Difference between revisions of "PNC 12/04/2022"

From United States Pirate Party
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(4 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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*Mitchel Davilo, Chicagoland/IL, Swarmcare Manager
*Mitchel Davilo, Chicagoland/IL, Swarmcare Manager
*Drew Bingaman, PA Captain
*Drew Bingaman, PA Captain
*Ty Clifford, WV, Captain
*Ashley Melody, IN, Interim Rep
*Ashley Melody, IN, Interim Rep
*Benjamin McCrae, NJ
=== Probationary States ===
=== Probationary States ===
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=== Non-Voting ===
=== Non-Voting ===
* Anthony Jay, IN, PNC Chair
* Anthony Jay, IN, PNC Chair
*Ty Clifford, WV, Captain
== Summary ==
== Summary ==
Meeting called to order at pm EST.
Meeting called to order at 9:04pm EST.
=== Reports ===
=== Reports ===
Line 46: Line 47:
=== Old Business ===
=== Old Business ===
*Request for update from convention committee
** discussion tabled indefinitely 4-0-1
=== New Business ===
=== New Business ===
Line 53: Line 54:
Meeting adjourned at pm EST.
Meeting adjourned at 10:04pm EST.
== Minutes ==
== Minutes ==
Line 60: Line 61:
21:04:08 <Woden> Calling this meeting to order at 9:03 Eastern time
<Woden> IDs?
<Woden> Anthony Jay, IN, PNC chair
<yari> Rose Klein, CA
<Keljar> Benjamin McCrae, NJ
towerofrebirth has quit
<Jester> Ashley Melody, IN interim rep
<pmchi> Mitchel Davilo, Chicagoland/ILPP, Swarmcare Manager
<Ty> Ty Clifford, WV, Captain
<Woden> DreadPirateDrew, Joe ?
<Joe> Joseph Onoroski, Treasurer, MA Rep, USPP Rep
<Woden> Danke
<DreadPirateDrew> Drew Bingaman PA Captain
<Woden> Can we get the agenda?
<yari> https://wiki.uspirates.org/w/index.php?title=PNC_12/04/2022#Officers
<papegaai> Title: PNC 12/04/2022 - United States Pirate Party (at wiki.uspirates.org)
<yari> oops
<Woden> Danke x2
<yari> that's one section
<Woden> https://wiki.uspirates.org/w/index.php?title=PNC_12/04/2022
<yari> eh
<papegaai> Title: PNC 12/04/2022 - United States Pirate Party (at wiki.uspirates.org)
<Woden> There it is
<Woden> https://wiki.uspirates.org/w/index.php?title=PNC_12/04/2022
Jester has quit
<Woden> Outreach report first - We have a blurb, can whoever wrote it come forward?
Jester has joined
<pmchi> That would be I
<Woden> The floor is yours
<pmchi> Just many things that were discussed in Outreach that I wanted to bring focus to. Unfortunately I was called into emergency work so I don’t have my notes with me. Items pertaining to things such as endorsement questionnaires, docking social media accounts for all 56 state parties, and another Pirate outreach event, this one focused on states and not ideologically driven
<Woden> Thank you Mitch, that recap is greatly appreciated. We will run future outreach meetings with this weel's discussion in mind
<Woden> I will read it over
<Woden> Platform>
<yari> we definitely have the capability to set aside social media accts for all state parties
<Woden> ?
<pmchi> The latter two are thing I will volunteer myself to take task in achieving, while the former item I ask that you think about what questions you’d have for a candidate wishing to be Pirate involved
<Woden> We could definitely step up the productivity of outreach and maybe even start up those other committees to even the workload
<pmchi> Platform meeting went well. Joe is responsible for much of the meeting’s success, and I less-so, so thank you Joe
<yari> Mitch if you want a hand in doing social accts I can just join a meeting with you and we can work on that after this or sometime this week
<Joe> pmchi underestimates his involvement.
<Woden> Sweet. We will let Joe say something if he wants. In the meantime, any expansion on Swarmcare?
<Woden> The report, that is
<Joe> I threw out some ideas for discussion
<Joe> We still need to get it written out and formalized though
<Joe> We also discussed adding some items to previous platforms that we do have approved, specifically to do with the corp. veil. We need to hold leaders responsible for the decisions they make,
<Joe> More to come.
<Woden> Thank you!
<Woden> Swarmcare? Secretary?
<yari> which one
<Woden> Either or
<yari> okay
<yari> Adopting a new method of adding agenda items to the wiki. Accidentally missed copying down the record of the IRC meeting on NOV 20th, working on updating the wiki with summaries, will ask people to contribute what they remember. Checking in with Jamie on Wed to figure out wiki and SAB list permissions.
<Woden> We should technically save comments until the end either way
<yari> I disagree.
<Woden> I disagree with the disagreement, just because we have been getting to the point where reports last until 9:40
<Woden> Which saces me a lil
<Woden> scares
<Woden> Thank you Yari! Swarmcareeeeeee?
