PNC 04/04/21

From United States Pirate Party
Revision as of 21:24, 4 April 2021 by Jokeefe (talk | contribs)
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Reminder: April 2nd set as end of external lists (it & sab).

Next tasks:

  1. teach people how to use to send emails - set for this Tuesday
  2. set a regular IT meeting
  3. archive SAB list messages
  4. update old pages in the blog/wiki such as the state contact pages







Record of the meeting


[9:00pm] Bosun: Please identify.
[9:01pm] Bosun: Joseph Klein USPP Chair
[9:01pm] Sayyida: Megan Klein Vice Chair Wi
[9:01pm] Joe: Joseph Onoroski, Treasurer, Massachusetts
[9:01pm] jokeefe: James O’Keefe, Secretary, Massachusetts
[9:02pm] Yari joined the chat room.
[9:03pm] Yari: ahoy
[9:03pm] Yari: Rose Klein, California
[9:04pm] Yari: ... unless we haven't started yet?
[9:04pm] Bosun: I suppose you want the old data back in CiviCRM by Tuesday.
[9:04pm] Bosun: Yes just started.
[9:05pm] jokeefe: If possible
[9:05pm] Bosun: Probably.
[9:05pm] pmchi: Mitchel Davilo, Chicago/ILPP
[9:06pm] Yari: let us know. outreach certainly has other things to do, but it would be nice to learn the program.
[9:06pm] Yari: thank you again jokeefe and bosun for helping to make it happen
[9:07pm] jokeefe: anytime
[9:07pm] Bosun: I'll be brave and stab at it.
[9:08pm] Bosun: It all seems stable and functional.
[9:09pm] Bosun: If your "crew" user the update is done by typing 'composer update'.
[9:09pm] Bosun: you're
[9:10pm] Bosun: So no mor overhaul - In theory.
[9:11pm] jokeefe: wonderful
[9:12pm] jokeefe: Updated the blog software
[9:12pm] jokeefe: but that is an easier process
[9:13pm] Bosun: It took two years for both CiviCRM and Drupal to get their composer elements to work properly with each other.
[9:14pm] Sayyida left the chat room. (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
[9:14pm] Momma_turtle left the chat room. (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
[9:15pm] Sayyida joined the chat room.
[9:15pm] Momma_turtle joined the chat room.
[9:15pm] Sayyida: sorry
[9:15pm] Sayyida: we are at half time
[9:15pm] Bosun: Slow we are tonight.
[9:16pm] pmchi: Easter shenanigans tonight, not much to update I suppose
[9:16pm] Bosun: We didn't have an outreach meeting last Tuesday.
[9:16pm] Yari: we will be having one this next week whether civiCRM happens or not though
[9:16pm] Sayyida: have we done all of the important update?
[9:17pm] Sayyida: have we walked through all the important updates?
[9:17pm] Sayyida: motion to adjourn
[9:17pm] Joe: Tonight's plank meeting will be cancelled due to the holiday, I plan on working again on it next week.
[9:17pm] Joe: We are making good progress though
[9:17pm] Bosun: You have notes?
[9:18pm] Joe: I posted the video to the us pirate youtube
[9:18pm] Bosun: ... or all on discord.
[9:18pm] Joe: on discord as well
[9:18pm] Bosun: ok
[9:19pm] Bosun: Anything else? We have a dying motion on the floor to adjourn.
[9:19pm] Joe: We had a lot of good help last week, so thank you for those that participated.
[9:20pm] Sayyida left the chat room. (Quit: Leaving)
[9:20pm] Momma_turtle left the chat room. (Quit: Leaving)
[9:20pm] jokeefe: No update from IT except I updated the blog software versions.
[9:20pm] Bosun: cool.
[9:20pm] jokeefe: Will plan to be at the outreach meeting for the CiviCRM walk through
[9:20pm] jokeefe: Will send a final “move over to the new lists” email
[9:20pm] Bosun: OK be happy to have you.
[9:21pm] Joe: That is this Tuesday, correct?
[9:21pm] Sayyida joined the chat room.
[9:21pm] Momma_turtle joined the chat room.
[9:21pm] Sayyida: sorry computer shut down randomly
[9:21pm] jokeefe: yes
[9:22pm] Bosun: Every Tuesday at 9 Eastern.
[9:22pm] Sayyida: did we let my motion die?
[9:22pm] Bosun: To adjourn ...
[9:22pm] jokeefe: I have nothing else to report
[9:23pm] Sayyida: yes that one
[9:23pm] Joe: We had a few more items but we are done now
[9:23pm] Sayyida: we have 7 min left
[9:23pm] Bosun: OK then let's adjourn.
[9:23pm] Joe: 2nd
[9:23pm] Sayyida: motion to adjourn
[9:23pm] pmchi: 2nd
[9:23pm] jokeefe: aye
[9:24pm] Bosun: OK we are adjourned
[9:24pm] Sayyida: no objection
[9:24pm] Sayyida: motion passes
[9:24pm] Joe: good night!