PNC 03/26/2023

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March 26th, 2023









Old Business

New Business


  • Meeting called to order at 9:13pm EST
  • Meeting adjourned at 10:08pm EST

Meeting Minutes

21:13:26 <Woden> Meeting beginning at 9:13 Eastern time
<yari> I was wondering why every time we saw you it was at an airport
<NomadOfNorad> okay, so, spotty wifi or something?
<Woden> IDs?
<Mysty> I have been stopped and ceased multiple times by TSA and state troopera
<Woden> Anthony Jay Porter, chair, IN
<yari> Rose Klein, CA rep, USPP secretary
<Mysty> once for smuggling in a computer, once for having a ggirls name, once for checking what doors my badge opens, and once for looking weird in a pikachu hat
<Mysty> Mysty O'Kneel , umass rep to USPp
<Mysty> *massachusetts
<Woden> That sounds like a nightmare.
<Woden> Pmchi?
<Mysty> I was apologised to every time
<Mysty> now they know better
<yari> @ pmchi
<Woden> @Pmchi
<pmchi> Mitch Davilo, Chicagoland/ILPP, Swarmcare Manager
<pmchi> @Pmchi
<Mysty> @pmchi
<Woden> Excellent!
<yari> lol amazing
<Woden> Okay, do we have an agenda?
<yari> nope
<yari> I regret not asking more for help with my duties
<Msxv> Aw
<Woden> Understood, we can do some improve tonight and compile last week and this week into an agenda for next week.
<yari> of course
<Woden> Also, a reminder that any non-voting members who want to contribute to the meeting do need to ID. Name and state works!
<Woden> We will start with committee reports.
<NomadOfNorad> in that case: David C Hall, frustrated side observer and general hanger-onner in the upper, eastern part of Florida.
<Woden> For outreach, we are still working on some existing projects, including a state care package. Our new volunteer has been a massive help.
<Woden> IT?
<yari> honestly, v would have a better idea of what happened at IT
<yari> if he would be so kind as to share
<Msxv> (I'm not participating only watching)
<yari> okay fair enough
<yari> my understanding is the Jamie updated the website
<yari> and nothing more occured
<Woden> Understood!
<Woden> Platform?
<pmchi> We have continued the discussions of LVT and privacy, and I hope we’d be able to come to a conclusion soon. It may come as a general stance on taxes (as it concerns to privacy violations as mass surveillance is required for most taxes). I also created rooms in the Discord for different portions of the platform, so that anyone who wishes to speak on specific platform issues or wording can, without having to clog up the platform committee room 
<pmchi> itself. Nothing to present for adoption.
<yari> nice
<Woden> ANy further discussion or debate about committees?
<yari> question
<yari> bhave we had anyone do anything with press since Brianna's absence?
<yari> just curious
<Woden> I answered an email of someone asking us for comment, that's been about it.
<Woden> And we released that press release
<pmchi> I appeared on a lovely podcast called Unconstitutional Awakening to promote the USPP, so while that’s not the press you’re asking about, I thought I’d mention that
<yari> okay. I do think it's still worth keeping the structure and also want to note that it might be worth pointing out to new volunteers the posibility of working on that
<yari> congrats pmchi that sounds cool
<yari> that's all I have, was just wondering
<Woden> We do have a committee we're trying to get going
<Woden> Okay, we will move on to officers.
<Woden> Secretary?
<yari> Not much since other life stuff took prescedence this week. Helped pmchi change around a couple things on discord. Drafted a post for the website and then forgot to post it - will post right after this. That is all.
<Woden> Sounds good! Swarmcare?
<pmchi> I plan to host state outreach meetings soon for different states looking to join the USPP or help volunteer. The American Mediterranean region (TX, LA, MS, AL, FL, PR, USVI) will be the first states, seeing as Florida and Texas are the most ready to be Pirate Parties with the number of volunteers they have. Two weeks from that, I plan to host likely the Heartland region. So on until we hit upon every state and territory, then we start over.
<pmchi> I also would like us to begin promotion of Piratey McPirateface this week, namely prior to April 1st. We should get as many eyes on this, and not just our Pirate community. This should be seen by as many eyes as possible.
<Woden> Still gonna help you with some posters, remind me
<Woden> Other than that, thank you!
<Woden> Nothing significant chair related.
<Woden> Any discussion or debate on these existing reports?
<yari> just excited to see the results of the outreach meetings
<yari> none otherwise
<pmchi> I’d like to get to a piece of old business if there’s no objections
<yari> none here
<Woden> None here either.
<pmchi> I’d like to propose a change to the position of “First Officer” or “Vice-Chair”
<yari> oooooo, yes
<pmchi> Article 4, Section 1.2 states: The First Officer or Vice-Chair, who shall assist the Captain in managing the administration and operations of the PNC, and act as secondary spokesperson of the party. The First Officer will conduct business on behalf of the Captain or the Quartermaster in the event that either is absent or incapacitated
<pmchi> I’d like to propose a change that would make the Vice-Chair the head of committees. Our current committees, while not codified as such if I’m not mistaken, are, but are technically not limited to, Platform, Outreach, IT, Press and Media. I’d like to wait until next week to vote upon such a change, but this is the official wording I’d like to present as the new proposal:
<pmchi> The First Officer or Vice-Chair, who shall assist the Captain in managing the administration and operations of the PNC, and act as primary leader of USPP committees and secondary spokesperson of the party. The First Officer will head all meetings held by party recognized committees and conduct business on behalf of the Captain or the Quartermaster, in the event that either is absent or incapacitated.
<yari> second for sake of discussion
<Woden> I do not believe Mitch wants a vote this week, correct?