<Woden> I can go ahead and give my chair's report. I took a much needed break this week. That being said, Joe called me and I did not call him back. Please bother me again this week. I will respond this time lol. Also, can someone re-add my roles? I think only Yari can
Jester has quit
<yari> oh yeah sure
<yari> done
Jester has joined
<Joe> Yari, can we change the nature of a channel?
<yari> on discord?
<yari> yes, depending on what you mean
<Woden> Can we make that new business?
<Joe> Pirate councel, why don't we just make it a public forum for council members, that way when I have treasurer stuff to announce or you need to ping us for meetings, we can post there
<Woden> Thank you though Yario
<Joe> Sure
<Woden> I have a feeling Yari will disagree with that
<Joe> Sorry Woden, the idea just hit me
<Woden> No worries! I getcha
<Woden> Any further discussion or debate on the reports? Including a swarmcare report
<yari> Swarmcare report as included in the agenda: Swarmcare business today will be tied up in the Outreach action items. Illinois (really the Chicagoland chapter) reviewed Chicago's mayoral candidates and discussed endorsements.
<pmchi> Ah sorry thank you Yari!
<pmchi> But yes, the report from Swarmcare is as written above
<Woden> Danke
<Woden> Anything else?
<pmchi> Three endorsable candidates for anyone wondering
<yari> nada except I think Joe's onto something and we should make it new business
<Woden> Let's get to old business then! Any objections?
<yari> nope
<yari> none objections
<Woden> Going once
<Jester> Nada
<Woden> Going twice
<Woden> Sold.
<yari> If it isn't objected to in 30 seconds, it's usually good
<Woden> Old business - convention committee. Hit us, Mitch
<Woden> Or another member if he wishes to abdicate
<Woden> Back
<yari> I haven't heard anything from the convention committee
<yari> or from Mitch on this, I can't remember specifically if I volunteered myself for it but I think I did
<yari> would love to wait until pmchi can respond
<Woden> I think there is an update
<yari> cool cool
<Joe> A few of us contributed but I think we were in agreement with Drew in having a digital meeting in off election years and doing a physical meeting on election years
<Woden> Important part being we are starting that this year
<Joe> We have not locked dates or times yet
<Woden> So we would plan in-person for 2024
<Joe> I would defer to pmchi, but I believe that to be the case
<yari> good to know
<yari> I was going to say if we want something in person we need to purchase stuff like... yesterday
<Woden> What do we want to do with this item now? Move on? Wait for pmchi?
<Joe> motion to table for now.
<yari> We should definitely be thinking ahead for 2024 already then - picking a location, assigning people to discuss
<Woden> Noted
<Woden> Motion on the table
<yari> and we should be looking toward deciding a theme and duration, timing for this year
<pmchi> Okay so quick note for 2023
<yari> motion noted and ignored, respectfully
<Woden> Yes? Pmchi
<pmchi> The committee has considered it better to do online for 2023 and in-person for 2024. If we decide on locations, they will be for next year. Events we decide on can be for this upcoming year’s conference
<yari> when you say events, what were you all thinking?
<pmchi> Daily panels and the sorts
<yari> gotcha
Jester has quit
<pmchi> Committee briefly touched upon ideas, I gave my own. Nothing to present to PNC
<yari> is the committee planning on meeting again soon to discuss the plan for 2023 re: theme, events, timing, etc?
<Woden> Good idea
Jester has joined
<Jester> I'm back
<pmchi> I shall be calling a meeting for that sooner rather than later. I’ll check with those in committee on a convenient time and we can discuss
<yari> cool.
<yari> okay, I'm cool with seconding the table motion by Joe then, unless there's more from pmchi
<Woden> Can we consider that a second and a move to debate?
<yari> table motions can't be debated, technically
<Woden> Oh, true
<yari> I would shrug, but I don't know how to communicate that on this particular IRC client
<Joe> '/me
<Woden> I would suggest we vote
* Joe shrugs with yari
<DreadPirateDrew> Aye
<Woden> All in favor of tabling?
<Joe> aye
<yari> aye
<Jester> aye
<Woden> Four eyes
<Woden> Pmchi?
* yari , wearing glasses, relieved to finally not be the one getting called names
<Woden> Motion passes either way
<Woden> Ha, I didn't catch that
<Woden> New Business - USPP Holiday celebration
<Woden> WHh added this and can they elaborate for us?
<yari> I put this on there because I wanted to discuss the possibility of having some sort of holiday celebration
<Woden> Go on
<Joe> I also have a Treasury report
<Joe> Unless I just missed it
<Woden> My apologies, it wasn't added to the agenda so I assumed it wasn't there
<yari> I think we deserve to celebrate things, and of course we're not having a meeting on the 25th of Dec - I am *not* proposing a party on that day, but... I don't know
