PNC 07/28/2024

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The July 28th, 2024 PNC Meeting was one of the weekly meetings of the Pirate National Committee (PNC). This meeting took place on IRC.








Old Business

  • Continued "Supreme Team" updates (if any)
  • Camera walk planning 2024 (Sept 11)
  • Talk Like A Pirate Day 2024 (Sept 19)

New Business





Meeting Minutes

21:00:01 <DreadPirateDrew> ok we are about at 9pm so let's start with ID's
 <NomadOfNorad> adds, even
 LightRiderTX has joined
 <DreadPirateDrew> Drew Bingaman Captain USPP
 <NomadOfNorad> David Hall, Florida rep
 <Wanda_FL> I'm Wanda, FL main rep
 <mavsben> Ben Horlick - USPP Quartermaster & TX Rep
 Eli has joined
 <LightRiderTX> Frank Flores, Texas Treasurer
 <Eli> Elijah McGee massachusetts rep
 <sopphey> Sarai "Sopphey {V}ance" Oviedo, USPP Swarmcare Manager
 <sopphey> TX
 * sopphey Remembers state and name to ID
 <DreadPirateDrew> ok are there any reports or updates?
 <sopphey> Like committees or officer reports?
 <DreadPirateDrew> anything 
 <pmchi> Jolly Mitch, Chicagoland/ILPP
 C2ah has joined
 <sopphey> Is 4 quorum? Sorry to ask.
 Realz has joined
 <sopphey> ahoy!
 <sopphey> so I have some updates
 DataNerdVide has joined
 <sopphey> VS Team met, I believe Realz can have more on that.
 DreadPirateDrew has quit
 <sopphey> Also, IT met to work more on the newsletter. We got some test emails done.
 DreadPirateDrew has joined
 <DataNerdVide> Greetings. 
 <DreadPirateDrew> v I think 4 is still good
 <sopphey> Ahoy! To participate you just have to state your name and State.
 <DataNerdVide> Ari and Pennsylvania. 
 <DreadPirateDrew> ahoy Ari!
 <sopphey> We had a lower turnout for pirate beer this time around. Looks like Saturdays in the US are busy for folx. Will try a Friday next rotation. next pirate beer will be in the afternoon for us.
 <sopphey> I'm not sure if anyone for platform is here
 <Realz> Hey ya'll! Just got off the VS meeting. I'll be headed to TN to petition and file the required paperwork with the state the week of Aug 5. Then next we'll be filing in Louisiana.
 <DreadPirateDrew> sorry I wanted to join but did not have reliable internet
 <sopphey> No worries Drew. <3
 Justin has joined
 <DreadPirateDrew> any other announcements or updates?
 <sopphey> Still have my eyes on MD and NY for new pnc eligible states. But haven't done much work in building it up. I was hoping DE would be here, but we're having a candidate from DE. Hoping they gain pnc eligible statehood soon.
 <Wanda_FL> Good to hear on Tennessee 
 <DataNerdVide> I'm the data person so from the newsletter if there is a way to get some of that data that would be great. 
 —  user-ucyzgli and Wanda_FL1 have joined, Justin and Realz have quit
 <sopphey> That's all the updates I had.
 JohnnyLemuria has joined
 <user-ucyzgli> Justin Delaware 
 —  user-ucyzgli and Wanda_FL have quit
 <NomadOfNorad> Do some more need to ID?
 user-ucyzgli has joined
 <DreadPirateDrew> my app is giving me a hard time tonight. sorry everyone 
 <sopphey> It's alright.
 <Wanda_FL1> it's alright, I think a lot of us are having trouble
 <sopphey> wb
 <DreadPirateDrew> Justin, do you want to tell us about your candidate?
 <user-ucyzgli> Sure 
 <DreadPirateDrew> go right ahead
 <user-ucyzgli> His name is Peter and he says he has been a pirate since the early 2010s and was active within PPI 
 user-ucyzgli has quit
 <DreadPirateDrew> awesome. is there a report from platform?
 <sopphey> I didn't see a report, but they worked on the AI draft
 <sopphey> *AI plank draft
 <DreadPirateDrew> ok no worries if that is not ready. I just have it as an item.
 —  user-ucyzgli has joined, user-ucyzgli has quit
 <DreadPirateDrew> any other items?
 <mavsben> nothing from me
 <Wanda_FL1> none to my knowledge 
 <pmchi> Motion to adjourn
 <Wanda_FL1> second
 <DreadPirateDrew> all in favor?
 <pmchi> Aye
 <mavsben> aye
 <Wanda_FL1> aye
 <Eli> Aye
 <DreadPirateDrew> that looks good enough to me. thanks everyone.
 <sopphey> bye all
 Eli has left
21:38:15 <DreadPirateDrew> see you all next week on Jitsi. #votepirate