PNC 06/20/21

From United States Pirate Party
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Regular IT meeting

Next tasks:

  1. Report from Bosun on
  2. archive SAB list messages
  3. update old pages in the blog/wiki such as the state contact pages



  • Review of conference and its engagement statistics
  • Discussion of holding more meetings on YouTube or hosting more recordings/livestreams
  • How to expand outreach to our supporters


  • Joe: Joseph Onoroski, Treasurer, Massachusetts
  • Bosun: Joseph Klein Vice Chair


  • pmchi: Mitchel Davilo, Chicagoland/ILPP
  • Yari: Rose Klein, California
  • wodensday: Anthony Jay, IN
  • jokeefe: James O’Keefe, Secretary, Massachusetts



  • IT - Setting up next meeting
  • Outreach
    • Ironing out some objectives for the future of outreach, but we do have a resolution for the PNC when ready.
    • Suggested resolution that the PNC assure access to the social media to each of the officers of the PNC, as well as each chair of the PNC subcommittees. Additionally, that the PNC commit to researching and implementing a method of tracking the original author of each post made to USPP social media accounts.

Review of conference and its engagement statistics

The most notable takeaways of the conference statistics:

  • Whenever we post something, people watched a lot of our backlog of content
  • Most of our viewers were linked to the site from our Discord posts
  • Engage the audiences we already have, and keep up with posting.

Discussion of posting regular 60 second YouTube shorts on different issues. General agreement that we should pursue this idea. Tentative title: “Pirate in 60 seconds”

Discussion of holding more meetings on YouTube or hosting more recordings/livestreams


