PNC 07/14/2024

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The July 14th, 2024 PNC Meeting was one of the weekly meetings of the Pirate National Committee (PNC). This meeting took place on IRC.








Old Business

  • Continued "Supreme Team" updates (if any)
  • Camera walk planning 2024 (Sept 11)
  • Talk Like A Pirate Day 2024 (Sept 19)

New Business





Meeting Minutes

20:58:42 <DreadPirateDrew> ahoy!
 Wanda-FL has joined
 <Wanda-FL> ahoy!
 <NomadOfNorad> ahoy mateys
 <mavsben> ahoy fellow pirates
 pmchi and Eli have joined
 <pmchi> Ahoy
 <Eli> Ahoy
 <DreadPirateDrew> welcome everyone to the biweekly IRC meeting of the USPP. I am Drew Bingaman your captain
 <DreadPirateDrew> please ID
 <NomadOfNorad> David C Hall, Florida PP
 <Wanda-FL> Wanda Ward, Florida Rep
 <mavsben> Ben Horlick, USPP Quartermaster & TX Rep
 <pmchi> Mitch Davilo, Chicagoland/ILPP
 <Eli> Elijah McGee, Mass. rep and pr director 
 <DreadPirateDrew> OK thanks, report from the chair, the USPP put out a statement earlier today about the Trump rally shooting. I do not have the link handy but it is on our website.
 <pmchi> For the record, who is Florida's voting member tonight?
 <Wanda-FL> that's me
 <papegaai> Title: On Former President Donald Trump’s Rally – United States Pirate Party (at
 <mavsben> 2 quick 4 me mitch
 <DreadPirateDrew> thanks Mitch
 <DreadPirateDrew> any other reports or updates?
 <mavsben> Our Q2'23 FEC filing was submitted and accepted. I have a little bit of work to do on the back half of '23 but those will also go in on time
 <DreadPirateDrew> great. thanks Ben
 <mavsben> Getting me on the bank account is proceeding as well. Joe and I have signed the form, just needs to get to Jamie who's going to turn it in
 <mavsben> Youre welcome!
 <DreadPirateDrew> anything else before we proceed to platform?
 <mavsben> Oh just to mention it for the record, the HOPE Conference was great even virtually. 10/10 would recommend. Next year Im going to try to make it up in person
 <mavsben> (ok now im done)
 <DreadPirateDrew> is there someone here that has the proposed language to put up for us?
 Shea has joined
 <Shea> It didnt get allot of work. But i did post a etherpad in discord.
 ElmoMusk has joined
 <Wanda-FL> Shea, could you please ID
 <MilesW> Miles Whiticker, PP Australia
 <Shea> Ahoy, Observer from Kansas
 <DreadPirateDrew> I think it would be fine if the amendment is not ready yet. if it is ready, FTR either share the link or copy/paste the text please.
 <papegaai> Title: Etherpad (at
 <Shea> so far just notes on the initial discussion points. All by me. 
 <DreadPirateDrew> ok thanks Shea, looks like a good start.
 <Shea> there has been no activity in platform this week. Not since i posted the etherpad. 
 <DreadPirateDrew> well in that case I will leave it in the hands of platform to make sure you all come up with a final draft to propose for addition to the bylaws. 
 <mavsben> Drew do you think it would be helpful to have a discussion on the jitsi next week about what we want the national platform to "be" per se? I think that might give some direction. It might be just me but I dont have a great sense for the types of things we want and how specific to be in terms of policy positions
 <Wanda-FL> Drew, I dont believe platform positions go into the bylaws?
 <DreadPirateDrew> right Wanda, I meant amendment to platform
 <Wanda-FL> alrighty
 <DreadPirateDrew> and Yes I think a discussion like that can certainly be beneficial Ben.
 <mavsben> Cool, thanks. Maybe its the following jitsi since we've got the AI discussion already lined up and thats beefy lol
 <DreadPirateDrew> is there any other business? new or old
 <mavsben> Happy Bastille Day to our French brethren
 <Wanda-FL> I don't believe we have anything else
 <Wanda-FL> motion to adjourn?
 <mavsben> 2nd
 <DreadPirateDrew> all in favor?
 <mavsben> aye
 <Wanda-FL> aye
 <pmchi> Oui 🇫🇷
 <Eli> Aye
 <DreadPirateDrew> ok thanks everyone, next week is Jitsi. also note that the Vermin campaign has moved their meetings to Sundays at 8pm eastern right before our meetings so we can participate.
 Wanda-FL has quit
 <mavsben> oh thats nice of them, thanks for the heads up
21:38:00 <mavsben> have a good night yall