PNC 10/17/21

From United States Pirate Party
Revision as of 21:21, 17 October 2021 by Jokeefe (talk | contribs)
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Old Business

New Business

  • Indiana Pirates applying for PNC membership





  • IT:
  • Platform:
  • Outreach:
  • Swarmcare:


Record of the meeting


[9:02pm] yari: with that said, I'm calling this meeting of the PNC to order at 9:02pm EST. IDs please!
[9:03pm] wodensday: Anthony Jay, IN
[9:03pm] Bosun joined the chat room.
[9:03pm] Bosun was promoted to operator by ChanServ.
[9:03pm] yari: Rose Klein, CA, PNC chair
[9:03pm] Bosun: I am not here.
[9:03pm] yari: welcome Bosun
[9:03pm] Joe: Joseph Onoroski, Massachusetts, Treasurer
[9:03pm] yari: oh I see, hi meg
[9:03pm] Bosun: Joseph Klein, Vice chair
[9:03pm] pmchi: Mitchel Davilo, Chicagoland/ILPP, Swarmcare Manager
[9:04pm] Bosun: I am me.
[9:04pm] yari: cool cool
[9:04pm] jokeefe: James O’Keefe, Massachusetts, Secretary
[9:05pm] yari: RadioJoe will not be joining us, so no CA -
[9:05pm] rCarro joined the chat room.
[9:05pm] yari was promoted to operator by you.
[9:05pm] yari was demoted from operator by ChanServ.
[9:05pm] yari: Let's start off with reports
[9:05pm] rCarro: How do I join?
[9:05pm] yari: welcome rCarro, please ID
[9:05pm] rCarro: The call
[9:06pm] yari: its just IRC today
[9:06pm] rCarro: Richard Carro, IL Pirates
[9:06pm] yari: thank you
[9:06pm] rCarro: Ofc
[9:06pm] yari: jokeefe - IT?
[9:08pm] Frank joined the chat room.
[9:08pm] yari: welcome frank, please ID if participating.
[9:08pm] Frank: Okay.
[9:08pm] jokeefe: We setup an account to setup a petition for the PATRIOT Act protest
[9:08pm] Frank: Frank Decapio, West Virginia.
[9:08pm] jokeefe: Bosun is working on
[9:08pm] rCarro: (Yari, will we get to the platform talks)
[9:09pm] rCarro left the chat room. (Client Quit)
[9:09pm] jokeefe: Not much more to add.
[9:09pm] rCarro joined the chat room.
[9:10pm] yari: cool. thank you jokeefe, hopefully we can utilize action network to its fullest. Next let's hear from Joe with platform and treasury. what updates do you have?
[9:10pm] Bosun left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[9:10pm] rCarro: I have a question
[9:10pm] yari: yes rCarro,
[9:10pm] Joe: Nothing of note on the treasury front.
[9:10pm] rCarro: There’s a treasury? I thought we don’t
[9:10pm] rCarro: Takes in cash
[9:10pm] Joe left the chat room. (Quit: Connection closed)
[9:11pm] Joe joined the chat room.
[9:11pm] Joe: Yes, we have a treasury
[9:11pm] yari: rCarro we don't have a method of taking in cash currently online, but we have taken state dues in the past. That makes up the bulk of our treasury.
[9:11pm] yari: a whopping $130
[9:11pm] rCarro: what does the cash go to
[9:12pm] Joe: Nothing, hence why it's still there.
[9:12pm] yari: although we will be updating about the Budget in a few meetings, correct?
[9:12pm] Joe: Most contributions have been via in-kind though we have to keep track of that as well.
[9:13pm] Joe: I thought we posted what we had. I will make sure I have it for next meeting.
[9:13pm] Joe: I have a few hours tomorrow to work on it.
[9:14pm] yari: no you are correct, and I am misremembering. We approved the budget I think
[9:14pm] jokeefe: See:
[9:14pm] papegaai: Title: Budget and Financial Statements - United States Pirate Party (at
[9:14pm] yari: thank you jokeefe
[9:14pm] Joe: Thank you.
[9:14pm] rCarro left the chat room. (Quit: Connection closed)
[9:14pm] yari: Next steps with the budget?
[9:14pm] Joe: I can get the account numbers over to IT so we can start accepting donations.
[9:15pm] Bosun joined the chat room.
[9:15pm] Bosun was promoted to operator by ChanServ.
[9:15pm] rCarro joined the chat room.
[9:15pm] rCarro: Supporter packets?
[9:15pm] jokeefe: draft 2022 budget, submit FEC paperwork and start filing.
[9:15pm] rCarro: Wait, we don’t have FEC paperwork
[9:15pm] yari: agreed on both counts. please do that.
[9:15pm] jokeefe: Flyers and other info for supporters and other mailing to supporters
[9:16pm] Bosun: Sorry - my net got blown out of the water.
[9:16pm] rCarro: Literal paper mailing ?
[9:16pm] rCarro: Isn’t that a bit pricy
[9:16pm] jokeefe: We haven’t reached the limit that would trigger it rCarro
[9:16pm] Joe: No need for FEC if our spending was under an specific amount. Now that we have support from multiple states we can continue to the next level.
[9:16pm] yari: Joe, moving on to platform?
[9:16pm] rCarro: exciting
[9:16pm] rCarro: Exiting
[9:17pm] rCarro: Can’t wsit for platform
[9:17pm] Joe: Platform got heated this last week over abortion though we seem to all be in agreement with whom has the choice.
[9:18pm] rCarro: The progressive conservative pirates
[9:18pm] rCarro: Have been very excited on the issue
[9:18pm] Joe: This will be the last week for discussion on older topics such as digital rights.
[9:19pm] yari: thank you Joe, same time for meetings as usual? can we expect a policy proposal from the platform committee soon?
[9:19pm] Joe: Aye
[9:19pm] rCarro: Can I say something on the platform
[9:19pm] Joe: Next meeting I plan to close discussion with digital rights
[9:19pm] yari: fantastic - let us know in advance about any proposals so that they can go on the agenda please
[9:20pm] yari: Thank you Joe. Next, let's move on to the reports on outreach. Wodensday?
[9:20pm] wodensday: PATRIOT Act event updates are as to be expected the most important thing.
[9:20pm] yari: sorry rCarro what would you like to say - please keep it brief we are in reports section