<Woden> You wanna go?
<Joe> Treasury is good, our current funds are up to 292.38. Stripe is working, though I would like to get more direct access to it. Would help with reporting..... Managed to get out of all fees with the FEC and we are almost caught up there with a few more reports to go.
<yari> Is there a way we can help with getting more direct access to it?
<yari> like insofar as IT is concerned
<Joe> FEC requiring all deposits and expenses to be reported
<Joe> Possibly, unless you want to give me a report every time there is a donatation
<Joe> I am fine with either
<yari> there's a list of all donations on the wordpress backend
<Joe> hmmmm
<Joe> Can we just generate an email that goes to me?
<Woden> Also, is there a way for us to make the donations page a little more standard in the future? Like a way for them to choose their own amount?
<Woden> I do not know anything about stripe
<yari> Woden - that was unfortunately a concession Jamie and I had to make in order to make the wordpress site work with this.
<yari> that isn't a stripe thing
<Joe> As far as the Pirate council, instead of only opening it up right before meetings, just open it up to the reps and council members all the time
<Woden> Understood. I would love more research on that
<yari> Joe, one thing at a time please
<Joe> K
* Joe holds back his spastic nature for the greater good.
<yari> Joe, can you make a meeting on wednesday at 9?
<Woden> Back to holidays then?
<Joe> I will have babies on me most likely but I will do my best to attend
<yari> still finishing up the treasurer stuff for a sec
<Woden> Sorry, thought we were wrapped up
<yari> If you can attend, Joe - Jamie and I will be talking IT stuff for a bit, and we can definitely discuss how to get you a report from the donations backend
<Joe> Or either or both of you can reach me any time this time of year.
<Joe> My "door" is always open to you both
<yari> would prefer the meeting if possible.
<yari> do you need a reminder sent?
<Joe> Please
<yari> will do
<yari> fine to move on
<Woden> Okay, Holidays
<yari> I am suggesting some sort of holiday celebration take place on the pirate server, I suppose - I'm not sure what that would be.
<Joe> I also had a request to change the nature of a discord channel
<yari> I don't think it even has to be a chance to build our brand or anything
<yari> It can just be a party
<yari> (a pirate party)
<Woden> I like that
* yari whispers *get it? like a- a... party? for pirates?
* Ty wishes to be recognized @ Holiday celebration time
<yari> Ty is that a request to speak, or to be part of the party?
<Ty> To speak
<yari> just do it
<Ty> We totally need to dress up as pirates for it.
<yari> I agree, honestly.
<Ty> That was already on my book for an in person meeting here in WV, to raise awareness.
<Ty> That's all : )
<yari> I think most of the celebrations would end up being online, BUT
<Ty> "who are those people dressed as pirates...?"
<yari> one of my students made an incredible game that can be played over zoom or any online video chat that involves costumes
<Woden> Ooooh
<yari> Look, I teach game design and I'm a pirate, that means I get to... kindly request to use my student's games for all sorts of things
<yari> anyway, I'm going to make a thread to discuss this on the discord.
<yari> If people have great ideas, they should put them there
<Woden> Should we take this to a committee?
<yari> I don't think we need to
<Woden> Or let someone lead
<yari> I think we just make it a thing that everyone plans
<Joe> make a pirate pad?
<yari> Sure, can you do that, Joe?
<yari> and link it to the thread on discord that I make?
<Joe> Hmm, maybe?
<yari> I'll tag you in the thread
<DreadPirateDrew> FYI, Going AFK for a few, will check back in.
<Joe> Motion to adjourn
<yari> I do want to get to Joe's request before we end the meeting
<yari> of changing a discord channel to something else?
<Joe> We can do it under new business next week
<Woden> We can also continue next week
<yari> or just off meeting time
<yari> okay, fair
<yari> second
<Woden> Is this a table?
<pmchi> Joe I do believe your request is simple enough to do off meeting time, if it’s the request I believe it is. No need to wait until next week
<yari> ^
Keljar has quit
<yari> Woden, I don't think it's a request to table. we are taking action
<yari> we did a motion and second to adjourn
<Woden> Okay
<Woden> Debate?
<Joe> Need dat vote yo
<yari> screw RONR
<Woden> Vote?
<yari> adjourn --> no debate
<Woden> What?
<Woden> It's an agenda item right?
<Woden> It's a motion to table
<yari> No, Joe moved to adjourn the meeting
<Woden> ...Okay
<Woden> All in favor?
<Joe> aye
<yari> aye
<pmchi> Aye
<yari> Drew is AFK, I believe
<yari> Jester?
<Jester> ate
<Jester> aye*
<Woden> Cool
22:04:03 <Woden> Meeting adjourned at 10:03 Eastern

