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#REDIRECT [[Pirate_National_Committee_(PNC)/Bylaws]]
===Structure of Bylaws===
*EXP. 2013
*To ensure the quality of the Bylaws so that they do not create more problems than they solve.
*To ensure that all Bylaws are drafted for a specific purpose, and that they fulfill this purpose adequately.
*To ensure that Bylaws are reviewed annually, and altered or abolished if they do not do their jobs.
*All Bylaws shall consist of three components: a Purpose, a Code, and a Year of Expiration.
*The Purpose shall describe what problem the Bylaw aims to solve.
*The Code shall describe what the Bylaw does.
*The Year of Expiration shall be the year in which the Bylaw was passed, plus one. Expiration shall take effect immediately following the adjournment of the PNC Annual Convention which takes place in the Year of Expiration.
*A Bylaw may be renewed, unaltered, for one additional year by motion of the PNC at the Annual Convention, thus extending its Year of Expiration by one. If no action is taken to do so, the Bylaw shall expire following the convention, and no longer be in effect. If the bylaws are renewed, unaltered, the expiration date will add ‘renewed’ after the expiration year.
===Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Bylaws===
*EXP. 2013
*To allow this document to be changed.
*To prevent non-participants in the PNC from holding power over its bylaws.
*Bylaws may be created, modified, or deleted from this document by simple majority vote of the PNC.
*EXP. 2013
*In order to create an effective PNC.
*In order to create a PNC where each officer has equal duties, ensuring that none are under or over worked.
**They will speak to the press representing the USPP as a spokesperson.
**They will settle disputes between members of the PNC.
**They will run the PNC meeting, keeping it on track and as free of disruptions as possible.
**They will handle any legal matters of the PNC, all assets of the PNC, and any income the PNC generates.
*First Officer:
**They will maintain a database of committees
**They will run general meetings.
**They will make the Agenda at least 48 hours before the meeting.
*Quartermaster :
**They will be in charge of disbursement of funds to committees.
**They will tally votes, take notes on the agenda, and publish logs.
**They will maintain a database of PNC members.
*General Provisions:
**All officers are required to give a report at the PNC meetings.
**Officers are allowed to change roles or take on other roles by 2/3 vote of the PNC.
**Officers do not hold more power than the PNC and any order that an officers makes can be overturned by 9/10 vote of the PNC.
Exp. 2013
*To keep the decision-making power of the PNC in the hands of the member states, and restrict Officers to facilitation roles.
*To limit the decision-making power of states which do not qualify for full membership in the PNC.
*Officers are not permitted to vote on motions raised before the PNC.
*Representatives of Member States shall have one (1) vote on motions raised before the PNC.
*Representatives of Probationary and Observer States shall have one-half (0.5) vote on motions raised before the PNC.
*Officers are not allowed to be state representatives.
===Meeting format===
*EXP. 2013
*To clarify decorum and expected behavior of those attending the PNC.
*The Captain will open the meeting.
*The attendees will identify by full name, state, status (member, probation, at large, or officer with the position title.
*Meetings will occur at least once per month.
===Speaking during meetings.===
*EXP. 2013
*To reduce the number of voices in order to have an efficient meeting.
*To clarify the speaking abilities of members.
*To make the process of asking permission to speak more efficient.
*All officers, full members and probationary members can speak
*At large members can request full members the ability to speak, full members will                              then make a motion to allow at large members to speak.
*When given the permission to speak, the permission only lasts through the agenda item unless the captain specifies otherwise.
*During the any other business section, anyone present can speak freely.
*States that are willing to ask for at larges will enter their state onto a list created by            the first mate. These individuals are the only ones who at large can request permission            from. If there are no volunteers on this list then the at larges must go to the acting captain in order to get permission to speak.
*Only one representative from an at-large state shall be able to speak during a meeting.
*If an at-large is in a committee the at-large is allowed to speak freely during the committee's presentation.
*EXP. 2013
*To enable the PNC to make decisions and vote on matters of importance.
*Only full member states can propose motions.
*A motion needs a second from a member state to carry.
===The Committees Board===
*EXP. 2013
*To create a governing body separate from the PNC to create and disband committees
*To create a governing body that will allow committees to have structure without the PNC
*To allow for quick creation and disbandment of committees
*This Board will contain 3-5 members
*This Board will be elected by the General Assembly
*This Board will not be a committee that reports to the PNC
*This Board will publish its own logs of meetings on the USPP wiki
*EXP. 2013
*To create and execute projects that are beneficial to the USPP but not one of the explicit duties of the PNC.
*Committees are formed with a 2/3 vote.
*When considering a proposal created by a member of the USPP see Committees, Section 3.
*EXP. 2013
*1. To reduce the number of committees to active, useful ones.
*Disbanded by the Committees Board because they have fulfilled their purpose
*Disbanded by the Committees Board because there was a violation of the proposal
*Disbanded with a 3/4 vote
*EXP. 2013
*To have committees and projects with a clear goal and organizing strategy.
*To clarify the requirements for a successful proposal
*Actions steps
**These need to be highly specific
**There needs to be a proposed deadline and proposed check in dates
**This deadline can be flexible and can change based on a 2/3 vote from the Committees Board
**There needs to be a project manager that will submit the proposal
*The proposal needs to be emailed to the Committees Board to be put on the agenda 
**If the proposal fails the committee board will write an email to the applicant explaining why the project was rejected.
**The committee project manager does not need to be at the meeting but it may be beneficial to do so.

Latest revision as of 19:02, 11 October 2012