PNC 03/07/21

From United States Pirate Party
Revision as of 22:42, 7 March 2021 by Jokeefe (talk | contribs)
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Old Business





Reminder: April 2nd set as end of external lists (it & sab).

Next tasks:

  1. teach people how to use to send emails - set for this Tuesday
  2. set a regular IT meeting
  3. archive SAB list messages
  4. update old pages in the blog/wiki such as the state contact pages



The amendment to the Discord Rules:

Rule 0:

Statement of Intention and Validity: These Discord server rules have been made in accordance with the principles of the USPP and the Pirate wheel, and will be updated as the Pirate National Committee (PNC) comes to understand those principles more fully. These rules may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the PNC.

Rule 12:

Take drama to the DMs. If there are personal issues between members that do not involve the server, all drama, fighting, arguments, and aggression must go to DMs. This does not apply if members are being threatened, harmed, or bullied by another member of the server. Any criticism, complaints, arguments, etc, that involve or center on the server can be handled in #forums. If there is an issue with the server and how it is being run, take it to #forums or to the @arbiter and @admin.





Record of the meeting


[9:00pm] Bosun: Time to identify.
[9:00pm] pmchi: Ahoy!
[9:00pm] Bosun: Joseph T Klein USPP CHair.
[9:00pm] pmchi: Mitchel Davilo, Chicago/ILPP
[9:00pm] jokeefe: James O’Keefe, USPP Secretary, Massachusetts
[9:00pm] Sayyida: Megan Klein Vice Chair Wi
[9:00pm] Joe: Joseph Onoroski, Treasurer, Massachusetts
[9:00pm] jokeefe:
[9:01pm] papegaai: Title: PNC 03/07/21 - United States Pirate Party (at
[9:01pm] papegaai: Title: PNC 03/07/21 - United States Pirate Party (at
[9:03pm] jokeefe: Yari asked to add an item for discussion.
[9:03pm] jokeefe: I added it.
[9:04pm] Bosun: I pinged Yari - don't know if they are working tonight.
[9:04pm] Bosun: Yari messaged me - having some tech issues.
[9:05pm] jokeefe: ok
[9:05pm] jokeefe: IT update: poll found tech meetings should be every two weeks.
[9:05pm] Bosun: Happy to have everyone tonight. Shall we go through the agenda?
[9:05pm] jokeefe: Will have a new poll to pick a date/time. That is all I have.
[9:06pm] Bosun: We look forward to ir.
[9:06pm] Bosun: it
[9:06pm] Bosun: it being IT 
[9:06pm] yari joined the chat room.
[9:06pm] yari: Ahoy
[9:06pm] Joe: Ahoy Yari
[9:06pm] Bosun: Please ID
[9:06pm] yari: Rose Klein, California
[9:07pm] yari: Computer is a potato
[9:07pm] Sayyida: HEARD
[9:07pm] Bosun: Where did you dig that one up?
[9:07pm] Joe: I'm having Portal 2 flashbacks
[9:08pm] Sayyida: I promise the cake is real
[9:08pm] jokeefe: lol
[9:08pm] yari: Brb
[9:08pm] yariValtean joined the chat room.
[9:09pm] yariValtean: ahoy
[9:09pm] yariValtean: NickServ double logged me, so for sake of ID logs
[9:09pm] yariValtean: : Rose Klein, California
[9:10pm] Bosun: If IT thinks the notes in the agenda reflect the report, then let's go to Yari's items.
[9:10pm] Bosun: Rule 0:
[9:10pm] Bosun: Statement of Intention and Validity: These Discord server rules have been made in accordance with the principles of the USPP and the Pirate wheel, and will be updated as the Pirate National Committee (PNC) comes to understand those principles more fully. These rules may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the PNC.
[9:10pm] Bosun: Rule 12:
[9:10pm] Bosun: Take drama to the DMs. If there are personal issues between members that do not involve the server, all drama, fighting, arguments, and aggression must go to DMs. This does not apply if members are being threatened, harmed, or bullied by another member of the server. Any criticism, complaints, arguments, etc, that involve or center on the server can be handled in #forums. If there is an issue with the server and how it is being run,
