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The January 14th, 2024 PNC Meeting was one of the weekly meetings of the Pirate National Committee (PNC). This meeting took place on IRC.








Old Business

New Business





Meeting Minutes

21:00:41 <DreadPirateDrew> ahoy! please ID as you enter.
<DreadPirateDrew> Drew Bingaman Captain of USPP
Eli has joined
<mavsben> Ben Horlick - PNC Beancounter & TX Rep
<Eli> Eli McGee MA rep
<DreadPirateDrew> anyone else so far?
<DreadPirateDrew> just Ben, Eli,and myself
<Ty--> Ty Clifford - VC
<DreadPirateDrew> ahoy Ty!
<Ty--> Ahoy
<Ty--> Barely made it 
<Ty--> Well
<DreadPirateDrew> all good, any updates on anything, this is an open floor question
<Ty--> Is it an informal meeting?
— ElmoMusk and Joe have joined
<DreadPirateDrew> at the moment we don't have quorum.
<Ty--> Joe!
<Ty--> We do know
<Ty--> *now
<mavsben> Eli was already here for MA, still 1 short i think
<Joe> Joseph Onoroski, Treasurer 
<Ty--> oh
<DreadPirateDrew> I only count two, as I can't vote for PA
<Ty--> I misread
<Ty--> well
<Ty--> It seems it'll be a short meeting tonight, an informal one. and i don't like doing these, but
<DreadPirateDrew> and I know Johnny isn't gonnaake it
yari has joined
<yari> ahoy
<Ty--> Yari! 
<mavsben> ahoy
<DreadPirateDrew> Yari makes 3
<Joe> Yeah, I am only MA rep if needed. 😇
<yari> Rose Klein, CA Rep
<DreadPirateDrew> ahoy Yari!
<DreadPirateDrew> the floor is open for updates
<Ty--> I want to stress the RSVP forms n such need to be made. 
<Joe> Nothing from the treasury
<Ty--> I am working on the agenda and one person has signed up to speak thus far
<Ty--> The theme still needs to be decided
<yari> no updates here.
<Ty--> it's here....:
<Ty--> https://etherpad.wvpirates.org/p/2024_Conference_theme_ideas
<papegaai> Title: Etherpad (at etherpad.wvpirates.org)
<yari> I'm particularly fond of "steal this conference" or "you wouldn't download a conference"
<DreadPirateDrew> note on the convention, I am trying very hard to find a way to get there in person. it isn't looking good ATM my fiance was off for a month and me with her as she recovered from donating a kidney and we had a paperwork snafu that was supposed to help us with missed work.
<mavsben> I liked "Steal this Conference" as well, believe that was Drew's suggestion 
<mavsben> understood drew <3 hope yall get it sorted soon. insurance sucks
pmchi has joined
<pmchi> Ahoy, sorry for the late arrival
<pmchi> At work
<DreadPirateDrew> we now have quorum
<mavsben> Eli / Joe - what do yall think on theme?
<Joe> No worries.
<Ty--> pmchi I was just saying RSVP forms need to be in place and the latest theme/collabs are at: https://etherpad.wvpirates.org/p/2024_Conference_theme_ideas
<papegaai> Title: Etherpad (at etherpad.wvpirates.org)
<Joe> I love it
<Eli> Same here
<Ty--> DreadPirateDrew I don't know your situation fully but please reach out to me some time. Maybe we can bus in together somehow? 
<mavsben> Motion to adopt "Steal this Conference" as the theme for the 2024 Convention
<pmchi> RSVP forms definitely need to be in place. I like what has come of the list thus far for what that’s worth
<yari> I'll second that
<Joe> Drew, what is your zipcode?
<Joe> 😇
<DreadPirateDrew> Ty I will do that a little closer when I have better info. 
<pmchi> I only ask that it’s stylized as "Steal This Conference!" because, while I’m sure it’s in reference to "Steal This Book" by Abbie Hoffman, I think a nod to System of a Down (Steal This Album!) would be neat
<pmchi> If this is the direction we go
<yari> Agreed
<Eli> Agreed
<pmchi> Hey did we do IDs
<mavsben> I accept the amendment to the motion if that's required
<pmchi> "Jolly" Mitch, Chicagoland/ILPP
<pmchi> Mitch Davilo
<mavsben> the rest of us did a bit earlier mitch, all good
<DreadPirateDrew> if that is a motion and a second we can vote
<mavsben> Aye
<DreadPirateDrew> on "Steal this Conference!"
<Ty--> "Steal This Conference!"
<yari> aye
<Ty--> jinx
<DreadPirateDrew> Eli or Joe?
<Eli> Aye
<Ty--> Please continue to use the same link for collabs
<Ty--> If you need help booking, etc please contact.
<DreadPirateDrew> cool, we have a theme
Joe has quit
<DreadPirateDrew> ty, pencil me in for a presentation. all TBD currently
<Ty--> morning, evening, afternoon?
<mavsben> yari have you made much progress on the presidential scorecard draft? I've been noodling on it a bit and can help push that forward
<Ty--> Your prefs on speaking, some people wanna speak in the afternoon
<DreadPirateDrew> keep me as a floater ATM
<yari> your noodling would be appreciated
<Ty--> Gotchya
<yari> message me mavsben?
<mavsben> yeah will do
<mavsben> discord/
<mavsben> ?*
<Ty--> So, this is 2 speakers now signed up for the conf
<Ty--> or partially lol
<yari> yes plz
<mavsben> aye aye
<Ty--> That's all I have,t ho 
<mavsben> hey 2s two more than zero
<Ty--> I just wanted people to stay on track with the big days!
<DreadPirateDrew> is there anything else that would need a vote?
Joe2pirate has joined
<mavsben> nothing from me
<Joe2pirate> It's me again, the treasurer...
<Joe2pirate> One more thing.
<Joe2pirate> https://gofund.me/c91a6761
<papegaai> Title: Fundraiser by Joseph Onoroski : Help the Captain of the US Pirates (at gofund.me)
<Joe2pirate> I didn't have a good picture. 
<yari> thanks for putting that together Joe!
<Joe2pirate> Well, you know. I care.
<DreadPirateDrew> thank you Joe
<mavsben> hows the ballot petition coming joe?
<DreadPirateDrew> do we want to schedule a conference work session?
Joe has joined, Joe2pirate has quit
<Ty--> I want to but not right now. How about I post later when I would like one?
<Joe> I didn't get to submit the signatures this week. I got another 22 raw signatures today
<Ty--> Within a couple of days
<DreadPirateDrew> that will be cool can you just make sure to ping everyone on discord
<mavsben> godspeed
<Joe> But I am almost there in the requirements to get on. So with the two additional weeks I have I should be able to be impossible to contest.
<Ty--> Sure
<mavsben> nice nice nice
<DreadPirateDrew> that is great news Joe! 
<mavsben> Motion to adjourn?
<DreadPirateDrew> is there a second?
<yari> 2nd
<Eli> Agreed 
<DreadPirateDrew> all in favor?
<yari> aye
<mavsben> aye
<Eli> Aye
<Ty--> Be saf and vote Pirate! 
<Ty--> er, safe
<DreadPirateDrew> ditto
21:35:11 <Joe> Gn everyone!