PNC 06/12/2022
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- Secretary:
- The PNC should decide when the agenda of each meeting must be set by. Currently, there is no minimum in the bylaws.
- should this include an email out to the PNC & SAB?
- I need to speak with Jamie about getting proper onboarding for the wiki, mayfirst, IRC, etc.
- Everyone should now be aware of their forwarding emails that are set up and are on
- Please talk to me about any platforms you need access to that you do not have access to.
- The PNC should decide when the agenda of each meeting must be set by. Currently, there is no minimum in the bylaws.
Old Business
New Business
- Discussion of collaboration with Stair Party and Coalition of American Third Parties
- Host a hackathon?
- Endorsement request from Thomas Quiter
- yari - Rose Klein, Secretary, CA
- Wodensday - Anthony Jay, PNC Chair
- pmchi - Mitchel Davilo, Chicagoland/ILPP, Swarmcare Manager
- Ethan - Ethan Osborne Captain Kentucky
- DreadPirateDrew - Drew Bingaman, Captain PA
- Jester - Maya Melody, INPP
- Mariah-Lynne - Mariah-Lynne, Kentucky Pirate Party
Probationary States
- brianna - Brianna Coyle, Ohio
- NomadOfNorad - David Hall, Florida
- DocGeoJersey - Nick Archer, NJ
Meeting called to order at 9:04pm EST.
- Platform: Platform we went over USPirates FAQ section. There were solid suggestions but I’d like to spend one more week to formally organize appropriate changes. I shall seek PNC approval before making any changes
- Outreach - the committee is trying to brainstorm an in-person event that can be duplicated in multiple states and locations. The idea is to both raise awareness of the party but also give our activists something to do. I look forward to reporting more.
- Discussion of tabling at Pride events
- Secretary:
- I ask that the PNC decide when the agenda of each meeting must be set by. Currently, there is no minimum in the bylaws. Should such a deadline include an email being sent out to the PNC and the SAB email list, or just having a finalized version on the wiki?
- PNC discussion resolves that Yari will return to the committee next week with a motion about improving the agenda process
- I need to speak with Jamie about getting proper onboarding for the wiki, mayfirst, IRC, etc.
- Every officer should now be aware of their forwarding emails that are set up and are on
- Please talk to me about any websites you need access to that you do not have access to.
- I ask that the PNC decide when the agenda of each meeting must be set by. Currently, there is no minimum in the bylaws. Should such a deadline include an email being sent out to the PNC and the SAB email list, or just having a finalized version on the wiki?
- Swarmcare: I posted some polls in our Discord to get a feel for some things. Most respondents don’t have a state party, but there were folks who said they’d like to help. A few of them said they were willing to be their state’s PNC representative. I hope to speak with those folks and figure out how to get them here asap as the next step. Some of the states I believe we’ll see in the near future as PNC members, should all go well: Ohio, New York, Mississippi, Florida, Texas and Colorado
- brief discussion on how to initially set up parties
Old Business
- none
New Business
- First item of business - we received an email from Alex Darlington on behalf of a new third party called the Stair Party. He's interested in working together and forming something called the Coalition of American Third Parties
- CA moves to allow Alex Darlington to be a part of the meeting next week to discuss collaboration and the Coalition of American Third Parties with the PNC
- motion passes 5-0-0
- Second item of business - "Host a hackathon?"
- CA moves to pass the issue to a discovery committee
- discovery committee members: Yari, Jester, Mitch from Mississppi (suggested)
- motion passes 5-0-0
- CA moves to pass the issue to a discovery committee
Meeting adjourned at 10:20pm EST.
