate / copyright
- <@teamcoltra> Thats all, thanks guys :)
- <+QuazarGuy> WA is going to abuse you Travis
- <@teamcoltra> QuazarGuy I was thinking since I live 30 minutes away from Spokane, I would help build up your Eastern team
- <+QuazarGuy> sure thing
- <+QuazarGuy> I've been wanting to drive out there
- <+QuazarGuy> but lets move on
- <@teamcoltra> Indeed
- <@teamcoltra> So self serving, as moving on is a discussion about Jeff
- <@teamcoltra> ;)
- <@teamcoltra> Jeff would like to step down as secretary of the PNC
- <+QuazarGuy> oh you were 6?
- <@teamcoltra> (it seems)
- <+QuazarGuy> ok
- <+QuazarGuy> so before we voted on secretary I announced that I'd need to be replaced around this time
- <+QuazarGuy> should we take candidates and vote next week?
- <@teamcoltra> QuazarGuy the PNC officials will need to be revoted in 2 weeks
- <@teamcoltra> (if I understand the rules properly)
- <kusanagi> I believe so.
- <+QuazarGuy> ok well I'd like a week to train the next person then
- <@teamcoltra> What I am saying is if we elect a new person
- <@teamcoltra> they will have 1 week
- <+QuazarGuy> ah
- <@teamcoltra> then have to be reelected
- <@teamcoltra> :P
- <+QuazarGuy> right and the obligations will be rewritten
- <kusanagi> Well, I could do both positions, sort of.
- <@teamcoltra> QuazarGuy would you settle on having someone stand in for you instead?
- <+QuazarGuy> yeah
- <@teamcoltra> Like, keep your title, but have an alternate... in which case we don't need to appoint them, just fine one :)
- <@teamcoltra> find*
- <+QuazarGuy> sure
- <+QuazarGuy> unfortunately, Brady can't
- <+QuazarGuy> is anyone willing to stand in for me next week?
- <@teamcoltra> They also don't have to be in this body, they can be anyone
- <+QuazarGuy> anyone not already allowed to speak may say they're willing
- <kusanagi> Would the position require a lot of typing?
- <+QuazarGuy> I mostly copy/paste
- <kusanagi> I could do that.
- <@teamcoltra> Okay so on to Any Other Business?
- <+QuazarGuy> what's with the wiki?
- <+QuazarGuy> thanks kusi
- <kusanagi> No prob
- <kusanagi> Sacha was compaining in #uspp before the meeting
- <kusanagi> About how the wiki is and the Tuesday meetings are
- <kusanagi> I believe she said something aout bringing this to the sab
- <+QuazarGuy> ok?
- <kusanagi> Yeah
- <kusanagi> Haha
- <+QuazarGuy> so we'll do that in email then
- <+erixoltan> no choice
- <+QuazarGuy> promotions committee?
- <kusanagi> Yeah
- <+QuazarGuy> that too?
- <kusanagi> Something like that
- <+QuazarGuy> everything in purple Sachas?
- <kusanagi> Yep
- <+QuazarGuy> lol ok
- <+QuazarGuy> so Mass and WA held a Pirate Party Picnic last year on the same day in July
- <@teamcoltra> How did they turn out?
>>> Jarod2 has joined #pnc
- <+QuazarGuy> at least 15 people came for WA
- <+QuazarGuy> Mass had a better turn out I think
- <+QuazarGuy> everyone had fun
- <+QuazarGuy> but I think it would be great to turn this into a national convention type event
- <+erixoltan> I was not actively involved at the time of the Mass event.
- <+QuazarGuy> I think it would also be awesome if Pirates from all the states could communicate with Pirates from other states at the event
>>> Axeman has quit IRC: Read error: Connection reset by peer
- <+QuazarGuy> like a google+ hangout or something
- <kusanagi> Hmm
- <+QuazarGuy> any other states interested?
- <+JakeZ> that sounds like a great idea
- <kusanagi> It does!
