PNC 03/27/2022

From United States Pirate Party
Revision as of 21:23, 27 March 2022 by Jokeefe (talk | contribs)
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Old Business

  • Pirate National Conference - planning committee proposal:
    • Dates proposed: Monday, May 30th through Sunday, June 5th
    • RFP proposed to be written this week
    • Proposed Keynote speakers
    • Proposed themes

New Business

  • Pirate 101 iteration
  • legalize federal marijuana protest on 4/20


  • Mitchel Davilo, Chicagoland/ILPP, Swarmcare Manager
  • Wodensday: Anthony Jay, INPP
  • Joe: Joseph Onoroski, Treasurer, Massachusetts

Probationary States

  • WI


  • jokeefe: James O’Keefe, Secretary, Massachusetts
  • yari: Rose Klein, PNC Chair
  • Oz: Ethan Osborne KYPP



Old Business

New Business


Record of the meeting

[9:05pm] yari: Calling this meeting of the PNC to order at 9:05pm EST
[9:05pm] yari: IDs please
[9:05pm] pmchi: Mitchel Davilo, Chicagoland/ILPP, Swarmcare Manager
[9:06pm] Wodensday: Anthony Jay, INPP
[9:06pm] Oz: Ethan Osborne KYPP
[9:06pm] jokeefe: James O’Keefe, Secretary, Massachusetts
[9:06pm] yari: Rose Klein, PNC Chair
[9:06pm] Joe: Joseph Onoroski, Treasurer, Massachusetts
[9:07pm] yari: fantastic. Reports! going in order ---> jokeefe, anything to report?
[9:09pm] jokeefe: IT: Had a meeting. Will update notes. Reached out to Bosun about updating crew. Also researched the process myself.
[9:09pm] yari: thank you jokeefe. Joe, anything to report?
[9:10pm] Joe: Nothing new. Have to do a report to the FEC by the 15th
[9:10pm] yari: thank you Joe. Oz, anything to report?
[9:12pm] Oz: Only that in our last KYPP meeting we decided to change the leadership council due to some logistical issues, and some members able to commit more than others.
[9:12pm] yari: thank you Oz. Wodensday, anything to report?
[9:13pm] Wodensday: Pirate-Libertarian Orientation event went very well. I believe we had ~11 active participants at one time, and more than that as a whole. I’ll be talking to outreach on Tuesday to establish a cheesy little Stop, Start, Continue report
[9:13pm] Wodensday: Other than that
[9:14pm] Wodensday: I have a meeting with the owner of scheduled for Thursday. They’re interested in making pirate merch. With the outreach committee’s approval, I went ahead and decided to start talks with the mutual understanding they could end at any time.This would be a long process with more departments than just mine involved, so if
[9:14pm] Wodensday: possible I’d love to hear some discussion on this from the PNC.
[9:14pm] Wodensday: Obviously, nothing is promised yet. Outreach is just incredibly curious.
[9:15pm] yari: thank you Wodensday. pmchi, anything to report?
[9:16pm] pmchi: Platform we discussed corporate accountability. I believe we’re going to stay on this subject for the time being for this week. On the Swarmcare end, we received an email about starting a party Nevada. I reached out today, I’ll provide updates (if any) as they come. Florida has a website and Twitter (and MatthewCrowley(FL) attending), so Florida is coming along quickly
[9:16pm] pmchi: That’s all from my end
[9:16pm] yari: thank you pmchi. is there any discussion or debate on the reports as given?
[9:17pm] Joe: Yes
[9:17pm] Joe: Pirate merch
[9:17pm] Wodensday: Hit me. I only gave you the condensed version, happy to answer questions
[9:18pm] Joe: So I understand, how is the work/profit to us/them going to be broken down.
[9:18pm] Wodensday69 joined the chat room.
[9:18pm] Wodensday69: Anthony Jay, IN
[9:18pm] Wodensday69: Oh lord, let me change that
[9:18pm] Wodensday69 is now known as Wodensday68.
[9:18pm] yari: So I understand, how is the work/profit to us/them going to be broken down. <--- the comment from Joe you just missed
[9:19pm] Joe: ty
[9:19pm] Wodensday68: I’m not entirely sure yet. From my understanding with libertarian candidates I’ve talked to (he makes some of their merch), both parties contribute and workshop designs together and then split the profit roughly evenly. I will have more details by Thursday.
[9:20pm] Wodensday left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[9:20pm] Joe: Thank you
[9:20pm] yari: is there any further discussion or debate on the reports?
[9:21pm] yari: hearing none, and moving on to old business -->
[9:21pm] yari: Pirate National Conference - planning committee proposal:
[9:22pm] Wodensday joined the chat room.
[9:22pm] Wodensday: (Please forward me anything I missed)
[9:22pm] Wodensday68 left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 2m30s)