Record of the meeting
18:04:29 <Wodensday> Calling this meeting to order at 9:04 EDT 18:04:38 <Wodensday> IDs? (Name and state) 18:04:43 <yari> Rose Klein, Secretary, CA 18:04:44 <Wodensday> Anthony Jay, PNC Chair 18:04:45 <pmchi> Mitchel Davilo, Chicagoland/ILPP, Swarmcare Manager 18:05:08 <Ethan> Ethan Osborne Captain Kentucky 18:05:10 <DreadPirateDrew> Drew Bingaman, Captain PA 18:05:28 <yari> Drew I like the new username 18:05:39 <DreadPirateDrew> Borrowed from my twitter handle 18:05:45 <yari> nice 18:06:02 <Wodensday> For any new folks, you can participate if you ID (even if only PNC members can vote) 18:06:10 <Wodensday> Anyways, enough stalling. 18:06:16 <Wodensday> Let's get on to reports. 18:06:21 <Wodensday> Platform - pmchi 18:07:09 Jester has joined 18:07:17 <Wodensday> Welcomer Jester, please ID 18:07:28 <Jester> Maya Melody, INPP 18:07:49 <Wodensday> Pmchi - are you with us? 18:07:51 <pmchi> Platform we went over USPirates FAQ section. There were solid suggestions but I’d like to spend one more week to formally organize appropriate changes. I shall seek PNC approval before making any changes 18:08:13 <Wodensday> Awesome. Anything you need volunteers for? 18:09:15 <pmchi> I have two more weeks of wrestling school so if anyone would like to help with the meeting until I get my Mondays back (so for two weeks), it’d be appropriated! 18:09:30 <pmchi> Appreciated 18:09:41 <Wodensday> Awesome, anyone interested in that should find Mitch on the Discord under the same username. 18:10:32 <Wodensday> As for Outreach - the committee is trying to brainstorm an in-person event that can be duplicated in multiple states and locations. The idea is to both raise awareness of the party but also give our activists something to do. I look forward to reporting more. 18:10:32 <yari> As the resident action item person, I'm wondering if we can ask for volunteers for that right now 18:10:48 <yari> (for platform, that is) 18:10:55 brianna has joined 18:11:07 <Wodensday> Fair enough, does anyone specific want to volunteer to help Mitch with platform? 18:11:12 <Wodensday> I can help step in a bit. 18:11:19 <Wodensday> Welcome Brianna, please ID (name and state) 18:11:27 <DreadPirateDrew> Might I suggest Tabling events at pride events. 18:11:38 <brianna> Brianna Coyle, Ohio 18:12:12 <Wodensday> DreadPirateDrew - amazing idea, though I think we probably should have seen the foresight to plan that two months ago. Let's do it next year. 18:12:34 <Wodensday> And the year after that 18:12:38 <DreadPirateDrew> In my neck of the woods there are events going all summer, not just this month. 18:12:43 <yari> ^ 18:13:04 <brianna> If it’s not too late to get tables, I would say heck yeah, do it 18:13:04 <Wodensday> I stand corrected. Can you come to outreach on Tuesday? 18:13:25 <Ethan> I'm planning on tabling an event or two before I leave next month for both the campaign and the Party pirate 18:13:44 <Wodensday> Man you all are killing it. 18:13:47 <NomadOfNorad> Folding tables, maybe? So they're nicely portable? :D (This is David Hall in Florida, btw) 18:13:53 <DreadPirateDrew> I can, although I will have a deadline since we are picking up pirate 101 again 18:14:31 <Wodensday> (I can resume my roll in Pirate 101 too) 18:14:42 <DreadPirateDrew> absolutely 18:14:55 <yari> For platform committee help - I can help with the committee on the 27th, but not on the 20th. 18:15:25 <Wodensday> As IT isn't here, I am going to suggest we move from committee reports to officer reports if there are no objections. Those who want to pick up action items know who to see. 18:16:57 <yari> no objections. 18:17:07 <Wodensday> I am going to take that as a yes? Though you always have the power to overrule me. 18:17:13 <Wodensday> Secretary? - yari 18:17:29 <yari> 1. I ask that the PNC decide when the agenda of each meeting must be set by. Currently, there is no minimum in the bylaws. Should such a deadline include an email being sent out to the PNC and the SAB email list, or just having a finalized version on the wiki? 18:17:40 <yari> 2. I need to speak with Jamie about getting proper onboarding for the wiki, mayfirst, IRC, etc. 18:17:47 <yari> 3. Every officer should now be aware of their forwarding emails that are set up and are on 18:17:53 <yari> 4. Please talk to me about any websites you need access to that you do not have access to. 18:17:59 <yari> end of report. 