PNC 12/2/19
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Election of new officers
Nominations are:
- Chair - Joseph T. Klein (Accepted)
- Vice-Chair - Megan Klein (Accepted)
- Treasurer - Joseph Onoroski
- Scribe - James O'Keefe (Accepted)
- Webmaster - Silas Tippens (Accepted)
- kusa_chan: Liz Gorski NY
- sayyida: Megan Klein Wi
- jtk__: Joe Klein Sisconsin
- jokeefe: James O’Keefe, Mass.
- Poet: Silas Tippens TN
- K`Tetch: Andrew "K`Tetch" norton, Griffin, GA
The following accepted nominees were elected:
- Chair - Joseph T. Klein
- Vice-Chair - Megan Klein
- Scribe - James O'Keefe
- Webmaster - Silas Tippens
Record of the meeting
[9:14pm] kusa_chan: Liz Gorski NY [9:15pm] jtk__ joined the chat room. [9:15pm] sayyida: Megan Klein Wi [9:15pm] jokeefe: ahoy [9:15pm] jtk__: OK Bosun here switched to [9:15pm] K`Tetch was demoted from operator by ChanServ. [9:15pm] jtk__: Joe Klein Sisconsin [9:15pm] jokeefe: James O’Keefe, Mass. [9:15pm] Poet: Silas Tippens TN [9:15pm] jtk__: Wisconsin [9:16pm] K`Tetch: Andrew "K`Tetch" norton, Griffin, GA [9:16pm] sayyida: kusa_chan: we get started? [9:16pm] K`Tetch: but not really participating as i'm working ona deadline stroy [9:16pm] jokeefe: [9:16pm] papegaai: Title: PNC 12/2/19 - United States Pirate Party (at [9:16pm] kusa_chan: yup [9:17pm] kusa_chan: you're fine K`Tetch [9:17pm] kusa_chan: only item is noms/election [9:17pm] kusa_chan: did everyone accept noms? [9:17pm] sayyida: yes [9:17pm] Poet: yep [9:18pm] sayyida: well Joe O did not respond [9:18pm] jtk__: We need a treasurer - even an acting will due. It can't be the chair. [9:18pm] jokeefe: I noted who accepted in the meeting wiki page [9:19pm] sayyida: yep [9:19pm] jtk__: Is that it for this week? [9:20pm] sayyida: I belive that is the case [9:20pm] kusa_chan: if we can find an acting treasurer, we can vote in [9:20pm] jtk__: Cool. [9:20pm] jokeefe: I have not seen any others [9:20pm] sayyida: one last stonewall [9:21pm] jtk__: What? [9:21pm] sayyida: no one else is here. Joe picked up his ball and went home [9:21pm] jtk__: sigh [9:21pm] jokeefe: I wouldn’t characterize it that way [9:22pm] sayyida: well how else should I take him leaving and throwing a tantrum of emotion? [9:22pm] sayyida: that is the only logical explanation I can come up with [9:23pm] sayyida: he left because he was emotionally hurt after a rough week [9:23pm] jtk__: Some people get overly emotional. Best too back off. [9:23pm] sayyida: jtk__: that may be true, but he also had a professional obligation to at least respond with a decline [9:24pm] jtk__: We should heal the wounds with kindness. [9:25pm] jokeefe: aye [9:25pm] jtk__: We vote an acting treasurer at the first meeting and move on. [9:25pm] sayyida: who do we have jtk__ [9:25pm] jtk__: If he comes back and accepts then it is. his. [9:26pm] jtk__: The wiki list. #2 or Scribe can be acting. [9:27pm] jtk__: I have a very noisy disgruntled child here. [9:27pm] sayyida: well if he would of taken a nap he wouldnt be awake [9:28pm] kusa_chan: aslo need a swarmwise manager [9:28pm] sayyida: too many postions not enough bodies [9:28pm] kusa_chan: So why is that an issue? [9:29pm] kusa_chan: Why were so many positions put in? [9:29pm] sayyida: *sigh* [9:29pm] jokeefe: optimism [9:29pm] jtk__: Joe O's idea. [9:29pm] sayyida: Joe insisted we need more board members [9:29pm] sayyida: to delegate the