[9:10pm] Bosun:  take it to #forums or to the @arbiter and @admin.
[9:11pm] Bosun: Like old Usenet we end up reinventing ways to contain flames.
[9:12pm] jokeefe: yes
[9:12pm] yariValtean: Jokeefe pointed out that the 2/3 requirement is steep, and I agree - I think perhaps simply a simple majority is what should be required
[9:12pm] jokeefe: ++excellent
[9:13pm] Bosun: If WI or WI would move the proposal? - Then we discuss.
[9:13pm] Bosun: WI or MA
[9:14pm] Sayyida: I move for discussion
[9:14pm] Joe: 2nd
[9:15pm] Bosun: OK I suggest we accept with the friendly 1/2 board ammendment.
[9:15pm] Bosun: Any objections?
[9:16pm] Bosun: .. majority
[9:16pm] jokeefe: 1/2 board or majority?
[9:16pm] jokeefe: great
[9:16pm] jokeefe: no objections
[9:16pm] Bosun: Majority.
[9:16pm] Bosun: Any other objections?
[9:17pm] Bosun: Then let's mark it as passed.
[9:17pm] Sayyida: no objections
[9:17pm] yariValtean: thank you, I will have it implemented.
[9:18pm] yariValtean: May I take a point of privilege to speak on the follow up that I will be taking to this at the next PNC meeting?
[9:18pm] Bosun: Yes. WI would like to sponsor IL and CA elevation to state status?
[9:19pm] jokeefe: To be clear: we just approved accepting the friendly amendment to change from 2/3 to majority
[9:19pm] jokeefe: ?
[9:20pm] Bosun: OK - you want a vote then on the rules?
[9:20pm] jokeefe: Yes
[9:20pm] Bosun: OK please vote on the rule change as amended;
[9:21pm] Bosun: MA?
[9:21pm] yariValtean: was there further discussion to be had on the rules? I would appreciate any concerns or thoughts
[9:21pm] Bosun: Yes don't be shy about speaking up.
[9:22pm] Sayyida: I think I voiced my concern about the rules a while back but it has been remedied
[9:22pm] Joe: Whom is the arbiter and admin for discord going to be?
[9:22pm] Joe: Does this council decide? The states?
[9:23pm] yariValtean: Joe arbiter is a position that will be chosen at random every two weeks starting next week pending the approval of a random picker discord bot by the PNC
[9:23pm] jokeefe: Yes, states decide on the admin. We choose Yari.
[9:24pm] yariValtean: PNC chooses admin
[9:24pm] Joe: Thank you, I have no further objections
[9:24pm] Bosun: The stand as: Rule 0:
[9:24pm] Bosun: Statement of Intention and Validity: These Discord server rules have been made in accordance with the principles of the USPP and the Pirate wheel, and will be updated as the Pirate National Committee (PNC) comes to understand those principles more fully. These rules may be amended by a majority vote of the PNC.
[9:24pm] Bosun: Rule 12:
[9:24pm] Bosun: Take drama to the DMs. If there are personal issues between members that do not involve the server, all drama, fighting, arguments, and aggression must go to DMs. This does not apply if members are being threatened, harmed, or bullied by another member of the server. Any criticism, complaints, arguments, etc, that involve or center on the server can be handled in #forums. If there is an issue with the server and how it is being run,
[9:24pm] Bosun:  take it to #forums or to the @arbiter and @admin.
[9:24pm] Bosun: All in favor?
[9:24pm] Joe: Aye
[9:24pm] pmchi: Aye
[9:25pm] Sayyida: AYE
[9:25pm] jokeefe: aye
[9:25pm] Bosun: WI and MA vote aye.
[9:25pm] Bosun: Passed.
[9:26pm] jokeefe: Thanks yari
[9:26pm] Sayyida: I need to ask, are we going to have a formal process to this? I want to make sure its known, to keep your personal beef out of the common space and to contact x to file a formal complaint 
[9:27pm] jokeefe: That would be good in general, Sayyida
[9:27pm] yariValtean: agreed.