Record of the meeting


[9:02pm] Yari: With that said, I hereby call this meeting of the Pirate National Committee to order at 9:02 pm EST
[9:02pm] Yari: Please ID for the record
[9:02pm] pmchi: Mitchel Davilo, Chicagoland/ILPP
[9:02pm] Bosun: Joseph Klein Vice Chair
[9:02pm] Yari: Rose Klein, California
[9:02pm] wodensday: Anthony Jay, IN
[9:03pm] jokeefe: James O’Keefe, Secretary, Massachusetts
[9:03pm] Yari: (and also chair now - I forgot to write that)
[9:03pm] Joe joined the chat room.
[9:03pm] pmchi: (Swarmcare Manager)
[9:03pm] Joe: Ahoy, sorry for late
[9:03pm] Yari: Welcome Joe, please ID
[9:04pm] Joe: Joseph Onoroski, Treasurer, Massachusetts
[9:04pm] Yari: wonderful - a full house!
[9:05pm] Yari: okay, first and foremost, I would like to ask that we approve a new chair of the outreach committee before going on to committee reports
[9:05pm] jokeefe: Keeping the meeting minutes at
[9:05pm] papegaai: Title: PNC 06/20/21 - United States Pirate Party (at
[9:06pm] Yari: I nominate wodensday to be the new chair of the outreach committee, as I can no longer fill that role.
[9:06pm] Yari: are there any other nominations?
[9:07pm] jokeefe: Has the committee had a chance to review any candidates?
[9:08pm] Yari: the PNC or outreach?
[9:09pm] jokeefe: outreach
[9:10pm] Yari: assuming you mean outreach, the pool of candidates is limited, and there were no alternate candidate names put forward during the dicussion when wodensday accepted nomination
[9:11pm] jokeefe: thanks
[9:11pm] Yari: I suppose I need a second on the nomination
[9:11pm] Yari: or, barring that, an alternate nomination
[9:11pm] Bosun: 2nd
[9:11pm] jokeefe: 3rd
[9:12pm] Yari: any objections to approving wodensday as chair of outreach?
[9:12pm] Bosun: none here
[9:12pm] Yari: hearing none - moving on.
[9:12pm] Yari: committee reports - IT?
[9:12pm] jokeefe: I have none
[9:13pm] pmchi left the chat room. (Quit: Connection closed)
[9:13pm] Yari: jokeefe
[9:13pm] jokeefe: Sorry, no update. Bosun. Are you available Thursday or would next Monday be better?
[9:13pm] pmchi joined the chat room.
[9:14pm] Bosun: No certain yet. let me check.
[9:14pm] Yari: outreach committee report - wodensday?
[9:14pm] jokeefe: Thanks, Bosun
[9:15pm] wodensday: Meeting on Tuesday went fantastic. We're trying to iron out some objectives for the future of outreach, but we do have a resolution for the PNC when ready.
[9:15pm] Radiojoe joined the chat room.
[9:15pm] Yari: lovely, thank you. We can do that in the new business section.
[9:16pm] Catra left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[9:16pm] Yari: Joe - anything to report from the treasury?
[9:16pm] Joe: No expenditures at this time. Also no donations.
[9:17pm] Yari: Well, that makes sense, but let's work to change that.
[9:17pm] Yari: Reports are out of the way - moving on to old business.
[9:17pm] Yari: Is there any old business? I think this is all new business that I'm seeing on the agenda
[9:17pm] Yari: jokeefe?
[9:17pm] Yari: I asked you this last week didn't I
[9:18pm] jokeefe: Review of conference and its engagement statistics
[9:18pm] jokeefe: Discussion of holding more meetings on YouTube or hosting more recordings/livestreams
[9:18pm] jokeefe: How to expand outreach to our supporters
[9:19pm] Radiojoe left the chat room.
[9:19pm] Radiojoe joined the chat room.
[9:20pm] Yari: Okay, let's hit that first point then
[9:21pm] Yari: I reviewed the conference statistics. The most notable takeaways were:
[9:21pm] Yari: Whenever we post something, people watched a lot of our backlog of content
[9:22pm] Yari: and that Most of our viewers were linked to the site from our Discord posts
[9:22pm] Yari: Since we don't have that much data, there wasn't much else I could glean
[9:23pm] jokeefe: Thanks, Yari
[9:23pm] Yari: The things I really got from this was: Engage the audiences we already have, and keep up with posting.
[9:24pm] Joe: May I?
[9:24pm] Yari: please
[9:24pm] Yari: it's a discussion
[9:24pm] Joe: I concur to this. We should post videos on a regular basis focused around what laws are being formed as well as ones we should change.
[9:25pm] Joe: A good example of this is RCV and how we need this done yesterday.
[9:26pm] wodensday: The creation of more good pirate content on a regular basis was a point of discussion at outreach. We'd really like to see that happen.
[9:27pm] wodensday: I'm personally partial to youtube, but Yari did mention also wanting to utilize our website itself.
[9:27pm] Yari: agreed. I know Joe you had floated the idea of making videos for youtube using your own setup?
[9:28pm] Bosun: We can youtube and put them on the website.
[9:28pm] Joe: We can do both
[9:28pm] Yari: Bosun good point
[9:28pm] jokeefe: Can always post the videos on the site.
[9:28pm] Joe: Use Youtube to compile the video and then download it.
[9:28pm] wodensday: We also considered the inverse, turning blog posts into youtube videos
[9:28pm] Bosun: or embed in a posting
[9:29pm] jokeefe: more the better
[9:29pm] Joe: We can even edit the video on Youtube though I like prism personally for such purposes. Unfortunately I have not had much time of late though.
[9:29pm] Yari: We're having some good discussion here, I would be happy to consider a motion to extend time
[9:29pm] wodensday: Post a good blog post, a little bit later supplement it with the same thing in an audiovisual medium too
[9:29pm] Nolan left the chat room. (Quit: Connection closed)