18:18:53 <Wodensday> Thank you so much. Let's focus on number 1. When should the agenda for each week be decided and sent out? I believe they are tossing it to the states 18:19:06 <DreadPirateDrew> Suggest adding to PA contact info 18:19:46 <yari> thank you drew. will do. Please forward any other similar requests to 18:19:59 <DreadPirateDrew> Will do. Thanks Yari. 18:20:20 <Wodensday> Pmchi, DreadPirateDrew, Ethan, Jester - do we have strong feelings on topic 1? 18:20:45 <DreadPirateDrew> As to the question, agenda's are only really a big deal if there is something new and major that is coming up, not just continuation of business. 18:21:12 <Jester> I agree 18:21:21 <Ethan> Sounds good to me 18:21:32 <NomadOfNorad> Presumably that set of guidelines will still be flexible if set in place, if I'm reading the laid-back way the current USPP staff have been correctly. :) 18:21:54 <pmchi> I have nothing to add 18:22:05 <yari> I mean - I'd like to codify our laid-back setup 18:22:11 <Wodensday> Okay, so I'm hearing "Me or Yari getting it to you over the weekend is good enough"? 18:22:24 <NomadOfNorad> sounds like a plan 18:22:37 <Wodensday> Yari, would you like to speak to why you feel a structure is necessary? 18:22:39 <DreadPirateDrew> no objection 18:22:52 <Mariah-Lynne> Mariah-Lynne, Kentucky Pirate Party 18:22:56 <Mariah-Lynne> Yari, can I send information to you to about what needs to be added to the KY Wiki? 18:23:27 <yari> Mariah-Lynne only if it is the KY wiki under 18:23:46 <Mariah-Lynne> Yes for the contact section. 18:23:49 <yari> sure 18:24:22 <yari> Wodensday - I think maybe part of this is honestly that I just function better with structure? 18:24:28 <Wodensday> In the interest of not overloading Yari, I may suggest that they formulate a suggested plan of action for the agenda and pitch it to us next week. 18:24:36 <yari> I am okay with that 18:24:47 <DreadPirateDrew> Second 18:24:52 <yari> I will make a motion next week 18:25:06 <Wodensday> Awesome. 18:25:14 <Wodensday> I am going to assume the Secretary's report is settled. 18:25:22 brianna has quit 18:25:34 <Wodensday> Swarmcare Manager - pmchi 18:26:03 <pmchi> I posted some polls in our Discord to get a feel for some things. Most respondents don’t have a state party, but there were folks who said they’d like to help. A few of them said they were willing to be their state’s PNC representative. I hope to speak with those folks and figure out how to get them here asap as the next step. Some of the states I believe we’ll see in the near future as PNC members, should all go well: Ohio, New York, 18:26:03 <pmchi> Mississippi, Florida, Texas and Colorado 18:26:59 <DocGeoJersey> Nick Archer, NJ I would be interested in helping start a chapter here 18:27:16 <Wodensday> How can Nick reach you, Mitch? 18:27:22 <yari> pmchi is definitely the person to talk to! 18:27:27 <NomadOfNorad> How many actually, official members does one of these chapters need to have to be functional? 18:27:41 <DocGeoJersey> DocGeoJersey on discord or on twitter 18:28:05 <Wodensday> Two bodies are required for the PNC, though running a political party as a real operation takes at least 3-5 18:28:32 <pmchi> I know we have interested NJ Pirates, so let’s chat to get something going! I’d love to see a NJPP added soon as well 18:28:36 <yari> yeah, bylaws say 2 people, we usually say minimum 3 when the vote comes down to it 18:29:01 <yari> It's hard to get anything started without at least 3 invested people 18:29:14 <DreadPirateDrew> Agreed on that yari 18:29:15 brianna has joined 18:29:39 <NomadOfNorad> how much work is it typically for one of these invested people? 