Latest revision as of 23:02, 23 January 2023




While no outreach meeting, there were various discussions and talking points that were laid out that are going to need addressing. I have taken notes, and have a few action items in relation to outreach.


Meeting last Monday seemed to be more active. Thank you to Joe for all the help; it is very much appreciated.


  • Secretary: Adopting a new method of adding agenda items to the wiki. Accidentally missed copying down the record of the IRC meeting on NOV 20th, working on updating the wiki with summaries, will ask people to contribute what they remember. Checking in with Jamie on Wed to figure out wiki and SAB list permissions.
  • Chair: Took a break this week. Still need to call Joe back.
  • Swarmcare business today will be tied up in the Outreach action items. Illinois (really the Chicagoland chapter) reviewed Chicago's mayoral candidates and discussed endorsements.


Old Business

  • Request for update from convention committee

New Business

  • USPP Holiday celebrations discussion


  • Rose Klein, CA
  • Mitchel Davilo, Chicagoland/IL, Swarmcare Manager
  • Drew Bingaman, PA Captain
  • Ashley Melody, IN, Interim Rep
  • Benjamin McCrae, NJ

Probationary States


  • Anthony Jay, IN, PNC Chair
  • Ty Clifford, WV, Captain


Meeting called to order at 9:04pm EST.


Old Business

  • Request for update from convention committee
    • discussion tabled indefinitely 4-0-1

New Business

Meeting adjourned at 10:04pm EST.


