PNC 11/14/21

From United States Pirate Party
Revision as of 22:37, 14 November 2021 by Jokeefe (talk | contribs)
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Old Business

  • A proposal that the PNC amend the bylaws to create the office Director of Public Relations. The officer elected to this position would have the following responsibilities:
    • To administrate and manage social media accounts alongside the chair and vice chair;
    • To advise the PNC on its image and reputation;
    • To orchestrate public opportunities/appearances for officers, candidates, and other hard-working pirates;
    • To serve as the public face of the USPP whenever other relevant Pirates cannot appear;
    • To readily communicate with the public, the press, and other organizations.

New Business


  • Joseph Onoroski, Treasurer, Massachusetts
  • William Dappen, California
  • Joseph Klein, Wisconsin
  • Mitch Davilo, Illinois
  • Anthony Jay, Indiana


  • Rose Klein, Chair
  • James O'Keefe, Secretary




Nothing new to report. Continuing with existing work.




Old Business

New Business

Meeting adjourned at EST.


Record of the meeting

[9:03pm] yari: WI, MA, and IL are here - that is a quorum. [9:04pm] yari: With that said, I call this meeting of the PNC to order at 9:03pm EST on 11/14/21 [9:04pm] yari: Please ID. [9:04pm] Sayyida: Megan Klein, Wi [9:04pm] jokeefe: James O’Keefe, Secretary [9:04pm] Joe: Joseph Onoroski, Treasurer, MA [9:04pm] Bosun_: Joe Klein aka bosun USPP vice chair. [9:05pm] pmchi: Mitchel Davilo, Chicagoland/ILPP, Swarmcare Manager [9:06pm] yari: Rose Klein, PNC chair [9:07pm] yari: Let's get started with reports [9:07pm] yari: jokeefe, anything from IT? [9:09pm] jokeefe: Blog software updated. Last meeting was sparsely attended. Not much more progress unfortunately. [9:09pm] Cornbread joined the chat room. [9:10pm] Cornbread left the chat room. (connection closed) [9:10pm] yari: Thank you. do we have a representative of the outreach committee present? [9:11pm] yari: (present and prepared to speak on the issue, I should say) [9:11pm] yari: if so, please speak - otherwise, Joe, please give the report from platform. [9:12pm] Joe: Platform was lively this week as I am trying to button up our pro choice stance and why. [9:13pm] Bosun_ is now known as Bosun. [9:13pm] Joe: We spent a bit of time on the validity of why planks are important and started a new topic as well [9:13pm] Joe: Though that topic escapes me at the moment. [9:14pm] Joe: On the Treasury side, I just committed to the other honorable gentlemen of MA to working on the FEC filing on Tuesday. [9:14pm] yari: thank you. Treasurer report? [9:15pm] Joe: Thank you. [9:15pm] Joe: That is all I currently have to report. [9:15pm] pmchi: I do apologize I have the message from Outreach. “We’re taking the starter kit to discovery and want to expand the scope a little bit to eventually lead to both a resources section and a shop” - Wodensday, Outreach report [9:17pm] yari: thank you pmchi. [9:17pm] yari: can I also get the swarmcare report from you please? [9:17pm] pmchi: ICYMI On Nov. 2nd in Philadelphia, Larry West, running as a member of the “Philadelphia Pirate Party”, won an electoral race as “Judge of Elections”. This makes Larry the second Pirate ever elected to public office in the United States. I spoke to him briefly previously, but last time I reached out he never returned my message. So, I would invite him again to resume discussions, but I would prefer if someone else reaches out this time so as [9:17pm] pmchi: I’m not pestering him. [9:17pm] jokeefe: Also, @Joe and I are scheduled to go over the FEC filing Tuesday. [9:18pm] Radiojoe joined the chat room. [9:18pm] jokeefe: Congrats to Larry! [9:19pm] yari: welcome Radiojoe please ID [9:19pm] Joe: Yeah, woot [9:19pm] Radiojoe: Howdee all, William Dappen, CA CoRep [9:20pm] Sayyida: @pmchi: was something implied that the contact connection was injured? [9:20pm] Bosun: @pmchi - you have contact info? [9:21pm] pmchi: No he just said he had a busy week and to contact him in a weeks time. I did and never heard from him. That was September. I reached out via