18:30:06 <Wodensday> Noting we do not have treasury or auditor here. 18:30:07 <DreadPirateDrew> Depends on how in depth you want your bylaws and platform to be. 18:30:26 <yari> Nomad, that's highly dependent also on how quickly you can get other people to help you 18:30:30 brianna has quit 18:30:49 <Wodensday> (And PR is phasing in and out of existence) 18:31:20 <DreadPirateDrew> no MTG keywords Wodensday... not everyone has them memorized 18:31:21 <yari> Wodensday, I can go ahead and collect the report from the Treasurer asynchronously and send it to the board as well as post it on the wiki summary 18:31:45 <Wodensday> DreadPirateDrew if I wanted to make a magic joke I'd just say "Brianna has phasing", smh 18:32:04 <Wodensday> Thank you so much Yari, that sounds like fantastic precedent. 18:32:14 <Wodensday> Any more comments on Swarmcare? 18:32:16 <yari> cool 18:33:26 <Wodensday> Any additional debate or discussion on any of these reports? 18:33:47 <yari> none here 18:34:11 <DreadPirateDrew> none 18:34:37 <Wodensday> Remember to contact Pmchi (Mitch Davilo) in some form if you want to start a state party. 18:34:38 <yari> Nomad - minimum, it's going to be a solid 3-5 hours a week to kick it off the ground. (2 hours of meeting with others, 1-3 hours of working on propoganda/tabling/outreach/website/etc) 18:35:11 <Wodensday> I think it's agenda time: 18:35:13 <papegaai> Title: PNC 06/12/2022 - United States Pirate Party (at 18:35:20 <yari> oh goodness, I forgot to share that 18:35:31 <yari> I think that's supposed to be one of my main responsibilities or something 18:35:40 <yari> thank you for doing that 18:35:50 <Wodensday> The new secretary and chair are playing musical chairs with our duties, t's cool 18:37:03 <DreadPirateDrew> BRB 18:37:10 <Wodensday> First item of business - we received an email from Alex Darlington on behalf of a new third party called the Stair Party. He's interested in working together and forming something called the Coalition of American Third Parties 18:37:15 <Wodensday> I will link some of the stuff below 18:37:28 <Wodensday> 18:37:30 <papegaai> Title: Stair Party | The Next Step For America (at 18:37:46 <Ethan> Interesting 18:37:55 <Wodensday> I guess that's all I need to send. 18:38:03 brianna has joined 18:38:22 <Wodensday> I have some thoughts, though I will reserve them if necessary. I can also say them while you all are looking over that. 18:39:21 <yari> Upon receiving the email, I suggested that a meeting might happen during one of our jitsi meetings, so I'm going to go ahead and propose that to kick off the conversation. 18:39:46 <brianna> (Sorry this is my first time on one of these chats and I’m on my phone and not PC so I think that’s why it keeps kicking me whenever my screen turns off) 18:39:53 Ethan has quit 18:40:00 <Wodensday> No worries! I get it lol 18:40:07 Ethan has joined 18:41:05 <yari> Okay, let me go ahead and make it an official motion then. 18:41:20 <Wodensday> Motion to? 18:41:36 <Jester> Reading their definition of their own ideology makes me cautious, but I'm more than willing to hear them out. 18:41:46 <yari> I move that we allow Alex Darlington to be a part of the meeting next week to discuss this collaboration and the Coalition of American Third Parties with us 18:42:00 <DreadPirateDrew> Second 18:42:19 <Wodensday> It is now discussion and debate time. 18:42:29 <Wodensday> I do have a few thoughts. 18:42:36 brianna has quit 18:42:38 <yari> I think it should be on the agenda, even though I think their ideology is ehhhh just fine I suppose 18:43:09 <DreadPirateDrew> I think one of the biggest things where 3rd parties can help each other is on ballot access 18:43:15 <yari> That said I feel that collaboration is to everyone's benefit, so long as they are not fascists 18:43:38 brianna has joined 18:44:00 <yari> I'm also curious to hear wodensday's thoughts 18:44:01 <Wodensday> Collaboration is something I'm game for. Though, I am very hesitant to essentially found a new coalition. This isn't the only email the new administration has already received that, essentially, is a (very polite) request to use our slightly larger platform to their benefit. I am okay with that, we should do that sometimes, but it is something to 18:44:02 <Wodensday> keep in mind. 18:44:02 <NomadOfNorad> What about if they're Greath Cthulhu Party? :D 18:44:06 <NomadOfNorad> *Great 18:44:09 <Wodensday> I do not think we get much out of this. 18:44:30 <Jester> Yea actually how large is the Stair party? 