PNC 10/31/21

From United States Pirate Party
Revision as of 21:14, 31 October 2021 by Jokeefe (talk | contribs)
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Old Business

  • ILPirates suggested motion to reaching out to Rhode Island and Alaska Green Parties, which GP of the US disaffiliated, and ask them to join the USPP. Motion tabled.

New Business





  • IT:
  • Platform:
  • Outreach:
  • Swarmcare:

Old Business

New Business


Record of the meeting

[9:01pm] Yari: Rose Klein, CA, PNC chair [9:01pm] pmchi: Mitchel Davilo, Chicagoland/ILPP, Swarmcare Manager [9:01pm] Joe: Joseph Onoroski, Massachusetts, Treasurer [9:01pm] jokeefe_: James O’Keefe, Massachusetts, Secretary [9:02pm] Bosun: Joe Klein Vice Chair - WI rep until Megan shows up. [9:02pm] rCarroIl: Scott Walker, Wi, rep #2938383 [9:02pm] jokeefe left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [9:02pm] You are now known as jokeefe. [9:03pm] wodensday: W- what? rCarroll [9:03pm] jokeefe: sorry, I had connection issues [9:05pm] You left the chat by being disconnected from the server. [9:05pm] You reconnected to the server. [9:05pm] You rejoined the room. [9:05pm] ChanServ: [#uspp] Welcome to the United States Pirate Party - | Have a question? Just ask here or at our Discord: | Sign up: | PNC: Sundays 9-9:30pm ET | Agenda: [9:05pm] You were promoted to operator by ChanServ. [9:06pm] Miles_W_PPAU joined the chat room. [9:07pm] Yari: Frank: ID if you want to participate? [9:07pm] Bosun: No Scott Walker jokes. I know Scott so does Yari. [9:07pm] Frank: Frank Decapio, West Virginia. [9:07pm] jokeefe left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [9:07pm] You are now known as jokeefe. [9:07pm] rCarroIl: aw man bosun [9:07pm] Miles_W_PPAU: oh right, does this mean PPAU is hosting half of the international Pirate IRCs now? [9:07pm] Yari: okay it seems like jokeefe is having internet issues [9:08pm] Yari: let's move on to platform. Joe? [9:08pm] jokeefe: sadly [9:08pm] wodensday: Make sure to ID if you want to participate Miles! Just your name and location [9:08pm] Yari: Welcome Miles_W_PPAU! [9:08pm] wodensday: Oh title is also good [9:08pm] jokeefe: James O’Keefe, Massachusetts, Secretary [9:09pm] Joe: I started working on a statement about abortion and only got to line 3. I will seek some help from Jokeefe this week or Malt to get the wording right. [9:09pm] rCarroIl: malt? [9:09pm] rCarroIl: MALT [9:09pm] rCarroIl: isn’t he the same guy who wrote the [9:10pm] rCarroIl: last one [9:10pm] rCarroIl left the chat room. (Quit: Connection closed) [9:10pm] wodensday: Let's try and stay on track, this meeting might be busy. [9:10pm] Joe: I know a lot of people are waiting on it but I plan on having a much m9re tempered statement than the previous one [9:11pm] Joe: I also plan on using your documents as part of the source rCarroll [9:11pm] rCarroIl joined the chat room. [9:11pm] rCarroIl: back [9:12pm] Joe: wodensday [9:12pm] Joe: 21:12:05 [9:12pm] Miles_W_PPAU: Miles, Brisbane, Australia [9:12pm] Joe: Let's try and stay on track, this meeting might be busy. [9:12pm] Joe: Joe [9:12pm] Joe: 21:12:09 [9:12pm] Joe: I know a lot of people are waiting on it but I plan on having a much m9re tempered statement than the previous one [9:12pm] Joe: I also plan on using your documents as part of the source rCarroll [9:12pm] Joe: → rCarroIl has joined [9:12pm] rCarroIl: if I may make a statement Yari [9:12pm] rCarroIl: oh thanks joe [9:12pm] Yari: rCarroIl: its an open meeting [9:13pm] rCarroIl: but if I may have a part in writing [9:13pm] Yari: Keep it brief, we're in reports [9:13pm] Yari: Its all recorded in trasncripts [9:13pm] Joe: You have and your input is more than welcome. [9:14pm] Yari: Oh im sorry i misinterpreted