PNC 01/28/19
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::PNC Meeting Agenda::
- --- 01/28/2019 21:00h EDT ---
- IRC:
- Room: #uspp
- Wiki:
Record of the meeting
Officer Election
The following officers were elected for a six month term unanimously:
- Chairperson - Meg Crochan
- Vice Chair - Joseph Klein
- Secretary - Joseph Onoroski
Website Discussion
- update website.
- Update the wiki - specifically which state chapter status
- Bonus round! CIVICRM
1.1 - Members of the PNC
- Wisconsin
- Bosun: Joe Klein WIPP - Wisconsin
- Massachusetts
- Pirate_Joe: Joseph Onoroski, Massachusetts
- Malt: samuel capradae, massachusetts
1.2 - At Large Members of the PNC
1.3 - Officers of the PNC
Chair – Vice Chair – Megan Cochran Secretary –
1.4 - Other Attendess
- Leonard: Leonard Sitongia from Colorado
- jokeefe: James O’Keefe, Massachusetts (observing hopefully)
- Meeting called to order at: __:___pm EDT
- Meeting chaired by _________
- Secretary for this meeting is _________
- Quorum is established: ___ out of 8 Members present
- Logging Enabled: Yes
3 - Review of previous minutes
4 - Agenda Items
Those running for board seats:
Megan Cochran, WI Joe Klein, WI Joseph Onoroski, MA
Web presence team set up
- AOB -
- Next meeting: November 11 2019 at 9:00 PM EST
- Meeting closed: ____________
Logs of the Meeting
[9:06pm] jokeefe: It is in the piratepad: [9:06pm] Meg: ok i have my computer back! [9:06pm] jokeefe: kewl [9:07pm] Bosun: Oh joyful day [9:07pm] Bosun: Joe Klein WIPP here - now [9:07pm] Pirate_Joe was promoted to operator by you. [9:07pm] Pirate_Joe was demoted from operator by ChanServ. [9:09pm] jokeefe: Are we ready to start, acting chair Meg? [9:10pm] Meg: I guess as we are ever going to be [9:10pm] Meg: Roll call [9:11pm] Leonard: Leonard from Colorado [9:11pm] Meg: Meg Cochran acting chair [9:11pm] Bosun: Joe Klein WIPP - Wisconsin [9:11pm] Pirate_Joe: Joseph Onoroski, Massachusetts [9:11pm] Leonard: (Leonard Sitongia) [9:12pm] jokeefe: James O’Keefe, Massachusetts (observing hopefully) [9:12pm] Meg: do we have anyone from California? [9:12pm] Leonard: (No chapter in Colorado, I think I'm observing) [9:13pm] Meg: is that everyone? [9:13pm] jokeefe: Malt? [9:14pm] Pirate_Joe: Malt is here as well but sometimes his computer hates him too. [9:14pm] jokeefe: true [9:14pm] Meg: I understand that [9:15pm] Malt: sorry, samuel capradae, massachusetts [9:15pm] Bosun: MA is the best [9:16pm] jokeefe: we try [9:16pm] Meg: ok so we have Wisconsin, Massachusetts, that are active and Colorado observing [9:16pm] Meg: Let's cut to the chase [9:17pm] Meg: We are here because we need to hold an emergency election [9:17pm] Meg: Who wants to run for what? [9:17pm] Pirate_Joe: I am applying for First Mate [9:17pm] Meg: I want to run for Captain, [9:18pm] Bosun: I can do quartermaster [9:18pm] Leonard: First Mate = First Officer? [9:18pm] Pirate_Joe: Aye [9:18pm] Bosun: #1 [9:18pm] Pirate_Joe: Sorry, First mate = non-military second in command. [9:19pm] Meg: haha I see what you mean [9:19pm] jokeefe: USPP uses Chari and Vice-Chair [9:19pm] Malt: i suppose i could step up? [9:19pm] jokeefe: Chair and Vice-Chair [9:19pm] Pirate_Joe: I would be going for Vice-chair then [9:19pm] Meg: First mate would be vice chair [9:19pm] Meg: yes [9:19pm] Bosun: I volunteer for Secretary [9:19pm] Pirate_Joe: [9:19pm] Meg: I want to run for chair. [9:20pm] Pirate_Joe: Malt, was there a position that you were interested in? [9:20pm] jokeefe: To serve for term of 6 months, correct? [9:20pm] Meg: correct [9:20pm] Malt: i just wrapped up a late lesson, i'm not certain what's needed [9:20pm] Meg: We need to get some consistency and this would be the easiest way [9:21pm] Meg: So Meg is running for chair [9:21pm] Pirate_Joe: As I understand it, I would still be holding my position in MAPP [9:21pm] Meg: Pirate joe is running for vice chair [9:22pm] Meg: and bosun is running for secretary [9:22pm] Meg: Malt are you intending to run? [9:24pm] Malt: if there's an empty spot, sure, but i'm not looking to sandbag anyone else [9:25pm] Meg: Do we agree with those running [9:25pm] Pirate_Joe: Malt, you will not be sandbagging anyone, well not me anyways. [9:26pm] Pirate_Joe: If this council feels you would be better for the position, then I would be happy to see you there. <3 [9:27pm] Meg: that is to the vote to decide. [9:27pm] Malt: i'm more hesitant to commit to something else, i've agreed to volunteer tutor with an aid agency and i've picked up a new student [9:27pm] Pirate_Joe: Your wife may kill you though, that I can't help. [9:27pm] Malt: that's definitely something else of concern [9:27pm] Pirate_Joe: [9:28pm] Bosun: Meg kinda knows the routine. [9:28pm] Malt: i want to see the party succeed, I can do what's needed but motivation and focus are always at a premium tbh, i think someone with better executive function would be a more reliable choice [9:28pm] Bosun: Then participate and run-in 6 months. [9:29pm] Bosun: We need to build. [9:29pm] jokeefe: So we have three candidates for three positions? [9:29pm] Meg: yes [9:30pm] Meg: are there any objections? [9:30pm] jokeefe: I have none, but I cannot vote [9:31pm] Bosun: I second - the slate as stated [9:32pm] Bosun: And call for unanimous consent. [9:32pm] Meg: All in favor? [9:32pm] Bosun: aye [9:32pm] Meg: aye [9:32pm] Pirate_Joe: aye? [9:32pm] Malt: aye [9:32pm] Meg: Done [9:32pm] Meg: now for second business [9:33pm] Meg: I want to put together a team to fix our web presence [9:33pm] Meg: or something to that nature [9:34pm] jokeefe: I am happy to hand over the keys to the (web) castle [9:34pm] Malt: yeah, it seems like something we could be a little louder on [9:34pm] Pirate_Joe: A social media campaign or something more broad? [9:35pm] Meg: I want to first fix the website to reflect current status [9:35pm] Meg: but yes a social media campaign is needed [9:35pm] jokeefe: I can give access to whomever should have access. [9:36pm] jokeefe: Would be good to put up a weekly post [9:36pm] Meg: I got emails from high school students asking more about who we are and surprisingly most of the information is more insuinated rather than statesd [9:36pm] Malt: I can help with writing copy [9:37pm] Pirate_Joe: I agree with Jamie, a weekly post on current issues would do well to show our stance on things. [9:37pm] Leonard: I can help with the website [9:37pm] Pirate_Joe: In the MAPP, we have been working on the core of who we are and what we stand for. [9:37pm] Bosun: I have forgotten my keys and I need to update the civicrm site. [9:37pm] jokeefe: FAQ that answers the common HS/other questions? [9:37pm] Pirate_Joe: Perhaps we could "pirate" some of those ideas? [9:38pm] Bosun: Know doubt we will borrow from others [9:38pm] Meg: no* [9:39pm] Leonard: Most of the chapter pages are blank. Is it my browser? Chapter rebuilding is also needed? [9:39pm] jokeefe: yes [9:39pm] Pirate_Joe: ^ [9:39pm] Meg: ok so before we get to far, can we agree on a meeting to check in on this web project, say 2 weeks? [9:39pm] jokeefe: BTW: July 29th is 6 months away. Set that date for the new election? [9:40pm] Malt: a push to educate students on their digital rights at school [9:40pm] Meg: Yes july 29th new election [9:40pm] jokeefe: sounds good to me, Meg [9:40pm] Malt: sire [9:40pm] Malt: sure [9:40pm] jokeefe: for meeting in two weeks [9:40pm] jokeefe: <not that I can vote> [9:40pm] Meg: good. now we need to focus on the first thing to fix [9:40pm] Pirate_Joe: So, starting with the Wiki/website would be step one, social media campaign is step two. May I suggest setting up a Youtube/minds account to push that even further? [9:41pm] Meg: ok wiki and website [9:41pm] Meg: keep goals small and precise. otherwise it gets a bit too big and messy [9:42pm] jokeefe: If someone would send me who should have wiki/blog/civicrm access, I will make sure everyone is added [9:42pm] Meg: joekeefe perfect [9:42pm] jokeefe: Meg, have you gotten twitter creds from Liz? [9:43pm] jokeefe: Would be good to see who can post to it and FB group and update [9:43pm] Meg: not yet, I am going to pester her again tonight. shes been sick,and aparently things hit the fan [9:43pm] Meg: i will get them from her though [9:43pm] Malt: it'd be nice if we could present a slightly less grognard take on tech news than slashdot, the comments have become a pit toilet as of late [9:43pm] jokeefe: she needs her rest, certainly [9:44pm] Meg: hahahahahaaaaa malt! [9:44pm] Meg: thats funny sorry [9:44pm] Bosun: Slashbot Fake Newz [9:44pm] Malt: hope Liz recovers though [9:45pm] Meg: joekeefe, before you toss over the keys for the web page, can you update the elected positions, and those states that are currently active [9:45pm] jokeefe: sure [9:45pm] Meg: thank you [9:45pm] Malt: we could use our video presence to encourage our membership to post informational or how-to videos [9:45pm] Meg: I will get the twitter creds [9:45pm] Malt: infosec, coding, maybe even a little white hat hacking [9:45pm] Meg: Malt. hold the youtube until 2 weeks [9:46pm] Malt: sorry [9:46pm] Meg: write down the ideas and keep them [9:46pm] Meg: they are great [9:46pm] Malt: ayeaye [9:46pm] Bosun: Compile a list of all known state Pirate sites. [9:46pm] Meg: but we need to focus on wiki fix and website fix [9:46pm] jokeefe: BTW: we have a riot/matrix chat that we might want to promote [9:47pm] Malt: all the kids are on discord and twitch these dayd [9:47pm] Bosun: Start someplace and work our way out. [9:47pm] Pirate_Joe: We have a discord server already [9:47pm] Malt: oh right! [9:47pm] Pirate_Joe: <3 [9:47pm] Pirate_Joe: I got you boo [9:47pm] Meg: twitch is terrifying lol [9:47pm] Bosun: Technical details for the wiki [9:48pm] Pirate_Joe: lol, I know a few hardcore kids on it, they know me too. lol [9:48pm] Meg: haha I enjoy playing to much to get into the competition. [9:48pm] Meg: so wiki needs to be updated the same way the website needs to be [9:48pm] Malt: more proof i shouldn't run for things: missed 8 months of messages on the uspp discourd group [9:49pm] Bosun: Email - with WIKI in the header [9:50pm] Bosun: IE Subject: WIKI - how to set up IRC clients [9:50pm] Pirate_Joe: Malt, we have used it mostly as a backup. [9:50pm] Pirate_Joe: At least the MAPP [9:51pm] Malt: yeah but i apparently agreed to join the group on rewriting the national charter [9:51pm] Meg: I have not seen the discord used in a while [9:51pm] Meg: wow that was a while ago hahaha [9:51pm] Pirate_Joe: Discord is usual very useful when streaming news on youtube [9:51pm] Bosun: IE Subject: WIKI - how to set up discord client [9:51pm] Pirate_Joe: When it's set up properly it's really a 2 click video stream [9:51pm] jokeefe: I’ll send out the link the uspp matrix channel [9:52pm] Meg: ok. [9:52pm] Pirate_Joe: I would be happy to set it up for us and put all the controls in the chair's hands [9:52pm] Pirate_Joe: I make Jamie run MAPP's youtube <3 [9:53pm] Meg: haha awesome [9:53pm] Meg: So in 2 weeks we will have the website updated and wiki updated [9:53pm] Pirate_Joe: But again, the webpage and wiki come first [9:53pm] Meg: yes [9:53pm] Meg: those first [9:55pm] Pirate_Joe: With your grace, I would like to form a subcommittee to work out the content of our policies for the website with you as the head Meg [9:55pm] Pirate_Joe: *I would like to Motion for the formation of [9:55pm] Meg: as we update the wiki, if anyone here has things they want to change in it, send bosun an email with wiki as the head [9:56pm] Meg: Pirate_joe lets do it [9:56pm] Meg: do you have my email? [9:56pm] Pirate_Joe: [9:56pm] Pirate_Joe: Nay [9:56pm] Meg: [9:58pm] Bosun: Don't mock the Captain - she stabs. [9:58pm] K`Tetch_: a lot of the policies do seem to have just spontaniously apepared out of nowhere int he past [9:58pm] Malt: also she can marry people to whatever she wants [9:59pm] Pirate_Joe: I would suggest that we put Jamie, Bosun and Malt in this subcommittee as well since I plan to steal a lot of MAPP rules and regulations if possible. [9:59pm] K`Tetch_: and also, uspp has a discord group? [9:59pm] Meg: ok so the policies [10:00pm] Bosun: When we find it we will put it on the Wiki [10:00pm] jokeefe: So what are the action items? [10:00pm] Bosun: - the discord group. [10:00pm] Pirate_Joe: If not, there will be one by the our next meeting. [10:01pm] Meg: Keep on topic [10:01pm] Meg: action items: 1. update website. [10:02pm] Meg: jokeefe you did the first update, could you please help bosun get in so any other random things that need to be polished can be done [10:02pm] Meg: 