18:44:35 <yari> Wodesnday, that's a good point 18:44:38 <Wodensday> Brand new 18:44:52 <yari> and they're asking to form a coalition with us 18:44:52 <Wodensday> 66 Twitter followers 18:44:54 <Jester> As in a dozen members in only a single state or what? 18:45:31 <DreadPirateDrew> That describes the Keystone Party in PA. although they have a larger social following 18:46:19 <brianna> There are other third parties as well. PSL, People’s Party, the Transhumanist party, etc who might be interested in a third party coalition? At least for the sake of coming together on ballot access issues 18:46:33 <Wodensday> Aren't there other coalitions too? 18:46:34 <yari> If we like their policies, we could do the sort of cross-endorsement and fusion candidates that brianna suggested without doing a coalition thing 18:46:45 <Wodensday> I'd rather we lift each other up with pragmatic diplomacy 18:46:58 <brianna> Yeah, I don’t know anything about this “Stair Party” 18:47:09 <brianna> Not opposed just uninformed 18:47:12 <Ethan> I've been trying to form a third party coalition since I joined the Pirates, it's extremely challenging 18:47:12 <Jester> It may be what is needed. Though I would hesitate a bit since their stated policy just seems to be anti-establishment enlightened centrism. 18:47:37 <Jester> But that's just my first impression on reading their ideology web page 18:48:11 <Wodensday> To be brutally honest, in the current condition it's more like mentoring the newbie (which again, I am more than happy to do). 18:48:21 <yari> I think it's worth hearing them out, of course... but yeah. 18:48:55 <Wodensday> I believe the LP, Greens, CPUSA and Constitutionalists are already in something like this for lobbying yeah? 18:49:02 <Wodensday> We should be looking to expand that 18:49:11 <brianna> Are they? 18:49:13 <Wodensday> I can't remember the name 18:49:18 <Wodensday> But I've seen it around before 18:49:36 <DreadPirateDrew> PA has a ballot access coalition. Which I may look into joining. 18:50:35 <Wodensday> I think we should seek to join existing coalitions. Stay close to the Stairists and if they go anywhere we vouch for them. 18:51:12 <Wodensday> However, I am no longer a voting member. ;D 18:51:35 <yari> I'm down for that. Is that really a motion that we could make though? 18:51:37 <Jester> Their economic policies don't seem to focus on people's prosperity as much as I'd like, one of their solutions to "revive" the rust belt is to just use automation and robots so the companies aren't having to pay workers. Which is just the most byzantine method I've heard of in a while to "revive" the region. 18:52:10 <Ethan> Typically The DSA PSL work together 18:52:14 <NomadOfNorad> Maybe they're expecting the people od the rust belt to build the robots. 0o 18:52:18 <Wodensday> Yari - a motion would probably have to be more specific 18:52:34 <yari> point of order - there is already a motion on the table 18:52:35 <Wodensday> NomadOfNorad NO! I will not become a robot and I will not build the robotss! 18:52:46 <Wodensday> Thank you Yari. 18:52:57 <Wodensday> Any objection to calling the vote? I will get the motion 18:53:12 <Jester> NomadOfNorad that's just cruel 18:53:18 <NomadOfNorad> If they robots start talking about the terrible secret of space, and your need to go stand by the stairs.... run away from them. 18:53:29 <yari> none here 18:53:41 <DreadPirateDrew> No objection 18:53:45 <Wodensday> yari 20:42:01 18:53:46 <Wodensday> I move that we allow Alex Darlington to be a part of the meeting next week to discuss this collaboration and the Coalition of American Third Parties with us 18:53:57 <Wodensday> All in favor? 