his page on Facebook [9:22pm] yari: okay so any volunteers for that should contact you [9:22pm] Sayyida: @pmchi: seems to be a trend with elected officials. I would like to extend our congratulations and support [9:23pm] Sayyida: Should I ask him to join in with USPP meetings? What is the end goal with contacting Larry, judge of elections? [9:23pm] pmchi: On the subject of elections, I’d like to motion to create a section on the website for “Pirates in elected offices” or “Elected Pirates” [9:24pm] jokeefe: Make a connection and ask how we can help him and the Phily Pirates. [9:24pm] jokeefe: He seems to be at [9:24pm] papegaai: Title: Aanmelden bij Facebook (at [9:24pm] Joe: [9:24pm] papegaai: Title: Aanmelden bij Facebook (at [9:24pm] pmchi: At the very least, we should be celebrating and promoting our victories. Two is more than none [9:24pm] yari: Sayyida sounds like you're taking this on, and thank you. [9:24pm] jokeefe: Interviewing him could be a good blog post/video [9:24pm] Sayyida: @jokeefe: understood [9:26pm] Sayyida: I will be in contact this week, one way or another. I will try to get an interview, hopefully he has time hahaha [9:26pm] Wodensday joined the chat room. [9:27pm] yari: welcome Wodesnday please ID [9:27pm] Wodensday: Anthony Jay, INPP [9:27pm] Wodensday: I have made it [9:27pm] Bosun: Hazzah! [9:28pm] Sayyida: Indeed you have [9:28pm] jokeefe: ++good [9:28pm] yari: recognizing pmchi's motion, a motion to have a section for elected Pirates on our webpage. If there are any seconds to this we can go to debate or discussion. [9:28pm] Joe: 2nd [9:28pm] yari: moved and seconded. [9:28pm] yari: any discussion or debate? [9:29pm] yari: should this go to a committee? [9:29pm] yari: or a specific person? [9:29pm] jokeefe: Suggest it also include any pirate appointed to a public office. [9:29pm] yari: thank you jokeefe [9:29pm] pmchi: Thank you jokeefe I agree. We should recognize and promote ALL Pirates in offices [9:29pm] Sayyida: jokeefe: you mean international as well or just those in the US? [9:29pm] Wodensday: Any Pirate of a US office that isn't one of ours within the USPP [9:29pm] pmchi: In the US [9:30pm] Wodensday: To cover all our bases [9:30pm] jokeefe: I was thinking in a US government office at whatever level Sayyida. [9:30pm] Sayyida: When I hear all I thought to literally, my apologies it’s one of those days [9:31pm] jokeefe: might also include past candidates with how they did [9:31pm] jokeefe: we should keep track of that info too [9:31pm] Bosun: All within our realm. [9:31pm] yari: if there any further discussion? [9:31pm] yari: *is there any further discussion? [9:31pm] yari: does anyone have a suggestion for how this may be done? [9:32pm] yari: (who should do it? [9:32pm] Sayyida: Not it. [9:33pm] Bosun: I can give you my stats on my magnificent defeats. [9:33pm] Radiojoe left the chat room. (connection closed) [9:33pm] Wodensday: I don't know if history is within our current scope, though we should make a note of that [9:33pm] Wodensday: For now we should try to keep a list of current governmental pirates [9:34pm] Sayyida: I fully believe this needs to be done, but who with keys to the website has time to do it [9:34pm] Wodensday: If need be, we can defer this to outreach, though I can't guarantee it might be our first priority. [9:34pm] pmchi: We should keep note of elections participated in and in which states, victory or fail, at the very least [9:34pm] yari: I can take this on, actually. Just looking at my task list it seems doable - again, it will be a bit lower down on that list though. [9:35pm] Sayyida: pmchi: as we are a party of transparency. ALL attempts should be for view [9:35pm] pmchi: Shows us Pirates aren’t for a lack of trying! [9:35pm] yari: are there any objections to adding this to my (the chair's) task list? [9:35pm] Sayyida: None from WI [9:36pm] pmchi: None from IL [9:36pm] Wodensday: None here [9:36pm] yari: is there any further discussion? [9:36pm] Joe: Nay [9:37pm] Wodensday: None here [9:37pm] yari: hearing none, calling the vote: please vote aye or nay to add this to the site [9:37pm] Wodensday: Aye [9:37pm] Sayyida: Aye