[9:28pm] Sayyida: I have personal issue with risking the careers of other board members just because they don't get along. Its unacceptable behavior and I don't want the USPP to be seen as drama hungry americans
[9:28pm] Joe: Was there someone you had in mind Sayyida that made you want to ask?
[9:28pm] Sayyida: we have the stain of reality tv presidents and we don't need to emulate that
[9:29pm] yariValtean: I think that re: Discord stuff specifically, I will be working with the arbiter on a living document
[9:29pm] yariValtean: And perhaps the document should be publicly accessible
[9:29pm] Sayyida: Joe, they are no longer at the table, it would not be polite to speak ill of those not here
[9:29pm] yariValtean: Full transparency and all
[9:29pm] Bosun: Place a copy in the Wiki
[9:29pm] yariValtean: Will do Bosun
[9:30pm] Sayyida: WI would like to sponsor Illinois and California to state status
[9:30pm] yariValtean: Point of order
[9:31pm] yariValtean: ?
[9:31pm] Sayyida: it was a few several lines up yariValtean
[9:31pm] Bosun: What is the point of order?
[9:31pm] Joe: Do they have the required members and sent in the required fees?
[9:31pm] yariValtean: Ah, never mind sorry
[9:31pm] yariValtean: Joe has it
[9:31pm] Sayyida: however I know where you stand on CA, and we did discuss personally already
[9:32pm] yariValtean: Point of information then, I do not accept this sponsorship.
[9:32pm] yariValtean: For CA specifically
[9:33pm] Bosun: I think we have chickens and eggs here - we have regular attendance for 6 moths from IL and CA. At the least we could discuss a probationary membership.
[9:33pm] jokeefe: Reminder that our State Eligibility rules are
[9:35pm] jokeefe: I think we should come up with some rules for state organizers without a party.
[9:36pm] Joe: I have no issue with Yari and Mitch joining this council, for the record.  I was just pretty sure that we put in a lot of thought before hand how we were organizing.
[9:36pm] yariValtean: jokeefe we are members at large, volunteers
[9:36pm] pmchi: By current representation, IL is still ineligible. Would the necessity of a secondary member require regular meeting attendance from at least 2 members or is the compensation of membership (ie. Dues from said members) or documentation of any kind proof enough?
[9:36pm] Bosun: Mitch is running for office, technically if he gets on the ballot then the party is recognized in his CD by the state.
[9:37pm] Sayyida: pmchi, actually
[9:37pm] yariValtean: I would like to know the answer to pmchi's question as well
[9:37pm] Sayyida: IL is eligible
[9:38pm] pmchi: Is IL eligible as an exception to the rule because I am actively running for office!
[9:38pm] pmchi: Office?
[9:38pm] Sayyida: but its the "formal" part its missing right?
[9:38pm] pmchi: For future reference, setting a precedent for future states, is my question
[9:38pm] Sayyida: so bosun, you and I all reside here. we all have been working towards pirate building ect
[9:38pm] Sayyida: there's an active web presence but not under IL directly
[9:39pm] pmchi: But would this make WI ineligible?
[9:39pm] Sayyida: No, because WI should have their retainer/other rep at this point.
[9:40pm] Bosun: No WI has member, paid members. It needs some work but it does exist.
[9:40pm] yariValtean: Also Bosun has that one person in WI who is going to be running for a seat
[9:40pm] pmchi: Congress as well?
[9:40pm] Sayyida: IL by osmosis is active
[9:40pm] jokeefe: WI folks need to show up.
[9:40pm] Bosun: I just need to strong are one into being leadership.
[9:40pm] yariValtean: Jokeefe agreed
[9:41pm] Joe: So if your in IL, then how are you voting for WI?
[9:41pm] Sayyida: I would support IL to state rep but I agreed with yariValtean on Their objection
[9:41pm] Bosun: There is no IL.
[9:42pm] Sayyida: Joe, because we are still on the board of WIPP