Record of the meeting

21:04:08 <Woden> Calling this meeting to order at 9:03 Eastern time
<Woden> IDs?
<Woden> Anthony Jay, IN, PNC chair
<yari> Rose Klein, CA
<Keljar> Benjamin McCrae, NJ
towerofrebirth has quit
<Jester> Ashley Melody, IN interim rep
<pmchi> Mitchel Davilo, Chicagoland/ILPP, Swarmcare Manager
<Ty> Ty Clifford, WV, Captain 
<Woden> DreadPirateDrew, Joe ?
<Joe> Joseph Onoroski, Treasurer, MA Rep, USPP Rep
<Woden> Danke
<DreadPirateDrew> Drew Bingaman PA Captain
<Woden> Can we get the agenda?
<yari> https://wiki.uspirates.org/w/index.php?title=PNC_12/04/2022#Officers
<papegaai> Title: PNC 12/04/2022 - United States Pirate Party (at wiki.uspirates.org)
<yari> oops
<Woden> Danke x2
<yari> that's one section
<Woden> https://wiki.uspirates.org/w/index.php?title=PNC_12/04/2022
<yari> eh
<papegaai> Title: PNC 12/04/2022 - United States Pirate Party (at wiki.uspirates.org)
<Woden> There it is
<Woden> https://wiki.uspirates.org/w/index.php?title=PNC_12/04/2022
Jester has quit
<Woden> Outreach report first - We have a blurb, can whoever wrote it come forward?
Jester has joined
<pmchi> That would be I
<Woden> The floor is yours
<pmchi> Just many things that were discussed in Outreach that I wanted to bring focus to. Unfortunately I was called into emergency work so I don’t have my notes with me. Items pertaining to things such as endorsement questionnaires, docking social media accounts for all 56 state parties, and another Pirate outreach event, this one focused on states and not ideologically driven
<Woden> Thank you Mitch, that recap is greatly appreciated. We will run future outreach meetings with this weel's discussion in mind
<Woden> I will read it over
<Woden> Platform>
<yari> we definitely have the capability to set aside social media accts for all state parties 
<Woden> ?
<pmchi> The latter two are thing I will volunteer myself to take task in achieving, while the former item I ask that you think about what questions you’d have for a candidate wishing to be Pirate involved
<Woden> We could definitely step up the productivity of outreach and maybe even start up those other committees to even the workload
<pmchi> Platform meeting went well. Joe is responsible for much of the meeting’s success, and I less-so, so thank you Joe
<yari> Mitch if you want a hand in doing social accts I can just join a meeting with you and we can work on that after this or sometime this week
<Joe> pmchi underestimates his involvement. 
<Woden> Sweet. We will let Joe say something if he wants. In the meantime, any expansion on Swarmcare?
<Woden> The report, that is
<Joe> I threw out some ideas for discussion
<Joe> We still need to get it written out and formalized though
<Joe> We also discussed adding some items to previous platforms that we do have approved, specifically to do with the corp. veil. We need to hold leaders responsible for the decisions they make,
<Joe> More to come.
<Woden> Thank you!
<Woden> Swarmcare? Secretary?
<yari> which one
<Woden> Either or
<yari> okay
<yari> Adopting a new method of adding agenda items to the wiki. Accidentally missed copying down the record of the IRC meeting on NOV 20th, working on updating the wiki with summaries, will ask people to contribute what they remember. Checking in with Jamie on Wed to figure out wiki and SAB list permissions.
<Woden> We should technically save comments until the end either way
<yari> I disagree.
<Woden> I disagree with the disagreement, just because we have been getting to the point where reports last until 9:40
<Woden> Which saces me a lil
<Woden> scares
<Woden> Thank you Yari! Swarmcareeeeeee?
<Woden> I can go ahead and give my chair's report. I took a much needed break this week. That being said, Joe called me and I did not call him back. Please bother me again this week. I will respond this time lol. Also, can someone re-add my roles? I think only Yari can
Jester has quit
<yari> oh yeah sure
<yari> done
Jester has joined
<Joe> Yari, can we change the nature of a channel?
<yari> on discord?
<yari> yes, depending on what you mean
<Woden> Can we make that new business?
<Joe> Pirate councel, why don't we just make it a public forum for council members, that way when I have treasurer stuff to announce or you need to ping us for meetings, we can post there
<Woden> Thank you though Yario
<Joe> Sure
<Woden> I have a feeling Yari will disagree with that
<Joe> Sorry Woden, the idea just hit me
<Woden> No worries! I getcha