- <+JakeZ> google+ limits to 9 people
>>> Jarod has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 252 seconds
- <+QuazarGuy> last year we did like July 20thish
- <+JakeZ> so the structure could be a bit awkward
>>> Axeman has joined #pnc
- <+QuazarGuy> well that just limits us to 9 states participating at any one time
- <@teamcoltra> :P I doubt we will have more than 9 states
- <+JakeZ> true
- <@teamcoltra> No offense to the party
- <+QuazarGuy> and we're about there, we'll have to figure something out for next year
- <+QuazarGuy> but July 21 is a saturday
- <+QuazarGuy> this year
- <kusanagi> Hm
- <+QuazarGuy> would we all like to plan to have it then?
- <+erixoltan> I'm sure Mass would love to be involved in a joint event.
- <+erixoltan> I can bring up any specific ideas.
>>> BradyMobile has quit IRC: Read error: Connection reset by peer
- <@teamcoltra> QuazarGuy I am going to be in your neck of the woods on the last day of the month, if anyone wants to meetup
- <+QuazarGuy> I think either July 21 or 28 would be good
- <+QuazarGuy> sure teamcoltra
- <+QuazarGuy> should we discuss a date next week?
- <+QuazarGuy> give everyone time to cheak with their states
- <+QuazarGuy> check*
- <@teamcoltra> That sounds like a good option QuazarGuy buty ou should also come up with something tentative now
- <+QuazarGuy> plan for July 21
- <+QuazarGuy> like that?
- <+JakeZ> I'll take a look at our calendar but I'm sure we can have someone there for either of those dates
- <+QuazarGuy> well CA would hold their own picnic and join the google+ hangout
- <@teamcoltra> QuazarGuy - would you like to invite world Pirates?
- <@teamcoltra> or make this an American thing?
- <+QuazarGuy> American thing
- <+QuazarGuy> but they are welcome to join the chatroom beside it
- <+JakeZ> I don't understand what you mean
- <+JakeZ> oh I see
- <+JakeZ> nm
- <+QuazarGuy> I've never done a hangout, can others view the video feeds?
- <+JakeZ> so we'd be broadcasting from a picnic?
- <+QuazarGuy> yeah
- <+JakeZ> yea others can view, to answer your question
- <+erixoltan> I've sent a letter to the Mass Pirate party about this. Will hope to discuss it tomorrow at our IRC.
- <+QuazarGuy> awesome, I think this will be great
- <+JakeZ> I'm not sure the logistics though of wireless video streaming in a park or whatevs
- <+QuazarGuy> WA will be using a hackerspace
- <@teamcoltra> anyone who has a rooted android phone can set it up
- <+QuazarGuy> it'll probably eat your data plan alive though
- <+erixoltan> nothing wrong with a backyard too
- <+QuazarGuy> sure
- <+QuazarGuy> so lets aim for July 21st
- <@teamcoltra> is that a motion?
- <+QuazarGuy> well they need to ask their states
- <+QuazarGuy> I do too :p
- <+JakeZ> I like the idea of waiting for next week to set in stone
- <+JakeZ> but lets shoot for that
- <@teamcoltra> kk
- <@teamcoltra> next topic?
- <+QuazarGuy> I think I may have pasted that in the wrong place
- <+QuazarGuy> someone's state report
- <+QuazarGuy> thinking CA's
- <+QuazarGuy> yes
- <+JakeZ> what?
- <+QuazarGuy> that's all then
- <+QuazarGuy> I mispasted soemthign you said earlier
- <+JakeZ> oh I see
>>> kusanagi has quit IRC: Read error: Connection reset by peer
- <+QuazarGuy> so reminder, everyone in the PNC committee get your contact info to Zac
- <+QuazarGuy> I motion to adjourn
- <+erixoltan> second
- <+QuazarGuy> teamcoltra
- <@teamcoltra> All in favour?
- <+QuazarGuy> aye
- <+erixoltan> aye
- <+JakeZ> aye
- <+Zacqary> Aye
- <+Rush> aye
- <+erixoltan> teamcoltra, when you move to the US you'll have to say "all in favor" instead of "all in favour"... ;)
- <@teamcoltra> okay
- <@teamcoltra> :P
- <+QuazarGuy> :p
- <@teamcoltra> meeting adjourned