18:54:03 <DreadPirateDrew> aye 18:54:04 <yari> aye 18:54:05 Ethan has quit 18:54:07 <Jester> aye 18:54:19 <NomadOfNorad> Well, I have no objection 18:54:22 Ethan has joined 18:54:26 <brianna> Aye (if I’m even allowed to vote, lol) 18:54:36 <Ethan> Aye 18:54:42 <Wodensday> Not until you give us Ohio or NY. 18:54:45 <Wodensday> Pmchi 18:54:48 <Wodensday> (Hint hint) 18:54:56 <brianna> Oh okay! And yeah, working on it lol 18:55:03 <pmchi> Aye 18:55:18 <Wodensday> Motion passes unanimously, we will have Alex on. 18:55:34 <yari> I will go ahead and email Alex about next week then 18:55:48 <Wodensday> Excellent, thank you Yari. 18:55:53 <yari> I'll keep it chill 18:56:18 <Wodensday> I would like to remind us of time though we have no hard deadline, continue agenda vs adjourn is up to the body and their wants. 18:57:17 <yari> I'd like to keep going to the next item for a bit at least 18:57:21 <Wodensday> Next item of business would be "Host a hackathon?" 18:57:34 <Wodensday> I am hearing no motions to adjourn, so let's move on. 18:57:43 <yari> It's a very specific item of business 18:57:56 <Wodensday> Yari - should I let you pitch this? You've been on the ground talking to people for this one 18:58:12 <yari> Goodness, I wish I had a full pitch ready for this 18:58:21 <yari> We should do a hackathon. 18:58:27 <yari> It would be fun. 18:58:46 <yari> It would be a day or two where there is a theme of things that people make with code 18:58:54 <yari> maybe a talk or two talks 18:59:02 <yari> and a bunch of support and online tools 18:59:20 <yari> it could just take place in the discord or it could be on youtube, or whatever 18:59:34 <Wodensday> Is this limited to tech? I heard a suggestion that it could also be for things like policy 18:59:53 <yari> It's not tech limited! We could absolutely do a policy hack-a-thon 19:00:07 <yari> In fact that was one proposal, and a very good one 19:00:23 <yari> platform hackathon 19:00:35 <Wodensday> (That way it's technically getting work done) 19:01:13 <Wodensday> How about we have some discussion? 19:02:03 <yari> I feel like this could easily be thrown to a discovery committee 19:02:08 <DreadPirateDrew> Interested, although I am not exactly sure what we are talking about. Is this something we can circle back to on one of the jitsi meetings and have a pitch? 19:02:27 <Jester> I'd be into it, though I do think we should try and broadcast it to various tech communities in order to drive traffic and discussion. Though it may also be good to have some of the more programming experienced members of our party host workshops or something for people who want to learn coding. 19:02:57 <yari> I guess I'm curious if it would be better to do a policy hackathon or a code hackathon 19:03:10 <yari> or something else 19:04:06 <Wodensday> I think it should further the party in some way other than exposure, if it's purely community building then that's something we would hand off to a team that we do not have. 19:04:39 <yari> aka: policy hackathon first and then the code one further down the road 19:04:40 <yari> ? 19:05:00 <DreadPirateDrew> How would a policy hackathon work? 19:05:51 <Wodensday> I don't think we as the PNC should directly devote our time and attention to something just for fun, as evil as I sound saying that. 19:06:13 <yari> Drew - I'm not entirely sure. 19:06:24 <Wodensday> It should further our party infrastructure, wants, or goals 19:06:39 <yari> I'm going to move that we throw this issue to a discovery committee 19:06:39 <brianna> I’m not quite sure what a hackathon consists of, but I would imagine that such events would generate interest and possibly help us grow 19:06:50 <DreadPirateDrew> A Pirate Policy summit would be cool. We have some speakers, some roundtable discussions, ect, post to youtube 19:07:08 <Wodensday> We have a motion on the table. 19:07:11 <Wodensday> Any seconds? 