<Woden> Any further discussion or debate on the reports? Including a swarmcare report
<yari> Swarmcare report as included in the agenda: Swarmcare business today will be tied up in the Outreach action items. Illinois (really the Chicagoland chapter) reviewed Chicago's mayoral candidates and discussed endorsements.
<pmchi> Ah sorry thank you Yari!
<pmchi> But yes, the report from Swarmcare is as written above
<Woden> Danke
<Woden> Anything else?
<pmchi> Three endorsable candidates for anyone wondering
<yari> nada except I think Joe's onto something and we should make it new business
<Woden> Let's get to old business then! Any objections?
<yari> nope
<yari> none objections
<Woden> Going once
<Jester> Nada
<Woden> Going twice
<Woden> Sold.
<yari> If it isn't objected to in 30 seconds, it's usually good
<Woden> Old business - convention committee. Hit us, Mitch
<Woden> Or another member if he wishes to abdicate
<Woden> Back
<yari> I haven't heard anything from the convention committee
<yari> or from Mitch on this, I can't remember specifically if I volunteered myself for it but I think I did
<yari> would love to wait until pmchi can respond
<Woden> I think there is an update
<yari> cool cool
<Joe> A few of us contributed but I think we were in agreement with Drew in having a digital meeting in off election years and doing a physical meeting on election years
<Woden> Important part being we are starting that this year
<Joe> We have not locked dates or times yet
<Woden> So we would plan in-person for 2024
<Joe> I would defer to pmchi, but I believe that to be the case
<yari> good to know
<yari> I was going to say if we want something in person we need to purchase stuff like... yesterday
<Woden> What do we want to do with this item now? Move on? Wait for pmchi?
<Joe> motion to table for now.
<yari> We should definitely be thinking ahead for 2024 already then - picking a location, assigning people to discuss
<Woden> Noted
<Woden> Motion on the table
<yari> and we should be looking toward deciding a theme and duration, timing for this year
<pmchi> Okay so quick note for 2023
<yari> motion noted and ignored, respectfully
<Woden> Yes? Pmchi
<pmchi> The committee has considered it better to do online for 2023 and in-person for 2024. If we decide on locations, they will be for next year. Events we decide on can be for this upcoming year’s conference
<yari> when you say events, what were you all thinking?
<pmchi> Daily panels and the sorts
<yari> gotcha
Jester has quit
<pmchi> Committee briefly touched upon ideas, I gave my own. Nothing to present to PNC
<yari> is the committee planning on meeting again soon to discuss the plan for 2023 re: theme, events, timing, etc?
<Woden> Good idea 
Jester has joined
<Jester> I'm back
<pmchi> I shall be calling a meeting for that sooner rather than later. I’ll check with those in committee on a convenient time and we can discuss
<yari> cool. 
<yari> okay, I'm cool with seconding the table motion by Joe then, unless there's more from pmchi
<Woden> Can we consider that a second and a move to debate?
<yari> table motions can't be debated, technically
<Woden> Oh, true
<yari> I would shrug, but I don't know how to communicate that on this particular IRC client
<Joe> '/me 
<Woden> I would suggest we vote
* Joe shrugs with yari
<DreadPirateDrew> Aye
<Woden> All in favor of tabling?
<Joe> aye
<yari> aye
<Jester> aye
<Woden> Four eyes
<Woden> Pmchi?
* yari , wearing glasses, relieved to finally not be the one getting called names
<Woden> Motion passes either way
<Woden> Ha, I didn't catch that
<Woden> New Business - USPP Holiday celebration 
<Woden> WHh added this and can they elaborate for us?
<yari> I put this on there because I wanted to discuss the possibility of having some sort of holiday celebration
<Woden> Go on
<Joe> I also have a Treasury report
<Joe> Unless I just missed it
<Woden> My apologies, it wasn't added to the agenda so I assumed it wasn't there
<yari> I think we deserve to celebrate things, and of course we're not having a meeting on the 25th of Dec - I am *not* proposing a party on that day, but... I don't know
<Woden> You wanna go?
<Joe> Treasury is good, our current funds are up to 292.38. Stripe is working, though I would like to get more direct access to it. Would help with reporting..... Managed to get out of all fees with the FEC and we are almost caught up there with a few more reports to go.
<yari> Is there a way we can help with getting more direct access to it?