problems [9:29pm] sayyida: right thought [9:29pm] sayyida: however, not enough bodies [9:29pm] jokeefe: Swarmwise suggests leaving positions open for new people to step into [9:30pm] jokeefe: Key ones are Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary [9:30pm] sayyida: I say cut it back to 3 [9:30pm] jtk__: Recruit then make positions active [9:30pm] sayyida: good enough [9:30pm] jokeefe: You cannot have a secretary = treasurer [9:30pm] sayyida: noted. [9:31pm] jokeefe: Can we have this election? [9:31pm] kusa_chan: yes [9:31pm] jtk__: OK [9:31pm] kusa_chan: for chair, we j=have joe klien, wi [9:31pm] kusa_chan: all infavor? [9:31pm] sayyida: aye [9:31pm] jokeefe: no objections [9:32pm] kusa_chan: is that an aye? [9:32pm] jokeefe: close enough [9:32pm] Poet: Not sure if I get a vote, but aye [9:32pm] sayyida: its a binary choice jokeefe [9:33pm] jokeefe: treat it like an yes [9:33pm] kusa_chan: Okay [9:33pm] jtk__: One from WI and one from MA -good nuff [9:33pm] kusa_chan: aye from NY [9:33pm] jokeefe: we have NY [9:33pm] kusa_chan: Congrats [9:33pm] jokeefe: thanks [9:33pm] kusa_chan: sorry, Em is being Em. [9:34pm] kusa_chan: Vice chair we have Megan Klein, WI [9:34pm] kusa_chan: All in favor? [9:34pm] kusa_chan: aye from NY [9:34pm] jokeefe: no objections [9:35pm] kusa_chan: Decorum is aye or nay [9:35pm] kusa_chan: Follow it please [9:35pm] kusa_chan: WI, GA [9:35pm] jokeefe: have used it in the past, but fine. aye [9:36pm] jtk__: Aye - [9:36pm] kusa_chan: K'tetch? [9:37pm] kusa_chan: I hate this webchat so much.. no features.. no tab completion.. [9:37pm] sayyida: kusa_chan: i thought you just start the name and hit tab [9:37pm] kusa_chan: it's not allowing me [9:37pm] jtk__: Just switch you client to It works. [9:37pm] sayyida: K`Tetch: [9:38pm] jokeefe: or [9:38pm] kusanagi joined the chat room. [9:38pm] kusanagi: okay [9:38pm] kusanagi: still Liz Gorski, NY [9:38pm] sayyida: better kusanagi [9:38pm] kusanagi: much [9:38pm] jtk__: Good to know. [9:38pm] sayyida: cool [9:38pm] kusanagi: K`Tetch, you have a vote? [9:39pm] kusanagi: I['ll give 3 min [9:39pm] jtk__: Think he is sitting this out. [9:39pm] jokeefe: true [9:39pm] kusanagi: irght, working on something [9:39pm] kusanagi: i feel bad just moving on, but i have lady em to attend to [9:40pm] sayyida: ok [9:40pm] kusa_chan left the chat room. (Quit: [9:40pm] kusanagi: Treasurer. We have a nomination, but they did not confirm to anyone's recollection [9:40pm] jokeefe: not that I saw [9:40pm] sayyida: just crickets [9:40pm] kusanagi: Which is an issue [9:41pm] kusanagi: Now, chair and secretary can't be treasurer... [9:41pm] kusanagi: What about Webmaster.. [9:41pm] sayyida: would you be willing kusanagi until the post is filled? [9:42pm] kusanagi: I cannot commit to it. As it is, Mondays are my worst days. Trials are still ongoing, and I'm solidly booked 4-9. [9:42pm] jtk__: It is low bandwidth [9:42pm] kusanagi: Do you know how much bandwidth is already being used now? [9:43pm] sayyida: can we hold a board or not? [9:43pm] kusanagi: And starting the 15th, I start at SANS Institute [9:43pm] kusanagi: Poet, see above. [9:43pm] jtk__: On Très, nearly 0 [9:43pm] kusanagi: ? [9:43pm] jokeefe: If we don’t have an treasurer we don’t go forward with the bank account until we have one. [9:43pm] Poet: Hm kusanagi? I'm here for the web master nomination [9:43pm] MeisterX