19:07:18 <yari> Drew - that's essentially what my understanding of it would be. a summit at which the policy would be made as well 19:08:01 <yari> brianna, there is a fair bit of hackathon documentation online. it's essentially a creator's summit, where a bunch of people get together to make things 19:08:28 <Wodensday> Last call for seconds to Yari's motion 19:08:41 <DreadPirateDrew> Can you restate the motion ? 19:08:53 <Wodensday> yari 21:06:53 19:08:53 <Wodensday> I'm going to move that we throw this issue to a discovery committee 19:09:23 <yari> When I'm suggesting that we throw it to a discovery committee, I mean that I would like it to be discussed by a small group of volunteers selected rn who then come back to us with a motion or proposal 19:09:34 <yari> that is the definition of a discovery committee 19:09:44 <DreadPirateDrew> I will second 19:09:47 <Jester> I'll second that 19:09:50 <yari> cool 19:09:58 <Wodensday> Any discussion, debate, or objection? 19:10:13 <Ethan> I gotta run folks , have a good week y'all 19:10:14 <yari> I think the main issue before voting would just be: who is on the committee 19:10:20 <Wodensday> See ya Ethan! 19:10:29 <yari> I will volunteer myself for one spot, but there should be others 19:10:35 <Wodensday> Attendance goes down to IN, IL, CA, PA 19:10:48 <yari> We have the KY backup - Mariah-Lynne 19:11:00 <Wodensday> If she is interested in voting. 19:11:02 <DreadPirateDrew> No objection 19:11:12 <Mariah-Lynne> aye 19:11:21 <yari> KY secondary, sorry - 'backup' feels a bit demeaning, I think 19:11:24 <Wodensday> I will take that as a yes. 19:11:48 <Wodensday> Current issue is discuss, mainly who will be on this discovery committee. 19:12:06 <yari> I ask for any volunteers to help me 19:12:06 <Wodensday> May I suggest Mississippi Mitch? 19:12:19 <Wodensday> That is a very cool nickname 19:12:28 <yari> that would be a lovely person to contact. I will talk to Mississippi Mitch 19:12:38 <yari> any chance I could get one other person? 19:13:09 <yari> -to help figure out the basic outline of a hackathon event that the PNC might put on 19:13:26 <Jester> I guess I'll volunteer. Might as well. 19:13:28 <Mariah-Lynne> I wouldn't know how to code. 19:13:38 <yari> Mariah-Lynne this is just for event planning. 19:13:52 <yari> coding not required to plan the event 19:14:00 <yari> Jester, thank you 19:14:08 <Jester> Yea no prob 19:14:30 <yari> Okay I have my team I'm happy 19:14:32 <Wodensday> Are there any objections to calling the question? 19:14:41 <yari> none 19:14:48 <DreadPirateDrew> no objection 19:14:51 <Jester> nope 19:14:53 <Mariah-Lynne> Would Mass Pirates have contacts with the Aaron Swartz hackathon that happens every year? 19:15:06 <yari> I will ask them 19:15:11 <yari> thank you for the note 19:15:20 <NomadOfNorad> no problems with it here, either, but I suspect my vote of confidence probably doesn't count. :D 19:15:28 <Wodensday> All in favor of allowing Yari to establish this discovery committee? 19:15:30 <Mariah-Lynne> That's the only hackathon I can think of. 19:15:43 <yari> aye (for my own discovery committee) 19:15:48 <DreadPirateDrew> aye 19:15:54 <Jester> aye 19:16:08 <Mariah-Lynne> aye 19:16:09 <Wodensday> Pmchi, Mariah-Lynne 19:16:30 <pmchi> Aye 19:16:57 <Wodensday> Motion passes, committee set to discover discoveries. 19:16:58 <yari> motion to adjourn 19:17:06 <Wodensday> Motion to adjourn on the table 19:17:06 <DreadPirateDrew> second 19:17:12 <Mariah-Lynne> aye 19:17:14 Ethan has quit 19:17:24 <Wodensday> Quick note - I think we shoul allow Brianna chance to give a PR report if they want to 19:17:46 <Wodensday> We didn't get to ask. 19:18:04 <yari> I can take brianna's report and put it in the notes separately, just as with the treasurer 19:18:06 brianna and Catmandom have quit 19:18:13 <yari> especially because of that 19:18:16 brianna has joined 19:18:37 <Wodensday> That sounds like a good plan. 19:18:47 <Wodensday> All in favor of adjourning? 19:18:51 <yari> aye 19:18:55 <DreadPirateDrew> aye 19:18:56 <Jester> aye 19:19:08 <Mariah-Lynne> aye 19:19:28 <Wodensday> pmchi 19:19:39 <pmchi> Aye 19:19:42 DocGeoJersey has quit 19:19:51 <Wodensday> Meeting adjourned at 10:20 EDT