2. Update the wiki [10:02pm] jokeefe: here is the USPP matrix room:! [10:02pm] papegaai: Title: [matrix] (at [10:02pm] jokeefe: sure, Meg [10:03pm] Meg: the wiki is out of date ish, but we need to get a list of active states and which ones are seeking membership [10:03pm] Meg: we need to update that list, and any other information. [10:04pm] Meg: 3. Bonus round! CIVICRM [10:04pm] Meg: that needs to be updated as well [10:05pm] jokeefe: Who will write the blog post about this election? [10:05pm] jokeefe: And the next meeting? [10:06pm] jokeefe: Also, are we keeping to a 1 hour meeting time limit? [10:06pm] Meg: Jokeefe do you have access to the blog at the moment? if so could you write the blog or pass the keys to bosun [10:06pm] Meg: yes i want to keep it to an hour [10:06pm] Meg: next meeting is in 2 weeks [10:06pm] Pirate_Joe: Also, the next meeting is Feb 11th [10:06pm] Meg: yes [10:07pm] Meg: just an informal check in to make sure we accomplished this [10:07pm] K`Tetch_: so mondays are now the days, not tuesdays? [10:07pm] Meg: at 9 pm eastern [10:07pm] Meg: Our monthly meetings need to be fixed [10:07pm] jokeefe: every two weeks? [10:07pm] Meg: to my understanding MA has their meetings on our old [10:08pm] Meg: days [10:08pm] Pirate_Joe: Monday's work better for me since our local government meetings are on Tuesdays [10:08pm] Pirate_Joe: We moved our meetings to Wednesdays [10:08pm] Meg: jokeefe the meeting on the 11th is just to check in, its to make sure our stuff gets done. [10:09pm] Meg: Pirate_joe that is what I was told [10:09pm] Pirate_Joe: [10:09pm] Meg: is the 3rd Monday of the month ok with everyone? [10:10pm] Malt: sure [10:10pm] jokeefe: sure [10:10pm] K`Tetch_: never for me, I have a local event 1st and 3rd mondays [10:10pm] Meg: k'tech what would work for you [10:10pm] K`Tetch_: but then again, todays the 4th anniversary fo me stepping down, so its little matter [10:11pm] K`Tetch_: just saying why i won't be aroudn much for it [10:11pm] Meg: fair enough [10:11pm] jokeefe: The 11th is the 2nd Monday [10:11pm] Pirate_Joe: ^ [10:11pm] Pirate_Joe: I would like to see us meet twice a month until we are back on track [10:11pm] Meg: we appreciate your lurking [10:12pm] Pirate_Joe: If I am only in this position for 6 months, that's ok because I am willing to put the work in to make it work. [10:12pm] Meg: ok the exec committee will meet twice a month [10:12pm] Meg: that seems like a better idea [10:12pm] Pirate_Joe: 2nd and 4th? [10:12pm] K`Tetch_: meanwhile, I WILL be aiming to get no Safe harbor 2 out by (I hope) labor day [10:13pm] Meg: it will not work in febuary [10:13pm] Pirate_Joe: We can play it by ear as the saying goes. So long as it's a Monday, I will make it work. (I do not need sleep) [10:14pm] K`Tetch_: i've found that after day 6 your memory starts going [10:14pm] Meg: agreed [10:14pm] Bosun: We can move around exec meetings, we need to get shit done. [10:14pm] Meg: next meeting on the 11th and we will figure out more meeting stuff then [10:14pm] Meg: meeting dates* [10:14pm] jokeefe: perfect [10:15pm] Bosun: Move to adjourn [10:16pm] Meg: all in favor? [10:16pm] K`Tetch_: if anyone has stuff for NSH2 they want tos uggest, you knwow here to get that [10:16pm] Bosun: aye [10:16pm] K`Tetch_: get me [10:16pm] Pirate_Joe: Aye [10:16pm] Meg: Ok see you guys on the 11th [10:16pm] Leonard left the chat room. (Quit: Leaving) [10:16pm] Pirate_Joe: Meg [10:16pm] Malt: aye [10:16pm] jokeefe: will post the notes to the wiki page [10:17pm] Meg: pirate_joe Yes/ [10:17pm] Meg: ? [10:17pm] Meg: thank you jokeefe [10:17pm] Pirate_Joe: Quick question, would you like Jokeefe to give me access to the website so that I can edit the content when we make our changes? [10:17pm] Pirate_Joe: I' [10:17pm] jokeefe: I have been updating the pirate pad [10:18pm] jokeefe: will do Pirate_Joe [10:18pm] Meg: Yes please [10:18pm] Pirate_Joe: That way we can take some of the burden off of him [10:18pm] Meg: thanks jokeefe [10:18pm] Meg: you guys are too good [10:19pm] Pirate_Joe: I look forward to serving and learning [10:19pm] Meg: I can't wait to work with you [10:19pm] Meg: g'night! [10:19pm] Pirate_Joe: good night