[9:30pm] jokeefe: Motion to extend
[9:30pm] Yari: Can we get a second?
[9:30pm] Bosun: 2nd
[9:30pm] Yari: jokeefe by how much?
[9:30pm] Bosun: 10 min
[9:31pm] jokeefe: 15 minutes?
[9:31pm] Bosun: ok
[9:31pm] jokeefe: 10 is fine with me
[9:31pm] Bosun: 2nd that
[9:31pm] jokeefe: Joe?
[9:31pm] Joe: I have no objection
[9:31pm] Yari: lol we're doing 15, hearing no objections, this meeting is extended
[9:32pm] Bosun: discuss!
[9:32pm] Yari: So how do we make the content though - that's the main issue I think
[9:32pm] wodensday: That would depend mostly on the skillsets of the interested members
[9:33pm] pmchi: One idea I would like to suggest: YouTube shorts. We could start by making shorts out of our website blog posts, seeing as we’d only need about 60 seconds to get a point across. I think that could make the creation process shorter and more compact. I feel like the creation aspect can’t be more than narration, background music and a relevant slideshow with some transition effects
[9:33pm] Yari: pmchi that's actually really good
[9:33pm] pmchi: It would be something different, something I don’t think any other political party or entity is taking full advantage of
[9:33pm] Yari: youtube shorts are favored heavily by youtube's internal algorithms right now
[9:34pm] Joe: I would be happy to share how to edit the videos though I do not think I can commit to doing them on a regular basis
[9:34pm] wodensday: YT Shorts don't take all that much to have impact. You just need someone prepared to go on a quality 1-minute ramble
[9:34pm] Yari: ^
[9:34pm] jokeefe: “Pirate in 60 seconds”
[9:35pm] Yari: ^^
[9:35pm] Yari: This is clever
[9:35pm] pmchi: “This has been your 60 second Pirate news”
[9:35pm] Yari: I like this
[9:35pm] Joe: We could call it our cannon blasts
[9:35pm] pmchi: ^^^
[9:35pm] wodensday: I like that.
[9:35pm] Bosun: sixty second shorts.
[9:36pm] Yari: I can make some of these as well
[9:36pm] Yari: I mean, spreading the workload out for this is not hard
[9:36pm] Joe: I have another thought on this matter
[9:36pm] Yari: We could even take clips from our meetings if we ever hold them over voice or video
[9:36pm] Bosun: One never knows what will go viral.
[9:37pm] Bosun: But it must have cats.
[9:37pm] wodensday: Couldn't these also be cross-posted to TikTok? A strange suggestion, but I'm morbidly curious if that would work
[9:37pm] Yari: wodensday yes they could
[9:37pm] Yari: Joe your thought?
[9:37pm] jokeefe: cats! we need malt then!
[9:37pm] Joe: We can record via our smart phones, then email them over to our email systems for posting.  Maybe even make a separate email just for video posts so we don't overwhelm our usual systems 
[9:38pm] Joe: That way if Yari or pmchi have something they want to submit, they could create the video while the idea is fresh and then at the end of the week we can post them all
[9:39pm] wodensday: If they're topical, they should be out ASAP
[9:39pm] Yari: spreading out posting over time is better as long as quality is high
[9:39pm] Joe: After a bit of selective editing of course to keep them clean
[9:39pm] wodensday: Of course
[9:40pm] Yari: Joe you do editing!
[9:40pm] Joe: I would think that would depend of the situation. For the most part, we want to remain professional as to keep the videos at a level that is more consumable.  If you just blast little shorts with no proof quality will suffer for it.
[9:40pm] Joe: I would love to but unfortunately I do not qualify in the time department.
[9:40pm] Yari: Ah, darn
[9:40pm] jokeefe: how many words in 60 seconds?
[9:41pm] Yari: jokeefe great question time yourself
[9:41pm] Joe: Depends on the words used.
[9:41pm] wodensday: And the content
[9:41pm] Bosun: depends howfast you talk.
[9:41pm] Yari: One thing this also could benefit from is if our meetings are over voice/video
[9:41pm] • Joe quotes end of most insurance commercials
[9:41pm] wodensday: And whether or not you're such a fast talker that you need to slow down to be understood (calling myself out here)
[9:42pm] Bosun: for me ah two ah maybe three.
[9:42pm] Joe: 3 minutes to time
[9:42pm] Yari: thank you Joe
[9:43pm] Yari: Can we fit in one more thing at the end here?
[9:43pm] Yari: wodensday
[9:43pm] Yari: You said there was an outreach thing
[9:43pm] Yari: can it be copy-pasted
[9:43pm] wodensday: Oh, yes. We have that proposal.
[9:43pm] wodensday: I already have it!
[9:43pm] Yari: at that way at least people can see it, if we can't approve it today in one minute, we at least see it for next time
[9:44pm] wodensday: We have a resolution that the PNC assure access to the social media to each of the officers of the PNC, as well as each chair of the PNC subcommittees. Additionally, that the PNC commit to researching and implementing a method of tracking the original author of each post made to USPP social media accounts.
[9:45pm] Yari: Let's save that for next time
[9:45pm] Joe: Aye, plus I dissent to that thought process as well.
[9:45pm] Yari: We are at time
[9:45pm] Joe: And I have great reason for it.
[9:45pm] Joe: Motion to adjourn?
[9:45pm] Yari: okay, well, we can talk about next week
[9:45pm] Bosun: move adjourn.
[9:45pm] Joe: 2nd
[9:45pm] Yari: so moved
[9:46pm] Yari: all in favor?
[9:46pm] Joe: Aye
[9:46pm] Bosun: aye
[9:46pm] pmchi: Aye
[9:46pm] jokeefe: aye
[9:46pm] Yari: with four ayes, the motion passes
[9:46pm] Yari: we are adjourned at 9:46 pm EST