<yari> like insofar as IT is concerned
<Joe> FEC requiring all deposits and expenses to be reported
<Joe> Possibly, unless you want to give me a report every time there is a donatation
<Joe> I am fine with either
<yari> there's a list of all donations on the wordpress backend
<Joe> hmmmm
<Joe> Can we just generate an email that goes to me?
<Woden> Also, is there a way for us to make the donations page a little more standard in the future? Like a way for them to choose their own amount?
<Woden> I do not know anything about stripe
<yari> Woden - that was unfortunately a concession Jamie and I had to make in order to make the wordpress site work with this. 
<yari> that isn't a stripe thing
<Joe> As far as the Pirate council, instead of only opening it up right before meetings, just open it up to the reps and council members all the time
<Woden> Understood. I would love more research on that
<yari> Joe, one thing at a time please
<Joe> K
* Joe holds back his spastic nature for the greater good.
<yari> Joe, can you make a meeting on wednesday at 9?
<Woden> Back to holidays then?
<Joe> I will have babies on me most likely but I will do my best to attend
<yari> still finishing up the treasurer stuff for a sec
<Woden> Sorry, thought we were wrapped up
<yari> If you can attend, Joe - Jamie and I will be talking IT stuff for a bit, and we can definitely discuss how to get you a report from the donations backend
<Joe> Or either or both of you can reach me any time this time of year.
<Joe> My "door" is always open to you both
<yari> would prefer the meeting if possible. 
<yari> do you need a reminder sent?
<Joe> Please
<yari> will do
<yari> fine to move on
<Woden> Okay, Holidays
<yari> I am suggesting some sort of holiday celebration take place on the pirate server, I suppose - I'm not sure what that would be. 
<Joe> I also had a request to change the nature of a discord channel
<yari> I don't think it even has to be a chance to build our brand or anything
<yari> It can just be a party
<yari> (a pirate party)
<Woden> I like that
* yari whispers *get it? like a- a... party? for pirates?
* Ty wishes to be recognized @ Holiday celebration time
<yari> Ty is that a request to speak, or to be part of the party?
<Ty> To speak
<yari> just do it
<Ty> We totally need to dress up as pirates for it.
<yari> I agree, honestly.
<Ty> That was already on my book for an in person meeting here in WV, to raise awareness. 
<Ty> That's all : ) 
<yari> I think most of the celebrations would end up being online, BUT
<Ty> "who are those people dressed as pirates...?"
<yari> one of my students made an incredible game that can be played over zoom or any online video chat that involves costumes
<Woden> Ooooh
<yari> Look, I teach game design and I'm a pirate, that means I get to... kindly request to use my student's games for all sorts of things
<yari> anyway, I'm going to make a thread to discuss this on the discord.
<yari> If people have great ideas, they should put them there
<Woden> Should we take this to a committee?
<yari> I don't think we need to
<Woden> Or let someone lead
<yari> I think we just make it a thing that everyone plans
<Joe> make a pirate pad?
<yari> Sure, can you do that, Joe?
<yari> and link it to the thread on discord that I make?
<Joe> Hmm, maybe?
<yari> I'll tag you in the thread
<DreadPirateDrew> FYI, Going AFK for a few, will check back in.
<Joe> Motion to adjourn
<yari> I do want to get to Joe's request before we end the meeting
<yari> of changing a discord channel to something else?
<Joe> We can do it under new business next week
<Woden> We can also continue next week
<yari> or just off meeting time
<yari> okay, fair
<yari> second
<Woden> Is this a table?
<pmchi> Joe I do believe your request is simple enough to do off meeting time, if it’s the request I believe it is. No need to wait until next week
<yari> ^
Keljar has quit
<yari> Woden, I don't think it's a request to table. we are taking action
<yari> we did a motion and second to adjourn
<Woden> Okay
<Woden> Debate?
<Joe> Need dat vote yo
<yari> screw RONR
<Woden> Vote?
<yari> adjourn --> no debate
<Woden> What?
<Woden> It's an agenda item right?
<Woden> It's a motion to table
<yari> No, Joe moved to adjourn the meeting
<Woden> ...Okay
<Woden> All in favor?
<Joe> aye
<yari> aye
<pmchi> Aye
<yari> Drew is AFK, I believe
<yari> Jester?
<Jester> ate
<Jester> aye*
<Woden> Cool
22:04:03 <Woden> Meeting adjourned at 10:03 Eastern