PNC 04/03/2022
Old Business
- motion to prohibit caucuses
New Business
- legalize federal marijuana protest on 4/20
- update on Pirate National Conference
- Mitch Davilo, IL
- Anthony Jay, IN
- Joseph Onoroski, MA
Probationary States
- WI
- Yari, Chair, CA
- Matthew Crowley, FL
- Drew Bingaman, PA
Motion to modify the By-laws to prohibit caucuses, inserted in Article VII: Committees -- Purpose, Membership, and Operations:
"(4) No member of a state party or volunteer for the national party shall affiliate themselves with an organization or substructure that seeks to promote one ideology over others within the United States Pirate Party, promote partisan or tribal behavior between members of an “in” group or “out” group, promote the forwarding of a certain group’s goals over the party as whole, or discourage the use of mainline party discussion channels in favor of partisan ones."
Discussion of this by-laws change.
Tabled to next week by a vote of 3-0-0.
Discussion of supporting 4/20 Cannabis legalization protests. Mitch will write a blog post and Anthony will post.
Exhortation for people to give presentations (Request for Presentations) at the upcoming US Pirate Party Conference.
Joe suggested creating our own coins, possibly using an hour system, as a collectable fun thing.
Meeting adjourned at 10:03pm.
Old Business
New Business
Record of the meeting