joined the chat room. [9:43pm] jokeefe: We can still do what we have done in the past [9:44pm] kusanagi: I'm literally in the middle of asking someone, everyone. [9:44pm] kusanagi: Poet, I know, but I think that both positions would be able to be held by one person for the time being. [9:44pm] MeisterX left the chat room. (Client Quit) [9:44pm] kusanagi: I cannot commit - my personal schedule for the next 11 months was done yesterday, and it's really bad. [9:45pm] Meister_FL joined the chat room. [9:45pm] jtk__: Got it - no arm twistinfg [9:45pm] Poet: Hm, perhaps if it's only temporary. I'm not sure what the position calls for. [9:46pm] jokeefe: starting a bank account, filing FEC paperwork [9:46pm] jtk__: I can walk you through. [9:46pm] kusanagi: Which we will provide help with. [9:46pm] jtk__: FEC paperwork [9:47pm] kusanagi: I will have to be more async with things, but I will remain around. I swapped email addresses to make sure I see things when they come in [9:47pm] jtk__: Bank. Account if need be. [9:47pm] kusanagi: hi Meister_FL - are you here for the meeting? [9:48pm] bosun left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [9:48pm] kusanagi: unfortunately we're running low on time for tonight - i have to go to my next committment in 10 minutes [9:48pm] Meister_FL: Yep just checking in to see who was on [9:49pm] Meister_FL: I had offered free hosting and Silas was running for webmaster so I was just checking up on that mostly [9:49pm] jokeefe: Let’s elect who has accepted and leave the others open while we look for new people [9:49pm] kusanagi: yes [9:49pm] kusanagi: okay [9:49pm] jokeefe: being sick, I would appreciate finishing this meeting soon [9:49pm] Meister_FL: I have no vote we have no delegation so here to watch proceed [9:49pm] kusanagi: understandable [9:50pm] Poet: Phew, and more time for me to think about it [9:50pm] kusanagi: that's fine [9:50pm] jtk__: We are done then. [9:50pm] kusanagi: no, we have others. [9:50pm] jokeefe: we didn’t elect a secretary or webadmin [9:50pm] kusanagi: Scribe - Jamie O'Keefe was nominated and accepted. [9:51pm] kusanagi: Webmaster - Silas Tippens was nominated and accepted. [9:51pm] jtk__: aye [9:51pm] jokeefe: aye to both [9:51pm] jtk__: Aye to both [9:51pm] sayyida: aye to both [9:51pm] kusanagi: aye to both from me as well. [9:52pm] kusanagi: Seems like we have both done. [9:52pm] sayyida: good [9:52pm] kusanagi: So we still need Swarmwise and Treasurer - but that's for later [9:52pm] kusanagi: jtk__, as chair, it's yours to close [9:52pm] sayyida: get the bodies and we will fill positions [9:52pm] jtk__: Yes - no emergency yet [9:52pm] kusanagi: yep [9:53pm] sayyida: thank you liz for all the help [9:53pm] jtk__: Motion to adjourn? [9:53pm] jokeefe: 2nd [9:53pm] kusanagi: np - i'm just all over. [9:53pm] kusanagi: 3rd [9:53pm] jokeefe: thanks for moving this along kusanagi [9:53pm] jtk__: All in favor [9:53pm] kusanagi: aye [9:53pm] jokeefe: aye [9:53pm] Meister_FL: Is Silas here? [9:53pm] sayyida: aye [9:53pm] Poet: aye [9:53pm] Poet: Ahoy Meister_FL; that's me [9:53pm] kusanagi: Meister_FL, that's Poet [9:53pm] jtk__: Ok next. Week same channel and time [9:53pm] sayyida: thank you [9:53pm] sayyida: see you all then [9:54pm] kusanagi: i might be late [9:54pm] kusanagi: see you [9:54pm] sayyida left the chat room. (Quit: [9:54pm] jtk__: Thank. you