<Woden> Just casual discussion
<Woden> If so we don't need a second. Either way, discuss!
<yari> sure - either way
<pmchi> I just want to present the proposal in full, so it can appear in full as a proposal for next week as old business, but I welcome any discussion today
<yari> first, this is cool.
<yari> second, on an initial reading, it seems as though the VC would have to be present as the chair of each committee meeting.
<yari> is that your intention?
<pmchi> That is correct. They would ensure the committee meetings happen and will be the one to call them to order
<Woden> I don't know if I like that, I think I'd rather they be the chair's chapperone.
<Woden> That's five meetings a week and might get worse depending on how we build further
<yari> Agreed with Woden.
<yari> I don't see that requirement working with scheduling very well
<pmchi> A Vice Chair can (and should) appoint help with the committee. This is the opportunity to allow those who wish to volunteer to get the chance to have a greater hand
<Woden> I'm envisioning them more as a person-wrangler and helpful contact, and maybe someone who can help us do appointments and fill positions
<Woden> If someone ISN'T running the meetings, it;'s their responsibility to talent scout
<yari> ^^
<Woden> Okay, so is your end goal similar then?
<yari> very agreed with Woden
<pmchi> That’s essentially the role regardless yes
<Woden> Okay. My only issue is when we have a rough month and multiple meetings for multiple committees still fall back on the VP because they're looking for replacements
<Woden> I am worried that could become AJ scouting for outreach talent x5
<yari> pmchi - do you feel strongly on this point? and if so, why?
<pmchi> The VC is there at all committee meetings, technically the chair, but can and will appoint willing volunteers to take the reigns and lead the meetings or opportunities
<yari> I just... physically can't make it to all the meetings
<yari> can you?
<Woden> I love the spirit of it, but I think the spirit would function better if they were the person the chairs report to
<pmchi> I am not strong on the idea but I believe enough to reason with you all, and if you don’t agree then I can concede by next week
<Woden> That's the only tweak I suggest, other than that I am down
<pmchi> Allow me a few minutes to type, will be with you all in a moment
<Woden> SOunds good
<pmchi> Essentially, the idea here is that: the committee chairs are whoever voluntarily takes that reign. A neater, more organized role dictates that the committees have a leader, and to me, it would only make sense if that person is the VC. Now, I don’t actually see the VC leading the meetings every meeting. I envision volunteers who wish to take the reigns being selected by the VC to run it. I think the VC should still hold the title of the committee 
<pmchi> lead, but the person who wants to run the meetings should be able to. If no one steps up, it should be the VC. Right now, we have been rocking months without proper meetings. We’re busy, and I get that. But this is the opportunity to get meetings going, started, and when someone wants to take the opportunity, they can. It IS a talent scouting opportunity, really. Those who want to volunteer and get involved can interact with the second in command 
<pmchi> of the party, who in turn can report if this volunteer is well meaning and a real Pirate go-getter. I think chairing a meeting like this five days a week is too large of a request. The VC is in charge of committees. They can delegate who leads if they wish. And hey, if they want to run a specific committee themselves, they totally can
<yari> hm
<yari> I think that all makes sense
<yari> I think if there's a way to change the wording to allow that to happen without more directly implying they have to be there for every meeting even when there is already a delegated volunteer, that would be great
<pmchi> I can either square that away real quick or wait until next meeting
<Woden> I really like it,. I am just worried about the severity of which everything would be falling to the vice chair
<Woden> Because if we passed this and then appointed a VC, as it currently stands, they would be picking up outreach for me and also starting to run a brand new committee and a committee that's been dormant for years
<Woden> And they would immediately have to either run or appoint people for all of them, that would be their constitutional obligation
<Woden> So I'd rather it be their obligation to search for appointees
<Woden> So they don;t actually ahve to run vacant meetings
<yari> although we are a bit loose with obligation sometimes
<pmchi> I do not believe we have codified any committee
<pmchi> Meeting there’s actually no set schedule
<pmchi> Meaning the VC hypothetically can set whatever schedule they please, or call meetings whenever is convenient for the most
<pmchi> This change would only imply, when a committee holds a meeting, it is the VC who is in charge of said committee
<pmchi> Who is running the meeting can either be the VC or a VC appointee
<Woden> IS there any way we can word it so they are not the de facto chair and just the chair's go-to?
<yari> ^
<Woden> I don't think anyone should be running three meetings per week for any extended period of time, and they would totally have to do that
<Woden> and it will happen again
<Woden> And seriously, if we want to remain this democratic, we ain't gonna stay at five committees
<Woden> Also, might I suggest we adjourn soon?
<yari> yeah was about to suggest the same
<yari> motion to adjourn
<yari> and pmchi if we could just talk in DMs about the wording I would be down to help tweak it
<yari> I think it's really close to where it needs to be
<yari> honestly
<Mysty> I agree this is a hole that need a to be filled. As worded sounds good so far.
<yari> motion to adjourn?
<Woden> ANy second?
<Woden> To adjourn
<yari> we are stuck here forever
<yari> or we can just end it
<Mysty> aye
<Mysty> second
<yari> Woden call it
22:08:27 <Woden> Since that's a 2/3, meeting adjourned at 10:08 Eastern!